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SOTT Focus: Oliver Stone: What Reagan Said About the Soviet Union is True About Us - United States is 'the Evil Empire'

© RTFilm Director Oliver Stone • RT's Rafael Correa
Oliver Stone's films have won 12 Academy Awards including two for Best Director, as well as a bunch of Golden Globes and BAFTAs. His new focus is documentaries - on Venezuela, Ukraine, and Edward Snowden - all reflecting on the dubious activities of the US government both at home and abroad.

Oliver Stone, the award-winning American director and a relentless critic of US administrations, has called his country an "evil empire".

The term was coined by President Ronald Reagan in 1983 when he was referring to the Soviet Union and its arms race with the United States.
Things have changed a lot since then, at least for Stone. "Empires fall. Let's pray that this empire, these evil things... because we are the evil empire," he said in an interview to RT. "What Reagan said about Russia is true about us."
Stone - best known for his films Platoon and Wall Street - has long criticised US foreign policy, particularly its involvement in armed conflicts in the Middle East.


SOTT Focus: The Establishment Doesn't Fear Trump, And it Doesn't Fear Bernie. It Fears You

People power choice awareness
During the George W Bush administration it was popular in conspiracy circles to speculate that events might be orchestrated which would allow the Bush family to complete a coup against the US Constitution and hold on to power indefinitely.

Such paranoia and suspicion of government power in the wake of the extraordinary post-9/11 advancements in Orwellian surveillance programs and unprecedented military expansionism were perfectly understandable, but predictions that the younger Bush would not cede power at the end of his second term proved incorrect. In today's hysterical Trump-centric political environment we now see mainstream voices in mainstream outlets openly advancing the same conspiratorial speculations about the current administration, and those will prove incorrect as well.

What these paranoid presidential prognostications get wrong is not their extreme suspicion of government, but their assumption that America's real power structures require a certain president to be in place in order to advance depraved totalitarian agendas. As anyone paying attention knows, intense suspicion of the US government is the only sane position that anyone can possibly have; the error is in assuming that there is no mechanism in place to ensure that the same agendas carry forward from one presidential administration to the next.


SOTT Focus: Is it Okay to be White?

is it ok to be white?
I'm white and that's OK with me. I'm not proud to be white because I did nothing to achieve it. I just happen to be white because both my parents were. I had no say in their decision. It was nothing to do with me.

In December 2019 posters appeared in Perth saying "It's okay to be white." According to the BBC, hardly reliable, this caused some people to say, "It's sickening and disgusting to know that people think like this." The Scottish government seemingly agreed, with John Swinney MSP stating, "We must stand together to resist this unacceptable material."

Why is it unacceptable? Would it be unacceptable to say it's OK to be black, brown, yellow or red? Perhaps it would but, if so, why? What's wrong with being OK with the skin you live in? Must we all be uncomfortable with our own ethnicity? What does skin colour matter anyway? The knee jerk reaction itself assumes the posters were inherently racist. Maybe this says more about those reacting than those posting.

I think it's OK to be black, fine to be brown, great to be yellow and neat to be red. In modern developed nations, I consider anyone who imagines themselves superior by virtue of their skin colour to be either brainwashed or an idiot. It is the brainwashed and the idiots who deny people equal opportunities because of their skin colour. They are the cause of remaining systemic racism. Regardless of their own individual skin colour. Thankfully, there are less of them, but they still exist.

Laws have been passed to stop the idiots discriminating. Unfortunately, many of the idiots who still discriminate are immensely wealthy and therefore powerful. They can afford other, very expensive idiots who will win court cases for them. So the law generally doesn't apply to the idiots who can afford not to care about the legalities. We are about to find out who they are.


SOTT Focus: Ignoring the Elephant at Gitmo: Yet Another 9/11 Crime

Guantanamo bay detainee torture
The dubious legal proceedings at the Guantanomo Bay (Gitmo) prison camp continue to promote the idea of justice for victims of 9/11. Unfortunately, these proceedings do not represent an administration of law but an unstated claim that the Global War on Terror is above the law. More importantly, the Gitmo antics have one obvious objective — to perpetuate willful ignorance of the 9/11 crimes.

There is a dangerous elephant in the Gitmo courtroom, however, and if it ever gets reported it could bring down the terror-torture house of cards.

Reporters covering Gitmo continue to call it a trial but it is not a trial, it is a "military tribunal." They continue to call the site "Camp Justice" when justice is as far from the prison camp as it has ever been from any human endeavor. What they don't do is think critically about the information they are parroting from court sources.

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SOTT Focus: Objective:Health #42 - Medications That Change Our Personality

O:H header
Would you like a side of gambling addiction with your Parkinson's medication? How about bouts of road rage and violence with your cholesterol meds? Or a pill that reduces your sense of empathy along with your headache?

A recent article on the BBC called "The Medications That Change Who We Are" exposes the little-mentioned serious personality-shifting side effects of many of the most popular medications in the world. While the negative side-effects of psychotropic meds are relatively well known (although downplayed in the mainstream press), few are aware that pill regimes seemingly unrelated to mood and personality could have such wide-ranging negative effects on how we relate to the world.

Join us on this episode of Objective:Health as we take a closer look at the medications that change who we are.

And check us out on Brighteon!

For other health-related news and more, you can find us on:

And you can check out all of our previous shows (pre YouTube) here.

Running Time: 00:31:26

Download: MP3 — 28.8 MB

2 + 2 = 4

SOTT Focus: Green Resistance Using Haftar's Army as a Vehicle for Sovereign Libya

Green resistance Libya
Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi's former spokesperson Moussa Ibrahim speaks about why Germany was chosen as the location to manage Libya's crisis, how the West introduced chaos to Libya and has managed the chaos ever since, why Turkey is militarily backing the UN-backed government, the conditions of the Green Resistance's alliance with General Haftar and their suspicions about him and more!


SOTT Focus: How a Hidden Parliamentary Session Revealed Trump's True Motives in Iraq

Iraq's Prime Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi
© Claudio Cabrera / MintPress NewsIraq's Prime Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi
Since the U.S. killed Iranian General Qassem Soleimani and Iraqi militia leader Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis earlier this month, the official narrative has held that their deaths were necessary to prevent a vague, yet allegedly imminent, threat of violence towards Americans, though President Trump has since claimed whether or not Soleimani or his Iraqi allies posed an imminent threat "doesn't really matter."

While the situation between Iran, Iraq and the U.S. appears to have de-escalated substantially, at least for now, it is worth revisiting the lead-up to the recent U.S.-Iraq/Iran tensions up to the Trump-mandated killing of Soleimani and Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis in order to understand one of the most overlooked yet relevant drivers behind Trump's current policy with respect to Iraq: preventing China from expanding its foothold in the Middle East. Indeed, it has been alleged that even the timing of Soleimani's assassination was directly related to his diplomatic role in Iraq and his push to help Iraq secure its oil independence, beginning with the implementation of a new massive oil deal with China.

While recent rhetoric in the media has dwelled on the extent of Iran's influence in Iraq, China's recent dealings with Iraq — particularly in its oil sector — are to blame for much of what has transpired in Iraq in recent months, at least according to Iraq's Prime Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi, who is currently serving in a caretaker role.

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SOTT Focus: Objective:Health #41 - GMO Stevia - Ruining the Sweetener We Don't Really Need

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A recent article on decries the sad fact that much of the stevia on the market at this point is genetically modified. Anyone who cares a modicum about their health (and presumably stevia users would fall in this category) is likely outraged that this natural sweetener has been degraded in such a way.

This highlighted the subject of alternative sweeteners for us here at Objective:Health, causing us to look a little deeper. Are alternative sweeteners really all they're cracked up to be? Is stevia, even in its whole plant form, completely innocuous and safe? Are large quantities of isolates normally found in small quantities in nature OK to be bingeing on?

Join us for our newest deep dive into sweeteners. Do we even need stevia?

And check us out on Brighteon!

For other health-related news and more, you can find us on:

And you can check out all of our previous shows (pre YouTube) here.

Running Time: 00:28:59

Download: MP3 — 26 MB

Георгиевская ленточка

SOTT Focus: A History Lesson For Westerners Parrotting The Lie That Stalin 'Colluded With Hitler to Start WW2'

Comment: Around Christmas time, Russian president Putin lost his calm - a rare event - when he described Jozef Lipski, the Polish ambassador to Berlin from 1934-39, as "a bastard and anti-Semitic pig." Putin wasn't rushing to defend the honor of European Jews per se, rather the historical memory of Russia's invasion by Nazi Germany during WW2.

Historical revisionism of that war in recent decades has produced a new 'official' version in the West, signalled for instance by the European Parliament last September claiming that the 1939 Molotov-Ribbentrop non-aggression pact between Moscow and Berlin had "paved the way for the outbreak of the Second World War," thus suggesting the USSR jointly caused the war with Nazi Germany.

As it happens, Nazi Germany did cause the war with the connivance and support - sometimes explicit - of other powers, but as the following history lesson from a Canadian historian explains, those powers were western powers - together with their lackeys in eastern Europe - aiding and abetting Germany's intentions against the USSR...

On August 23rd the Canadian Prime Minister's office issued a statement to remember the so-called "black ribbon day," a bogus holiday established in 2008-2009 by the European Parliament to commemorate the victims of fascist and communist "totalitarianism" and the signing of the Molotov-Ribbentrop non-aggression pact in 1939.

Various centre-right political groupings inside the European Parliament, along with the NATO (read US) Parliamentary Assembly initiated or backed the idea. In 2009, the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe, meeting in Lithuania, also passed a resolution "equating the roles of the USSR and Nazi Germany in starting World War II."

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's statement follows along similar lines. Here is an excerpt:
"Black Ribbon Day marks the sombre anniversary of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. Signed between the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany in 1939 to divide Central and Eastern Europe, the infamous pact set the stage for the appalling atrocities these regimes would commit. In its wake, they stripped countries of their autonomy, forced families to flee their homes, and tore communities apart, including Jewish and Romani communities, and others. The Soviet and Nazi regimes brought untold suffering upon people across Europe, as millions were senselessly murdered and denied their rights, freedoms, and dignity [italics added]."
As a statement purporting to summarise the origins and unfolding of the Second World War, it is a parody of the actual events of the 1930s and war years. It is politically motivated "fake history". It is, in fact, a whole cloth of lies.

Comment: Now you know the truth about who caused WW2, and why Western elites today, once again hell-bent on projecting all the deviance swirling around inside their heads onto Russia, are pushing BS narratives about it...

us ambassador poland putin nazis
Other articles by or referencing Prof. Carley:

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SOTT Focus: MindMatters: Living the Good Life - The Stoic Way

What good is philosophy? For the Stoics, among other schools, philosophy is dead if it is not fully lived. That's why the Stoics presented not just a system of logic and cosmology, but also a way of living - to put into practice the principles on which the system is built. But while the Stoic schools that taught this way of life died out many years ago, that doesn't mean that Stoicism is no longer an option for people today. Stoicism has experienced a revival in recent years.

Today on MindMatters we take a look at one modern presentation of practical Stoicism, laid out in William B. Irvine's Guide to the Good Life, as well as complementary methods and practices from other systems, like G. I. Gurdjieff's "Fourth Way." Whether you go "full Stoic", like Irvine, or merely adopt some of their practices to integrate into your daily life, there's a lot to learn from the Stoic sages of old, and their modern interpreters.

Running Time: 00:59:16

Download: MP3 — 54.3 MB