High StrangenessS


Ukraine: Amazing UFO landing filmed by ufologists, video

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A truly amazing UFO story has emerged from the Ukraine involving a veteran UFO hunter and some very confused townsfolk.

The residents of the Ukrainian town of Senelnikovo in the Dnepropetrovsk region had been seeing strange objects in the sky for weeks and were at a loss as to explain what they were. Many were suspecting that they were UFOs controlled by aliens. Talk of a UFO landing base near the Black Sea had been going on for decades.

A town resident called on a team of Ufologists headed by Mr Vladislav Kanuka, a veteran Ufologist with decades of experience, for help.


US: Orange Colored Light Over Thousand Oaks, California

Posted: March 29, 2009

Date: March 23, 2009
Time: Approx: 10:04 p.m.

I just saw about an hour ago a weird orange light in the sky, over Thousand Oaks, Ca. As I was watching it, I saw it pick up speed until it eventually disappeared over the horizon toward Point Mugu. When I got home, I typed in "UFO sightings Point Mugu" and found your site w/the following entry:
Point Mugu In Southern California Orange Light Shooting Straight Up
Date: March 12, 2008
Time: 3:00 a.m.


Canada: Montreal, Quebec - Three pearl White UFOs and Jet Fighters

Posted: March 29, 2009

Date: March 22, 2009
Time: 12:53 a.m.

Hello, I would like to report a possible UFO sighting which is a bit out of the ordinary in a way. So I was driving in Montreal, parallel to Sherbrooke Street, in an open area, the weather was coldish, yet no clouds and sunny. At exactly 12:53 my friend who was sitting next to me pointed to the sky, at 12 o'clock, there was three orb-like, (like ping-pong balls from distance) pearl white objects in the air at approx 1000ft above the ground and about 2km away from our vehicle.


US: UFO sightings in Pennsylvania region, and late breaking news out of California and Indiana

The Pennsylvania region, including neighboring states, continue to be a hot bed of UFO activity. Among recently filed reports:

Barnesville, Pennsylvania - 3/25/2009 - A Barnesville family reported witnessing an object in a stationary position, with four very bright lights. The lights began to spin in a circular motion. One light went out, and a third light started to flicker then went out as well. A next door neighbor also witnessed the event.

Norristown, Pennsylvania - 3/25/2009 - Witness saw what he described as two bright lights in the distance which appeared to be stationary, similar to two towers with bright lights on top. The lights were moving, but at a very slow speed. After about ten minutes the lights were directly over the witness, flying at a very low altitude and speed. The lights were blinking white and would change to blinking red and blue, and then a non-blinking white light appeared. At first there were two of these objects, then two more followed. At this point, the witness began to look around him when he looked to the east and noticed three more similar objects. All of the objects exhibited the same characteristics. Finally, there was a total of 10-12 of the objects and they generally flew in pairs, at close proximity to one another, and there was absolutely no sound detected as they flew directly overhead. The entire event lasted for one hour before all of the objects flew away.


England: Strange lights above famous UFO spot

More strange lights have been spotted over Suffolk - this time not far from the county's most famous UFO incident.

The fast-moving silent light was seen to move in a pattern over Rendlesham Forest before suddenly disappearing.

UFO-logists claim the forest is still regularly visited by alien craft and is a portal to the stars, a sort of gateway by which spaceships can easily arrive and depart, and there have been many sightings in the area.

Supermarket delivery driver Justin Watson, of Ipswich, saw the latest unexplained light last week as he was travelling through the forest after making a delivery in Butley.

"As I was driving I looked into the sky to see a very bright light, what I thought was a star or very bright star/planet similar to Venus - however, I quickly noticed it was moving, at a medium speed across the sky," he said.


US: Three F18s scramble to intercept California UFO

San Diego and area map
© Mapquest imagePoway, CA, is northeast of San Diego.
Two UFO low fly reports in two days caught witnesses off guard and without cameras in California and Texas - while three F18s apparently attempted to intercept in one case.

A Poway, California, witness was standing outside in the mid-day sunshine under a perfect blue sky March 27 when an oval-shaped bright light moved across the southern horizon over a 10-second period. Three minutes later two F18s traveling from the northeast moved into position where the witness lost sight of the object. The jets circled the area and then continued flying in a southwest direction. Thirty seconds later, a second F18 came from the same direction and "loitered" in the area for three minutes before moving southwest.

Miramar Marine Corps Air Station is just southwest of Poway.

In Texas on March 26, a witness reported watching a triangular-shaped object with 6 to 8 dim lights on the bottom moving silently across the sky at about 5,000 feet.


US: Texas UFO reports this week include close encounter

Kaufman County, Texas - 3/20/2009 - Two friends were driving east on interstate 80 when they noticed a very large vapor trail descending to earth. The object was a tear-drop shape, with a black center extending up half-way through the vapor trail. The object appeared to be above a thundercloud at an altitude of approximately 20,000-30,000 feet. The object then descended behind the thundercloud. The witness indicated the object was larger than conventional aircraft and appeared to be in a free-fall.

Austin, Texas - 3/23/2009 - Two witnesses traveling down a city street noticed a circle of purple lights hovering, bobbing, and doing a sort of spin to their left, while flying away from them. The object was described as being circular, possibly disc-shaped, with a ring of purple lights around it. As it bobbled, the underside became visible and there were four very bright blue lights underneath.


Eerie figure haunts Scottish castle

Scotland Ghost
© Chris AitchisonThe mysterious image captured by Chris Aitchison at Tantallon Castle in eastern Scotland.
The figure peers down silently from an upper floor of the ruins of a Scottish castle, wearing what looks like an outfit from the Middle Ages. Could this be a long-dead Scottish earl, or just a random, modern-day visitor?

The eerie image is captured in a photograph taken by tourist Christopher Aitchison in May 2008 at Tantallon Castle, which sits on a rocky outcrop along the Scottish coast, east of Edinburgh. The "person" appears to be wearing an old-style greenish ruff around the neck.

Aitchison insists he did not tamper with the image and cannot explain it.

"I was not aware of anyone, or anything, being present in my picture, only noticing the anomaly when I got home," Aitchison said. "Staff have verified that there were no sinister dummies in period costume or historical reenactments going on that day at the castle. I did not notice any nice old ladies wearing ruffs walking around the stairs!"


US: Pasco County, Florida residents report what felt like an earthquake

Hudson - The house was shaking.

Tina Newman knew what it was. An earthquake. She's been through them before, while touring Universal Studios in California decades ago and then again recently in Costa Rica.

This time, she was in her house on Donzi Drive in Sea Pines. The walls, the ground, the couch she sat on. They shook. Her dog, a Pomeranian mix named Wyly, jumped straight up. It was about 8:30 Thursday morning. The quaking lasted for about 15 seconds or so, Newman reckons.

She called her fiance, who was driving to work.

"Frank, did you feel that?" she said.

He said no and, to Newman's ire, it seemed like he didn't believe her.

So she began a quest.

Black Cat

England: The beast of St John's?

© UnknownBeast: A panther-like creature was spotted by two men out walking their dogs.
Two Worcester men had the fright of their lives when they spotted a panther-like creature while walking their dogs.

The sighting has once again raised the spectre of mystery black cats roaming the Worcestershire countryside.

Wilson Hunt and Isaac Biddle were in a field by Grove Farm, St John's, on Saturday morning when something large and black in the undergrowth caught their eye.

The men went to investigate but the cat got up, jumped into the undergrowth and disappeared.

"It was definitely a cat but not a domestic one, it was huge," said stonemason Mr Hunt.