High StrangenessS


UK: Did anyone else spot Gipton UFO?

"What the hell is that?" questioned the voice of an unseen female. I presume this lady was witnessing exactly what I was on my street, St Wilfrid's Circus, Gipton, Leeds.

Whilst I was catching a fresh breath of frosty air out of my landing window at (approximately) 3am on the morning of November 30, I saw what can only be described as a 'milk-white teardrop' UFO, the size of a family car floating through the sky which, from my point of view, slowly drifted over Harehills Lane, down onto Rounday Road, then disappeared behind houses towards the Chapeltown/Potternewton area of Leeds.

Is there anybody else out there who witnessed this strange incident, any reports, CCTV or mobile/photo footage? There could be an innocent (or not) explanation...who knows?


Croat Police Calm Public amid 'UFO Sighting'

Croatian police have said there is no need for alarm after residents in Zagreb reported UFO sightings as well as seeing strange lights accompanied by a blast on Wednesday morning.

Zagreb Police Department said it has no information of possible flights or explosion sounds but said it is probing the claims. It urged people there is no need for panic.


UFO antics amaze locals in Pennsylvania

© Unknown
Pennsylvania in the middle of UFO sightings wave

Pennsylvania is definitely in the midst of UFO mania, but the good citizens of the state are not panicking, rather they are simply reporting the unusual craft that tend to make their appearance at night to the police and various UFO related organizations.

A week into December and no less than 20 reports have been handed over to various agencies this month alone. Some of the more notable sightings in the last few days are:

On Friday night a family saw two lit up craft that appeared to be disc shaped hovering over farms near the township of Plumstead. The objects then shot up into the night sky. Another man saw a disc hovering over trees on the same day, as he focused on the object it shot off skyward. Another interesting sighting occurred on Wednesday night. One couple spotted a set of bright lights that appeared arranged spherically above a highway. At dawn on the same day a commuter noticed a large multicoloured disc hovering above his car.


Colorado Superbolide

Last night, Dec. 6th at 1:06 a.m. MST, a meteor of stunning brightness lit up the skies of Colorado. Astronomer Chris Peterson photographed the event using a dedicated all-sky meteor camera in the town of Guffey, near Colorado Springs:

Colorado bolide
© Chris Peterson


Chile: UFO photographed by a merchant sailor amazes Chiloe's islanders

Chiloe UFO
© La Estrella de Chiloé
A UFO was accidentaly photographed by a merchant sailor, Alex Haro Brintrup, who achieved the image in Ancud and only he noticed it when he checked his camera, when already it had passed one month.

The case was taken by the Corporation for the Investigation(Research) of Anomalous Phenomena of Chile, Cifae, who have studied this one and others photographies sent by chilotes in which appear ufos in different landscapes of the Island.

" With my son we were checking some photos and he realized that in one of them there was appearing a little object that was turning out to be strange ", told Haro Brintrup to the diary the Estrella de Chiloé, where he revealed that before the fact happened he was very sceptical with regard to anomalous situations.


Argentina:The Saucers of October

Saucers of October
© Demian Heras/Solida Evidencia
Two Unidentified Object s reported on October 26, 2008

This report discusses two objects that were seen and recorded by researcher Demian Heras, who was watching the sky in broad daylight.

The first sighting occurred at 2:55:54 PM, with the object being luminous and having variable geometry. Although it may not appear so, the object is unknown and assumes the shape of a disk, circular configurations and even shapes very similar to the those of the luminous white objects recorded by Cristian Soldano on October 6 of this year (Soldano's website can be visited at www.orbitalvision.blogspot.com and the UFO is titled "OVNI Copo de Algodon" - the cotton ball UFO)


UK: UFO sighting in skies over Selby

Adam Deakin and Chris Delaney
© Philip BramhillTUNNEL VISION: Friends Adam Deakin and Chris Delaney at the scene where they spotted the UFO.
UFO experts have been alerted after a mysterious flying object was sighted over Selby town centre.

Friends Chris Delaney, 34, of Barlby, and Adam Deakin, 39, of Selby, were walking home after a night out on November 8 at about 1am when they spotted an orange glowing object moving quickly across the sky.

The UFO was travelling from east to west just above the tree line, looking across from Micklegate car park to Scott Road community field.

Adam said: "We had been to the pub and we were merry but we were absolutely not paralytic.

"We were just going through the alleyway from Finkle Street to the car park when Chris looked up and said 'what's that?'.

"I know the night sky because I'm into astronomy, and I know it wasn't a meteor because it was moving at a steady pace. We watched it for about 15 seconds, but meteors are white with a trail and are gone in just a few seconds.


UK: UFO spotted over town

© Citizen Reader
Does this picture captured by a Citizen reader prove UFOs really do exist?

It was taken by a 23-year-old man living in the Park Road area of Wisbech just over a week ago.

The man, who does not want to be named, caught this unusual light formation in the skies over his home as he watched them silently move over Wisbech with a group of neighbours.


'Bright as a Sun': Scientists find space rock that streaked through skies of Western Canada

canada meteorite
© The Canadian Press/Geoff HoweUniversity of Calgary graduate student Ellen Milley poses with fragments of a 10-tonne meteorite she found in a small pond approximately 40 kilometres from Lloydminster, Sask., Friday, Nov. 28, 2008, several days after the space rock created a massive fireball crossing the sky Nov. 20.
The light was fading late Thursday afternoon when the two scientists drove through this pretty little valley just east of the central Saskatchewan-Alberta boundary, but it was still bright enough to spot something on a modest little pond.

"It was a piece of rock frozen into the pond," said University of Calgary graduate student Ellen Milley. "It triggered us to stop."

Geologist Alan Hildebrand knew as soon as he got a close look at it and the other bits of black, dimpled rock nearby that he was looking at emissaries from outer space.


Argentina: UFO or Condor Over Tupungato?

UFO or condor I
© Unknown
A tour operator organized a tour to La Carretera in Tupungato and took a photo of the landscape. Upon downloading the file to his computer, he saw a strange object. He had it analyzed by [Argentina's] most prestigious ufologist and she confirmed that it was indeed a UFO.

Is it a UFO, a condor or a spot? Those were the questions that ran through the mind of Flavio S., 31, when he downloaded the photo to his computer and saw a sort of round disk in the air. The event occurred on November 8, 2008, while he was on a tour with Mendozan tourist operators who intended to visit a local estancia (ranch) in La Carretera, Tupungato.