High StrangenessS


Investigating The Unexplained Or Explaining The Uninvestigated

To Mr. Reyes on UFO Researchers:

Have you ever considered the difference between believing in God and believing the Superpowers have engaged in a massive ongoing UFO Cover-Up?

If one person anywhere makes an obviously questionable claim that they have spoken to our "Venusian brothers," then the Media jumps in and condemns the entire subject of UFO's because there are some mentally challenged individuals, or attention-seekers, who use UFO's for their their platform. So all of the UFO witnesses among military members, pilots, law enforcement officers and serious researchers are dismissed with a few keystrokes as "hillbillies with moonshine" because that is how the Media always and predictably spews its derisive knee-jerk reaction.


UFO related information 'Above top secret' says Australian political leader

Australian's are seeing strange things in the skies and sometimes on the ground, from Melbourne to Mullumbimby, from Budgewoi to Bundaberg. UFO sightings have never been more frequent, yet politicians are keeping mysteriously quiet on the topic.

One of these politicians is Malcolm Turnbull, one of the biggest names in Australian politics. Malcolm Turnbull is a member of the Australian Parliament and the Leader of one of Australia's two main political parties, The Liberal Party, the party identified with John Howard, Australia's previous leader. The party is now in opposition, however Turnbull stands a good chance of being Australia's next Prime Minister. Turnbull is also highly associated with the movement calling for Australia to ditch the UK Monarchy. If he does become PM Australia might have a good chance of becoming a republic (in the event Australia's current PM, Mr Kevin Rudd doesn't beat him to it) but don't hold your breath for any UFO related disclosure.


Nebraska, US: Deputies investigate UFOs near Jeffrey Lake

A deputy took digital pictures of the unworldly lights through night vision goggles but they came out badly.
Two deputies investigated the sighting of unidentified flying objects in the sky south of Brady Nov. 21, according to Lincoln County Sheriff Jerome Kramer. Although both deputies and the man who called to report the lights dancing in the sky observed them for more than 15 minutes, they could offer no explanation about what they were.

"One deputy, who has an extensive amount of military experience and has witnessed a lot of military maneuvers first hand, said he'd never seen anything like them," Kramer said. "They could not explain what they were."


Flashback The Ultimate Secret

It could be a scenario from a blockbuster Hollywood sci-fi movie script.

The governments of Britain, Australia, America, Canada and other nations not only BELIEVE UFOs exist but. . . . ARE monitoring the flights of hundreds of UFOs every year;
  • ARE channelling massive resources from black budgets into UFO research projects;
  • HAVE recovered alien bodies and spacecraft;
  • ARE involved in a massive cover-up to withhold information from the public.
Add to them allegations of horrific and alarming animal mutilations linked to UFO activity and the use of such bases as Pine Gap in the UFO monitoring link and allegations that the United States is currently test-flying some alien spacecraft at Dreamland, the super-secret military base in the Nevada desert.

Cow Skull

Flashback ALIENS - Friendly UFOs or foes?

ARE UFOs out of this world? Yes, says researcher Timothy Good. But perhaps it's all true.

Good, best-selling author of Above Top Secret and acknowledged leading world authority on UFOs, is claiming in his new blockbuster, Alien Liaison: The Ultimate Secret, to have documented proof of all the above . . . and more.

He names names and offers top-secret letters that have yet to be refuted.


EU space official supports UFO disclosure - says NASA can't be trusted

Dr. Peter Creola, a retired Swiss chief delegate at the European Space Agency (ESA) and head of the Swiss office for space policies, has joined forces with those who demand the truth about UFOs. ESA is the European version of NASA. On the topic of disclosing the truth about UFOs, Dr. Creola said "...you cannot unconditionally trust NASA."


New facts surface in Stephenville UFO incidents

A detailed description of a huge craft that hovered over Stephenville, Texas, in January 2008 has been provided by a law enforcement officer and is reported on the Web site Earthfiles.com.


New Age Disinfo Alert! Bright star will herald "saviour" Maitreya in the next few days

This week has come encouraging news for anyone with an interest in signs and wonders, or desperate for a chink of light in the prevailing gloom, which probably means most of us: a saviour is at hand.

According to the Share International News Service, in a press release captioned Christmas Miracle, a "large bright star" will be appearing in the sky sometime over the next few days, or weeks, heralding the appearance on "a major US television programme" of the new World Teacher, Maitreya, who will be ushering in a new age of peace, wisdom and understanding. And not before time, I hear you say.

Share International is the organisation founded by Benjamin Creme, the Scottish painter and clairvoyant, and Britain's most redoubtable millenarian, who has been prophesying the coming of Maitreya for the past 26 years.

Comment: Whether a "bright star" appears some time in the near future or not (don't hold your breath) common sense should warn us against entrusting our salvation to strangers - no matter if they present themselves as ascended masters, prophets, honest politicians, benevolent aliens or Jesus himself.

If you are looking for someone to change your life for the better, you should have a look in the mirror for the only potential savior.


UFO Seen in Tlalnepantla, Mexico

There was a UFO orb sighting over Tlalnepantla, Mexico on December 18, 2008, that fits the recent UFO orb sighting descriptions. The footage is very well filmed and is easy to see the UFO above. The entire film is nearly ten minutes with close-ups and wideshots showing the UFO orb in great detail. Above all this is another great piece of footage.


21 UFO sightings in police 'X-files'

They are more used to dealing with calls reporting crime and anti-social behaviour.

But Nottinghamshire Police have also experienced a number of rather other-worldly enquiries from members of the public.

New figures from the force reveal a total of 21 UFO sightings in the county were recorded in 11 calls to the force control room between November 1 in 2003 and October 31 this year.