High StrangenessS


Video: Triangular Formations of Lights over Peru

Video of a trio of lights lining up in a triangular formation....recently captured over Huánuco, Perú.


Russia: Giant UFO Seen by Entire Siberian City

UFO Siberian
© Unknown
On February 15th of this year at around 6pm the residents of the south eastern Siberian city of Chita (population around 300,000) in Russia witnessed a giant UFO cross their city and then disappear over the horizon. Some managed to photograph the craft with their mobile phones. Shocked pedestrians stopped in the town centre and in parks and pointed to sky declaring the object to be a UFO. Above is a photo of the craft.

One witness, a Ms. Anna Kotchetkova , who saw the object after her sons excitedly alerted her to it observed that it looked like 'nothing on earth'. The UFO was described by witnesses as being completely silent and emitting no lights, its colour was grey-black and looked like a triangle with smoothed edges. Its shape was somewhat irregular and there was said to be some blurriness about the craft.

Other witnesses attempted to photograph the UFO but couldn't due to its speed and difficulty focusing however multiple photos are said to have surfaced. The UFO was estimated to be flying at around 500-1000 meters above land and appeared to be around the size of a Boeing 747. It was estimated to be moving at around 7 metres per second.


US: Bright Light Spotted Over Maryland

Event Date: Wed, 18 Feb 2009
City: Millersville
Region: Maryland
Country: US
Shape: Disc

Description: My sister was outside in the front of our house and texted me to come outside. When I came outside she pointed in the sky to a bright light that was moving very slowly to the right. It also had blinking light on it. After we ruled out that it was not an airplane or a star or anything of that nature, I called a friend that lived about 15 minutes away and told him to go outside and look at the sky to see if he saw this object in the sky. He confirmed that he did.


US: Red Lights Spotted Over New Jersey

Event Date: Wed, 18 Feb 2009
City: Rockaway, denville,
Region: New Jersey
Country: US
Shape: Boomerang, Circle, Flash, Square/Rectagular

Description: We were driving home on route 80 and all of a sudden i looked up and there were about 8 tiny red lights in a weird circle and then they started moving... pretty fast. I looked up and they were gone. A couple minutes later there they were again but this time in a ladder shape parallel to each other but now there were 9 red lights instead of 8. they were moving and as they were moving they were forming into really weird shapes that almost looked like a z or almost a k. then they were flashing for a second than stopped. I could not see they for a couple seconds but when i did there were only 8 again.. they started dropping down but like floated down until there was one left in the sky but than i could not see it anymore and it disappeared.


US: Two brothers followed and 'surrounded' by UFOs as vehicle engine dies

MUFON database photo
© UnknownMUFON database photos
FEB. 9, 2009 - Two brothers hauling firewood across a frozen Maine lake encountered a low-flying yellow light - 50 feet above the tree line - shining a light to the ground. The light soon turned to three red lights forming a triangle. The brothers moved to their camp, returning a few minutes later - only to encounter a single red light which appeared to follow them - while two more lights joined the first in the sky and seemed, at one point, to be surrounding them. When the brothers decided it was time to get out of there, their vehicle's engine shut down.


US: North Carolina UFO may have landed in woods

North Carolina ufo
© Unknown
A North Carolina man and his fiancee watched as a bright light near their home moved toward the forest floor - and seemed to remain there overnight.

The photos are cropped versions of what the witness submitted to the Mutual UFO Network database. Read the complete, unedited report below.

Bright light in sky

I happen to look out the back window for some reason and saw what looked like a bright light from a plane moving above the tree tops in the sky. But then it slowed to a stop and hovered there and slowly moved in a circular pattern in the sky while slowly moving down or away.


Argentina: Three Unidentified Objects Entered the Atmosphere

Neuquen - Three unidentified objects entered the atmosphere, creating a tremendous flash that lit the region's skies from Alto Valle to the Cordilleran Lake region, according to witnesses.

The phenomenon occurred on Saturday night between 22:15 and 23:00 hours and was confirmed by the Neuquén Astronomical Observatory and the Bariloche Naval Prefecture. Roberto Figueroa, director of the Observatory, told Rio Negro Online that "around 22:15 I was in the observatory with some people and we suddenly saw how the entire sky in the western part of Parque Norte became illuminated. We saw three very bright objects, unidentified, which exploded upon entering the atmosphere, producing a tremendous flash that was followed by a sort of smoke."


England: St. Helens Merseyside - A Large Orange Object/Light

Posted: February 15, 2009

Date: February 14, 2009
Time: 11:15 p.m.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of Objects: 1
Shape of Objects: Round.

Full Description of Event/Sighting: I was looking out of my patio window and spotted a large orange object in the sky which was moving slowly.


Mexico: Cancun - UFOs Chasing One Another

Posted: February 15, 2009

Date: February 11, 2009
Time Approx: 11:00 p.m.
Number of witnesses Approx: 8
Number of Objects Approx: 4 - 6
Shape of Objects: Seemed round.

Full Description of Event/Sighting: It was Feb. 11th, 2009 in Cancun Mexico. My husband, myself, my brother and his wife went outside of a mall and saw approximately 4 people looking up at the night sky. We looked up and observed white round lights that looked like stars but were moving in different directions, stopping and then taking off very fast.


England: UFO Chases Witnesses Down the A1M North from Hertfordshire

Posted: February 15, 2009

Date: Friday 13, 2009
Time Approx: 7:00 p.m.

My 13 year old son and his pal were chased by a green buzzing light for about 200 yards around about 7:00pm. I actually saw this light emerge from the river on New Years Day around about 6:00pm. It spun off at a great speed and turned into a brilliant amber egg shaped light.