High StrangenessS


Argentina: Strange Object Over Buenos Aires

buenos Aires ufo
© Bibiana Bryson
Guillermo Gimรฉnez sends us a photo taken by Bibiana Bryson on January 9, 2009.


A UFO in the Toulouse Sky?

© La Depeche du MidiAn image of the fireball seen over the Toulouse area skies Saturday 17th Jan 2009
The object was seen in Villemur, Montauban and the Tarn department.

The remnant of a spacecraft? A meteorite fragment? Little green men? Questions remain after a mysterious apparition literally pierced the sky in the area North of Toulouse, last Saturday in the late afternoon. Several persons witnessed what most of them would later describe as a "big red light falling from the sky".


Blue car-shaped UFO hoons over Australia

In yet another incident of UFO sightings, a mysterious blue car-shaped UFO has been spotted flying across the sky over northern Australia. Amateur photographer Mark Schmutter, who claims to have taken the snaps of the mystifying object, says that it looked like a car.

"It does look like a car but what would a car be doing up in the sky?" the Daily Telegraph quoted him as saying.

Schmutter said he was standing on the ninth-floor balcony of a friend''s CBD apartment in Darwin, when he saw the object move across the sky about the speed of a plane. Then it flew straight upwards before it disappeared into the sky.


Millions see UFO in Saudi Arabia

Astonishing events are occuring around the world and not as much as a word about them is being written or said in the West. In Saudi Arabia last week what might well have be a UFO, possibly crashing into earth, was witnessed by literally millions of people in the vicinity. Multiple photos of the object have come to light.

Arabic language forums are abuzz with Saudi citizens claiming to have witnessed what is even being described by some in the normally conservative Saudi Arabian press as a possible UFO either crashing to earth or simply executing manoeuvres designed to scare humans. Others are claiming the object was an Asteroid or a Satellite. Witnesses are reported to be waiting for an explanation from local meteorological bureau's but have received no answers yet.


US: Bright Orange Orb Hovering In The Sky

Date: January 12, 2009
Time: 9:00 p.m.
Location of Sighting: East Bernstadt, Kentucky.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Orb.

Full Description of event/sighting: I live in a small town in south central Kentucky that is located about 5 miles north of London. I do not drink or use any kind of drugs and I am not on any medication. I am 26 years of age and have perfect eye sight and have no mental problems. I was doing some work online when my father asked me to look at something in the night sky. I thought it may be a plane or helicopter, but I looked anyway. What I saw in no way resembled anything I had seen before.


Canada: A Black Triangular Craft

Date: January 16, 2009
Time: 10:40 p.m.
Location of Sighting: St. Catharines, Ontario.
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Triangle.

Full Description of event/sighting: Black craft moved very slow from southeast to northwest with 1 bright white light in the front and 3 white lights at the back shape as "W" upside down and 1 red light in the center.


US: Object Changes Shape Numerous Times

Date: January 18, 2009
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Murrieta, California.
Number of witnesses: 6
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Triangle, round.

Full Description of event/sighting: My husband and sister-in-law have seen it previously. When my sister-in-law left my house around 7:00pm she called us on her cell phone and said it was in the sky again. We went outside with the neighbors and there it was. What is it ?


Argentina: Strange Creature Lurks in Moreno's National Park

Atrea map
© Unknown
*** Lights and prints reveal intense extraterrestrial activity***

A strange succession of phenomena attributed to the extraterrestrial presence, manifesting itself through lights, prints, vehicle sightings and the unique presence of a strange animal that preys in the region, frightening locals and fishermen alike, has its epicenter in a biosphere and dam located in Moreno, barely 40 kilometers from downtown Capital Federal.


UFOs Reported in Southern Argentina

Argentina map
© Unknown
*** Witness was traveling between Tecka and Esquel ***
*** Says he was not frightened by the situation and that "the vehicles vanished" after a few minutes ***

Last Monday, a family from Caleta Olivia was heading for the cordilleran region of Chubut and managed to photograph a UFO, according to the protagonists of this unusual event.

Horacio Bordรณn, a municipal employee of Caleta Olivia, stated that he was in his car with his family headed for the city of Esquel. On the road between that city and Tecka, he saw the objects.


Nicaragua: Strange Object Over Managua

Nicaragua ufo
© Xavier Castro, El Nuevo Diario
The first thing he thought was that it must be a helicopter or something broken off. However, the phenomenon remained in the same place and appeared to be growing closer.

A sign from God? Representative Talavera believes that when phenomena of this sort manifest, they are "signs from God" and that good things are to come. Talavera also phoned the editor of El Nuevo Dirio, Juan Ramon Huerta, who was also a witness to the event.