High StrangenessS

Cow Skull

US: What was that body found in the Big Black River

Police scene
© Suzanne Feliciano/The Vichsburg Post
Okay, I've been waiting for a week for some followup or conclusion to this, but it doesn't seem to be forthcoming. Therefore, I'll post on the story of this mysterious carcass and see if this is the week we can hear more. Or see more.

Last Monday, February 16, 2009, an unidentified body was found in the Big Black River near U.S. 80, outside of Vicksburg, Mississippi.

It was believed to be human (in conjunction with the search for a missing man). But then, as the autopsy on the body began on February 17th, it was determined it was not human. The Vicksburg Post reported it was an "unidentified animal."


US: The Tucson Mountains UFO flap continues, new sightings

Around two weeks ago All News Web reported on a number of witnesses who saw a rather impressive UFO in the Tucson Mountains area of Arizona. It appears as if whatever it was in sky then has stayed on in the area or returned for another visit, even bringing some friends along this time, prompting many locals to ask what is going on in the skies above them.

Theories abound and the most popular one suggests that the craft are the work secret military projects. Another suggestion based on the conclusions of the investigations by South American Ufologist, Andrea Perez Simondini, regarding the recent Rosario sighting in Argentina where a 'UFO' was seen shooting a beam to earth, is that the craft are kites fitted with lighting, flown at night by hobbyists. Of course if neither of these explanations fit we need to consider the possibility that these craft belong to visitors from other planets.


Canada: UFOs or? Caught on Film in Chathamkent in SW Ontario

Posted: February 22, 2009

Date: February 14, 2009
Time: Daytime.

UFO over Chathamkent
© Unknown
This is a photo that was taken on a landscape photo session that my sister does quite often. She does not know what to make of it but it does present some intriguing?

This was taken from Chathamkent in southwestern Ontario. I've never seen something like this before except on TV and the internet, it may be nothing but then again we can't figure it out. It was taken on February 15 2009.


US: Unusual light shines in Arizona's night sky

Something strange was seen in the sky over the Phoenix, Arizona valley on Saturday night.

A Scottsdale resident reported seeing a light hovering over the city that could not be identified. One local astronomer said the most likely culprit is the Comet Lulin which can be seen from earth right now.

However, that comet is supposed to seen in the eastern sky. Saturday's object was seen in the west.


Russian priest to investigate bigfoot sighting in Siberia

A group of people led by the Russian Orthodox Bishop of Kemerovo and a regional official set out on Thursday in search of a bigfoot sighted in the Tashtagol area by hunters, a regional spokesman said.

Earlier this week, the Kemerovo regional administration released a report that local hunters had spotted "some hairy humanoid creatures with a height of 1.5-2 meters [5'6"-6']" near the Azass Cave on Mount Shoriya. The report was illustrated with a photograph from inside the cave showing the track of an unidentified creature.

"From the nearest village of Ust-Kabyrz, the bishop, regional head and a group of others will reach the Azass Cave by the only transportation possible: snowmobiles," the spokesman told RIA Novosti.

Arrow Down

Jersey's falling metal: A tooth from a trailer-sized grinder

For a few hours yesterday an 8-pound chunk of metal that crashed through the roof of a Jersey City warehouse was an unidentified flying object.

Theories abounded - perhaps it was piece of a plane, or maybe debris from the recent collision in space between a U.S. satellite and a defunct Russian satellite.


UK: Mysterious red light in Larne night sky

Did you see anything strange in the sky over Larne on Sunday night?

One local woman was so amazed by what she saw from her house from above the Craigyhill area that she is sure others may well have witnessed the same mysterious phenomenon.

"I was going to put the car in the garage at about 7pm when I saw a wee red light with a trail behind it in the sky. I thought at the start it was an aeroplane or perhaps a search light, but it looked very strange," she said.

"I called on my husband to come out and we saw it zigzag across the sky. It was up there for about five minutes and then it sped up and disappeared over Inver. It looked like it turned into a red fireball.


US: Is the old Chesapeake school really haunted?

Haunted school
© Jessica St. JamesThe Chesapeake Community Center on State Route 7 was once the East School in the upper end of Chesapeake. But today it is a gym and home of a food pantry, which means the place is the hangout for adults. So who is mysterious apparition of a little girl who supposedly roams the halls?
Chesapeake, Ohio - There was a time when the sight of a young child would not be unique in the halls of the what is now the Chesapeake Community Center. That's because the old buff brick building on State Route 7 was once the East School in the upper end of Chesapeake.

But today it is a gym and home of a food pantry, which means the place is the hangout for adults. So who is that little girl who allegedly roams the halls?

Her story remains a mystery but her "existence" is a reality, at least to those who claim to have seen her.

Bizarro Earth

Monsters Down Under

Tasmanian wolf
© UnknownThylacine, or Thylacinus cynocephalus, reportedly extinct in the 20th Century but still seen today.
For most people, even just the briefest mention of monsters and mysterious creatures inevitably conjures up stark and surreal imagery of such famous beasts as Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster, Ogopogo, the Abominable Snowman, sea-serpent, and the infamous, vampire-like Chupacabras of the island of Puerto Rico.

Less well known, however, is the rich and wide variety of strange and bizarre beasts that have been regularly reported from the land down-under. So, I figured that for this week's Lair of the Beasts column, I would enlighten you a bit on some of these particular animal-oddities.


US: UFO witness videotapes craft near remote Florida hunting camp

Florida ufo
Still photos by David Smith.
St. Marks - Feb. 19, 2009 - Three men at a remote hunting camp near the Gulf of Mexico spotted a strange light in the sky. One chased the object on a 4-wheeler and captured the anomaly using both video and a digital still camera.

David Smith rode three miles through the woods tracking the object until he located an open area which gave him a better view. His digital still photos were not looking good, so he switched to video. The video shows the object "morphing" - changing shape. David also noticed that the object emitted a sound each time it changed shape - which was picked up on the video.