Without self knowledge, without understanding the working and functions of his machine, man cannot be free, he cannot govern himself and he will always remain a slave.
No plastic in his brain?
Drew Donaldson has angered Zeus!
There's that darn Bull figure again. Keeps popping up all over the place. I wonder if the text on the coin is decipherable?
The Bruce Willis movie 'Armageddon' was on the tube this afternoon. Who would have thought, when that movie came out, that China would eventually...
2.2% chance of hitting the earth. 97.8% chance it won't. I'm not building my dugout just yet. Wonder what the chance is of a major world war?...
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Interesting little place that one - tucked away between Iran and Armenia.
Wikipedia states:
"Since it has been under the rule of many different kingdoms, empires, sultanates, and khanates, the name of Nakhchivan was altered many times."
"According to the nineteenth-century language scholar, Heinrich Hubschmann, the name "Nakhichavan" in Armenian literally means "the place of descent", a Biblical reference to the descent of Noah's Ark on the adjacent Mount Ararat."
"According to Armenian tradition, Nakhchivan was founded by Noah, of the Abrahamic religions. The oldest material culture artifacts found in the region date back to the Neolithic Age."
And that's just a beginning...