When more 200 boys at a rural school in Thailand declared themselves "transgender" there was only one thing to do.

Build new transvestite only toilets.

The new facilities at The Kampang School in northeastern Thailand are helpfully designated with a sign showing part man in blue and part woman in red.

Below it are the words "Transvestite Toilet."

Three transgender students praised the new restroom as they plucked their eyebrows and applied face powder in front of the mirror.

"I'm so happy about this," Vichai Sangsakul told Thailand's PBS new channel on Tuesday.

"It looks bad going to female restrooms. What would other people think?"

Head teacher Sitisak Sumontha said: "These students want to be able to go to the restroom in peace without fear of being watched, laughed at or groped."

He claimed most pupils had no problem with transgender students but conceded they felt uneasy sharing toilets with them.

"The transvestite kids may behave even more effeminately than the girls do, but their anatomy is still like that of a boy."

Thailand has a large transgender community centred on Bangkok.

Transgenders are regularly seen on TV soap operas as well as working at department store cosmetics counters, popular restaurants, in office jobs and in the capital's red-light districts.

Thailand also has transgender beauty pageants.