UFO following motorcyclists
© Illustration by Matthew Whiting.
A man and his wife were witness to a silent, low level, massive triangular-shaped UFO just 100 yards overhead along a rural road near a small mountain town in North Carolina.

The then 34-year-old man and his 21-year-old wife were buzzing along on his Yamaha Virago 920 when they first noticed a red light closing in on them.

The witness recently contacted me to share this most interesting story from 1986.

Following is the original story from the witness. Only minor editing was completed.

In early ( March) of 1986 we were married about 6 months and living in a cabin in Jackson County, NC in the Adie community. The road leading home is the Old Sylva Hwy; a 2 lane country road, and it was about 11 p.m. that night.

There was no other traffic, which was normal at that hour, and we were slowly cruising home on my motorcycle. Just past the beer distributor (Bud), I looked up at the night sky and noticed that a red light was just coming over head; it was so close overhead that I was startled. I pulled the Yamaha over to the side of the road and we pulled our helmets off.

Coming from south to north was a triangular craft, with a red light at each tip. It was no more than about 100 yards above us, and the red lights were at least 100 yards in between each one, forming a perfect triangle. It was massive...huge. I was experiencing a gut fear; it looked so heavy, so massive, that I was having a primal fear that if it set straight down we would be reduced to a smear on the ground. I recall thinking, "My God, I could hit it with a pistol!!" and then "I could hit it with a strong bow!!" That's how low it was.

I could not see the sky between the lights, but could not make out a definite outline of the craft either...but the red lights never varied in position and were traveling "flat," meaning that one red light was at the "front" of the thing and the other two were at the rear...it was moving north.

Just to make sure that I was not having some mental issue, I began immediately asking my wife to tell me what she was seeing...doing a "reality check" of sorts, to make sure that I was not misinterpreting what was happening. But, she was seeing exactly the same thing and related it perfectly in accordance with what i was seeing.

Triangular ufo image
© Illustration by Matthew Whiting.
The craft came over us

The craft was totally silent. No noise at all. It was moving very slowly, maybe 5-10 mph at most, just "drifting" over us, if something that looked as if it weighed a million tons could "drift." It had a "feeling" about it; not bad, but intelligently controlled. I could "feel" that it was occupied and flown purposefully. The craft came over us and began moving slowly away to the north.

It gained in altitude as we watched, and at a point when it was perhaps 500 feet up or so, it STOPPED, TURNED THE ONE FRONT FACING RED LIGHT UP TO THE TOP OF THE ARRAY, WITH THE OTHER TWO AT THE BOTTOM, AND CARTWHEELED OFF INTO THE EASTERN SKY!!!

That really blew us away. We were stunned and began talking about how the occupants had "buzzed" us intentionally. It seemed to us that the craft had spotted a lone motorcycle on the road and decided to play with us a bit. There is no way that this was not done with purpose.

Had the lights been off, we would no doubt have not seen anything. Had the craft not come so low that it caused a fear reaction, we might not have been attracted to it in such detail; it was as if it WANTED to be seen, and the cartwheeling at the end was a sort of "goodbye" from the operators, whom I imagined were having a good laugh at how we must be changing our drawers after such an event!!

I would be happy to relate this to someone that could plot the event on paper, and it was for sure one of the the most incredible things ever to happen to us. I had about an entire 90 seconds to experience this after we stopped until it was totally out of sight, so I got a good look at the thing. I have no idea as to who was operating it, but my gut tells me it was anti-grav for sure, probably back engineered and likely flown by humans.

I did not get the feeling thru this that we were being surveilled by aliens; rather, it seemed to be a goof, someone blowing a couple of motorcyclists minds for a laugh. At least, that's the impression I got. The cartwheeling was no doubt intended to be seen and it was so unusual that it could only be attributed to a purposeful event.