Event Date: Wed, 18 Feb 2009
City: Rockaway, denville,
Region: New Jersey
Country: US
Shape: Boomerang, Circle, Flash, Square/Rectagular

Description: We were driving home on route 80 and all of a sudden i looked up and there were about 8 tiny red lights in a weird circle and then they started moving... pretty fast. I looked up and they were gone. A couple minutes later there they were again but this time in a ladder shape parallel to each other but now there were 9 red lights instead of 8. they were moving and as they were moving they were forming into really weird shapes that almost looked like a z or almost a k. then they were flashing for a second than stopped. I could not see they for a couple seconds but when i did there were only 8 again.. they started dropping down but like floated down until there was one left in the sky but than i could not see it anymore and it disappeared.

At first i thought it was a ufo but other people thought it was a landing thing for air plains. It was very very weird.