Recently, USA Today has been running an interesting series of articles on our ridiculous health care system or, as reality would put it, our "disease care" system. While more and more Americans are concerned with the increasing costs of the U.S. health care system, hawked as the best medical care in the world, the problem is that those that cannot afford it are steadily increasing.

A poll found that eighty percent of those that responded were not thrilled with the $2.2 TRILLION, or $7,129 a person, being spent on health care in the U.S. and that medical company profits or malpractice lawsuits were the biggest causes of the spending. Actually, of the $2.2 trillion, 660 billion is spent on hospital care; 462 billion is spent on doctors, and 220 billion on drugs. (See end for complete breakdown)

For the most part, this medical inflation is perpetuated by Big Pharma's drug hype as the solution to everything. This inflation is also brought about by waste, inefficiency, and the growing number of chronic diseases caused by our epidemic of obesity.

The crossroad we are at is believing the propaganda that we have the best health care system in the world. We realize though that this is a myth built on deception and lies. The reality is that we have the best disease-care system in the world. It is a system designed to take as much money as possible from consumers and taxpayers under the illusion of getting quick and easy pill solutions for their illnesses without having to give up anything to achieve this.

The real way to drop medical costs is to take responsibility for your own health and emphasize care, not treatment. Drugs, doctors, surgery and hospitals rarely solve chronic health problems. That which will have a more profound effect on your health is switching to an organic plant-based, whole (not refined) foods diet and eliminating all dairy products and flesh foods. You know - all those creatures that had a face and a mother.

Dairy products should be eliminated due to the fact that they are laden with pus, antibiotics and bovine growth hormones. Flesh foods should be eliminated due to the fact that they contain growth enhancers, chemicals to keep their flesh red and rosy (otherwise it would be a putrid gray) and stink reducers (after all, the nature of a dead body is to rot and smell).

Let's not forget processed foods which contain MSG, preservatives and hydrogenated oils, aka cancer causing trans fats. Then there is soda and diet drinks containing aspartame, which converts to formaldehyde at 86 degrees F (the body's temperature is 98.6 F). Talk about Night of the Living Dead. It would be an added plus to not consume sugary juices and to get plenty of exercise and sunlight.

According to Randall Fitzgerald, author of The Hundred Year Lie, we have no idea of the effect on our health when all the chemicals we consume through food and industrial pollutants mix together in our bodies. If you think you do not ingest chemicals, read the labels on the food that you buy from your trusted supermarket. One important thing to remember is that if you have trouble pronouncing the ingredient, do not eat it.

Here is your choice: if you want to be as healthy as possible and not have to worry about degenerative diseases or being hooked on drugs for life, you must make these life saving changes. If you don't care or think that this is nonsense, then carry on. But, someday, when you have some debilitating illness, look in the mirror and realize that the person you see there is the cause of your problems - not your spouse, not your doctor, not the fact that no one told you. YOU are the cause, and you and you alone must take responsibility for your misery.

Don't be afraid. Change is good.


Complete Breakdown:

Hospital care: 660 Billion 30%
Doctors: 462 Billion 21%
Rx Drugs: 220 Billion 10%
Dental: 220 Billion 10%
Administration: 154 Billion 7%
Investment: 154 Billion 7%
Nursing Home: 132 Billion 6%
Gov't public health activities: 66 Billion 3%
Other medical products: 66 Billion 3%
Home health care: 44 Billion 2%

Total 2.112 Trillion 99%

Rounding throws the numbers off