Puppet MastersS


Financial Times editor Khalaf fakes OPCW reports on Skripal-Sturgess, hides original documents

The editor of the Financial Times of London, and four of the Japanese-owned newspaper's employees have been caught out fabricating a new story about a Russian-made and Russian-named nerve agent allegedly used to attack Sergei and Yulia Skripal, Dawn Sturgess and Charles Rowley in England two years ago.

In a report published on July 9, the newspaper claims it has "reviewed" four classified reports from the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) which were obtained from an Austrian fraudster named Jan Marsalek. His source for the documents, the newspaper suggests, was a Russian intelligence agency. Austrian press investigations say Marsalek's source was the Austrian government.

The names of the fakers are Roula Khalaf, the Financial Times editor; Paul Murphy, investigations editor; Dan McCrum, a reporter; Helen Warrell, NATO correspondent; and Max Seddon of the Moscow bureau.

They claim that Marsalek "touted secret documents about the use of a Russian chemical weapon in the UK, as he bragged of ties to intelligence services to ingratiate himself with London traders. ...Documents shown to traders in 2018 and reviewed by the FT included the precise chemical compound for novichok, used in the poisoning of an ex-spy and his daughter in the UK in March of that year." They cited a British Army chemical warfare commander as source for claiming the documents had not "come from OPCW member states in western Europe or the US". They implied Marsalek got them from "Russia's GRU military intelligence unit". In a related publication the next day, the reporters identified "Mr Marsalek's association with individuals or networks linked to Russia's military intelligence directorate, the GRU."

Asked to substantiate the OPCW documents they are holding, correct factual mistakes they made from the papers themselves, and identify their evidence of Marsalek's alleged GRU connection, Khalaf and the reporters refuse to answer.


Twitter lies - recent hack shows they do have search and trend blacklists

twitter blacklist
© MotherboardA leaked screenshot that appears to show an internal Twitter user administration tool that can blacklist user accounts from search and trends
At the start of the year, Twitter officially made shadowbanning, a controversial practice that involves limiting the distribution or visibility of user posts in a way that's difficult to detect, part of its terms of service.

Now new leaked screenshots from Motherboard appear to show an internal Twitter user administration tool that can be used by Twitter staff to blacklist user accounts from search and trends.

The screenshots show details about the target user's account, such as whether the account has been suspended, is permanently suspended, or has protected status. They also show several other tags including a "Trends Blacklist" tag and a "Search Blacklist" tag.

Two of Motherboard's sources who provided the screenshots claim that the internal panel shown in these screenshots is used by Twitter workers to interact with user accounts.

Comment: Twitter is a corporate psychopath, which explains their compulsive lying:

BTW, isn't the word "blacklist" racist?


Germany's Presidency of the European Union will determine if the bloc joins the new multipolar world order

Relations between the U.S. and European powers like Germany and France are reaching a historic low. This is especially true after U.S. President Donald Trump withdrew a large portion of the American military stationed in Germany to other European countries and after German Chancellor Angela Merkel refused to travel to the G7 summit in the U.S. because of the out of control coronavirus situation in the North American country. Another major reason for the breakdown of relations is Washington's announcement that companies participating in the Nord Stream 2 pipeline project will be sanctioned.

Merkel said in an interview for The Guardian that the Germans grew up knowing that the U.S. wanted to be a world power. However, now that the U.S. is abusing its power against some of its strongest allies, Germany, which is currently holding the EU Presidency, could make efforts for the European bloc to be more independent of the U.S.

Comment: See also:


UK press harass Corbyn outside his home, accuse him of 'helping Russians attack our election'

© Reuters / Peter NichollsFILE PHOTO: Jeremy Corbyn leaves his house in London, Britain January 16, 2019
Hours after British Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab claimed that Russians tried to meddle in last year's election, the British media were camped outside former Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn's house, accusing him of complicity.

Raab said on Thursday he was "almost certain" that "Russian actors" disseminated leaked government documents revealing seemingly one-sided trade talks with the US last year. Corbyn - who was preparing at the time for an electoral showdown with incumbent Prime Minister Boris Johnson - held the documents up as proof that the Tory party was preparing to "sell off" Britain's National Health Service to American corporations.

Comment: The Tories deflecting the scrutiny of their general malaise onto Corbyn and the phantom 'Russians': Corbyn reveals dossier 'proving Johnson has put NHS up for sale to the Americans'

Raab's claims about mysterious Russian meddlers were presented without evidence. Furthermore, the foreign secretary did not accuse the Russian state, or even the "Russian actors," of actually acquiring the damning documents. Instead, he simply accused them of participating in their "online amplification."

Comment: See also: UK, US & Canada's baseless claims that 'Kremlin-linked' hackers targeting Covid-19 vaccine research

Bad Guys

Secret Trump order gives CIA more powers to launch cyberattacks

President Trump and the CIA
© Photo illustration: Yahoo News; photos: AP(3), Getty ImagesPresident Trump and the CIA.
The Central Intelligence Agency has conducted a series of covert cyber operations against Iran and other targets since winning a secret victory in 2018 when President Trump signed what amounts to a sweeping authorization for such activities, according to former U.S. officials with direct knowledge of the matter.

The secret authorization, known as a presidential finding, gives the spy agency more freedom in both the kinds of operations it conducts and who it targets, undoing many restrictions that had been in place under prior administrations. The finding allows the CIA to more easily authorize its own covert cyber operations, rather than requiring the agency to get approval from the White House.

Unlike previous presidential findings that have focused on a specific foreign policy objective or outcome — such as preventing Iran from becoming a nuclear power — this directive, driven by the National Security Council and crafted by the CIA, focuses more broadly on a capability: covert action in cyberspace.

Star of David

Is AIPAC losing its grip on Democrats?

Kamala Harris speaks at the AIPAC policy conference
© AIPACCalifornia Senator Kamala Harris speaks at the AIPAC policy conference in Washington, D.C., March 28, 2017.
I came to Washington, more than four decades ago, to run the Palestine Human Rights Campaign. We founded the PHRC after hearing from lawyers and human rights activists in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian lands horrible stories of rights being abused on a daily basis. Because these stories weren't known in the U.S., or they were ignored, we launched the PHRC to shine a light on these violations and mobilize support for the Palestinian victims.

Early on, we were successful in gaining the endorsement of prominent civil rights leaders, major anti-Vietnam war activists, and church leaders from a number of major Christian denominations. ​There were, however, only a few members of Congress who embraced our efforts​, and those who did often put themselves at risk of incurring the wrath of the pro-Israel lobby - the American Israel Public Affairs Committee. AIPAC made no secret of their displeasure with elected officials who were supportive of Palestinian rights and often threatened members of Congress that if they didn't back off, they would be defeated.


Best of the Web: The Maxwell Family Business: Espionage

Ghislaine Maxwell
© Colin Macfarlane/Daily MailGhislaine Maxwell
Many were surprised to learn earlier this month that the key co-conspirator in Jeffrey Epstein's intelligence-linked sexual blackmail operation, Ghislaine Maxwell, had been in hiding in New England since Epstein's arrest and subsequent "suicide" last summer. Her recent arrest, of course, has returned attention to the Epstein scandal and to Ghislaine's ties to the entire operation, in which she played a central and crucial role, arguably more so than Epstein himself.

Ghislaine was first reported to be living in New England at the mansion of her alleged boyfriend Scott Borgeson on August 14th of last year. Though Maxwell is believed to have stayed there until purchasing the nearby New Hampshire home where she was arrested, attention from her presence on the East Coast was immediately and sensationally re-directed to the West Coast when, a day later on August 15th, the New York Post published a picture allegedly depicting Maxwell reading a book on "CIA operatives" at an In-N-Out Burger in Los Angeles, California. The photo was later revealed to have been photoshopped and a fake, but ultimately served its purpose in distracting from her actual location in New England.


US DOJ announces first terrorism charges in nationwide gang crackdown to 'disrupt and destroy MS-13'

© AFP via Getty ImagesFour unidentified members of the Mara Salvatrucha "MS-13" show their tattoos in the unit where they are kept imprisoned in the National Penitentiary in Tamara.
The leader of MS-13 has been charged with terrorism amid a nationwide crackdown on the group, federal prosecutors announced Wednesday.

The indictment, unsealed in Virginia against Melgar Diaz, marked the first time the Justice Department has brought terrorism charges against a member of MS-13.

Attorney General William Barr described Diaz as "the person who would green-light assassinations" for the gang in the United States.

Prosecutors are also seeking the death penalty against Alexi Saenz, another MS-13 leader in Long Island, N.Y. charged in seven killings, including those of two high school students slain with a machete and a baseball bat.

"We believe the monsters who murder children should be put to death," Trump told reporters at the White House, adding that his administration would not rest before bringing every member of the gang to justice.


Following Hagia Sophia's conversion to mosque, Russian MPs want Turkey's disused Orthodox churches under Moscow's control

Christ Pantocrator hagia
© Sputnik / Sergey SubbotinA fragment of the 'Christ Pantocrator' mosaic in Hagia Sophia
A senior politician in Moscow says a group of Russian MPs intend to appeal to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to transfer control of Orthodox Christian locations inside his country to the jurisdiction of Russia.

Sergey Gavrilov, the head of Russia's State Duma (parliament) Committee for the Development of Civil Society, Public Issues and Religious Associations, believes the the country needs to begin negotiations with Turkey to take control of churches which formerly belonged to the Russian Orthodox Church. According to him, the transfer of Christian objects would be a "wise, well-considered political and legal decision."

"I believe that, today, this issue should be resolved," he said. "We need to discuss at least seven churches that once belonged to the Russian Orthodox Church - about their return and restoration."

Gavrilov's statement comes just days after the Russian Orthodox Church expressed its dismay at Turkey's decision to convert the Hagia Sophia, a former Orthodox cathedral, into a mosque. The Hagia Sofia operated as a church for almost 1,000 years, before being turned into a mosque and later a museum. It's re-conversion back into a place of Islamic worship angered many within the Russian Orthodox community. Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, the chairman of the Department of External Church Relations in Russia, called it "a slap in the face [of] the Orthodox Church, with the whole Christian world."

Comment: See also:

Bizarro Earth

Covid-19: Phase 1 of the "Permanent Crisis"

jeweled gas mask
Let's assume that the events of the last five months are neither random nor unexpected. Let's say they're part of an ingenious plan to transform American democracy into a lockdown police state controlled by criminal elites and their puppet governors. And let's say the media's role is to fan the flames of mass hysteria by sensationalizing every gory detail, every ominous prediction and every slightest uptick in the death toll in order to exert greater control over the population. And let's say the media used their power to craft a message of terror they'd repeat over and over again until finally, there was just one frightening storyline ringing-out from every soapbox and bullhorn, one group of governors from the same political party implementing the same destructive policies, and one small group of infectious disease experts - all incestuously related - issuing edicts in the form of "professional advice."

Could such a thing happen in America?