Health & WellnessS


Turmeric: The Return of The Golden Goddess

Ancient Indians believed that turmeric contained the energy of the Divine Mother. Modern science now confirms that it has therapeutic properties relevant to well over 500 health conditions, and may bestow on those who take it, protection from many common causes of suffering.

The author has personally reviewed the majority of 4,000+ biomedical citations on turmeric and its primary polyphenol curcumin, available to view on the National Library of Medicine's bibliographic reference database known as MEDLINE (and searchable through engines like, and has been awed by how diverse, powerful and seemingly ideally suited this spice is for addressing the broad range of diseases and/or disease symptoms that commonly afflict our species.


7 Foods Experts Won't Eat

1. GMO FOODS (Any of them)

The Expert: Jeffrey Smith, author of Seeds of Deception and founder of Institute for Responsible Technology

The Situation: GMO foods encourage the massive spraying of herbicides on our topsoils, polluting the ground, waterways, animals and humans. Scientific studies have shown the RoundUp Ready genes in GMO foods to transfer to our intestinal flora and the pesticide producing genes, called Bt-toxins, to be present in both unborn fetuses and their mothers. In short, GMO foods pollute our environment and out bodies. No long term health studies of GMO foods have been performed on humans. In addition to polluting our bodies with mutant DNA, eating RoundUp Ready GMO foods insures a hefty dose of herbicide given that GMO crops are even more heavily sprayed than conventional non-organic crops. The environmental, political, economic, and social damage by GMO foods is staggering. GMO foods include corn, soybeans, sugarbeets, potatoes, alfalfa, canola, potato, papaya, rice, honey, squash, rapeseed, tomatoes, sweet corn, tobacco, peas, and more in the pipeline.

The Solution: Check that all the food you purchase is non-GMO. Demand a halt to GMO foods any chance you get. Support mandatory labeling of GMO foods. Buy ORGANIC. Plant a garden.


Weed Wars: Medical Marijuana Hits Reality TV

"Most of our patients and our staff were really skeptical about doing a reality TV show because they were watching Jersey Shore and The Kardashians," says Andrew DeAngelo, general manager of Oakland, California's Harborside Health Center, the largest medical marijuana dispensary in the world. Andrew and his brother, Harborside's Executive Director Steve DeAngleo, are co-stars of Weed Wars, a new show by the Discovery Channel that looks into lives of those who run Harborside, the patients that seek out their services, and the politicians looking to shut them down.


Alarm as Dutch Lab Creates Highly Contagious Killer Flu

flu virus
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Fear of terrorism as university prepares to publish key details

A deadly strain of bird flu with the potential to infect and kill millions of people has been created in a laboratory by European scientists - who now want to publish full details of how they did it.

The discovery has prompted fears within the US Government that the knowledge will fall into the hands of terrorists wanting to use it as a bio-weapon of mass destruction.

Some scientists are questioning whether the research should ever have been undertaken in a university laboratory, instead of at a military facility.

The US Government is now taking advice on whether the information is too dangerous to be published.


Genetically Modified HIV Vaccine Approved - Human Tests to Begin Shortly

© Natural Society

At a further attempt to halt the spread of HIV, the United States is making a bold and extremely risky decision. Researchers from the University of Western Ontrario developed a new vaccine, and the Food and Drug Administration announced its approval on Tuesday for use in the US. Not only should you be weary of this vaccine due to negative history revolving around vaccines, but the fact that it is made with a genetically modified virus adds even more concern over its approval. While the researchers are delighted by the creation, individuals are being sought out for human trials - but you won't want to volunteer.

The researchers have been studying HIV and AIDS for 20 years and have spent the last 10 developing the vaccine. Starting in January, the vaccine will undergo three phases of human clinical trials.

Phase I - The first phase is meant to analyze the vaccine and determine if it is toxic in the human body.

Phase II - During phase two of the human clinical trials the researchers will look at the immune response to see if the vaccine actually performs like it is supposed to by inducing the proper immune response.

Phase III - In phase three 6,000 people are needed so that statistical data can be accumulated and later presented. For the testing, a vaccinated and non-vaccinated group will be compared to see if the vaccine protects against HIV infection or not.


France to offer surgery if breast implants a risk

© Charles Platiau/Reuters Alexandra Blachere, who heads an association of women with faulty breast implants, holds silicone gel breast implants during an interview in Paris
Paris: France will offer surgery to remove the breast implants of up to 30,000 women if a study due out this week finds that the silicone they are made from could cause cancer, the health minister said Tuesday.

Eight cases of cancer have appeared in women with breast implants made by Poly Implant Prothese (PIP), which is accused of using industrial-grade silicone, normally used in everything from computers to cookware. The company is no longer trading.

Health Minister Nora Berra told journalists the ministry would respond to the growing health scare Friday once the National Cancer Institute completed its inquiry.

If a link is established, French social security will pay for all women with the implants to have them removed, but only fund surgery to replace them in cases where women have had reconstructive surgery, for example after a mastectomy, Berra said.


Leaky Gut - Leaky Brain - Gluten is an Equal Opportunity Destroyer

© Unknown

With more and more coming out in research about gluten intolerance, awareness continues to spread about the different manifestations of eating this detrimental protein.

Studies on Leaky Brain -

Gluten sensitivity research identifies a connection between gluten induced leaky gut, and leaky brain. The ramifications of these findings are important to understand the broad scope of the impact gluten has in many diseases.
We were able to identify an intestinal Zot analogue, which we named zonulin. It is conceivable that the zonulins participate in the physiological regulation of intercellular tj not only in the small intestine, but also throughout a wide range of extraintestinal epithelia as well as the ubiquitous vascular endothelium, including the blood-brain barrier. Disregulation of this hypothetical zonulin model may contribute to disease states that involve disordered intercellular communication, including developmental and intestinal disorders, tissue inflammation, malignant transformation, and metastasis.

J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2010 Oct;51(4):418-24.

Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2000;915:214-22.

Bizarro Earth

Why Is the FDA Saying It's OK to Eat Seafood 10,000 Times Over the Safe Limit for Dangerous Carcinogens?

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FDA not only downplayed the risk of contamination, but ignored staff members who proposed higher levels of contamination protection.

Ever since the largest offshore oil spill in history spewed into the Gulf of Mexico last year, independent public health experts have questioned the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's efforts to effectively protect Americans from consuming contaminated seafood.

Now a recent study by two of the most tenacious non-government scientists reveals that FDA Gulf seafood "safe levels" allowed 100 to 10,000 times more carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in seafood than what is safe. The overarching issue the report addresses is the failure of the FDA's risk assessment to protect those most vulnerable to the effects of these chemicals, such as young children, pregnant women and high-consumption seafood eaters.

In an effort to pinpoint how the FDA decided to set its acceptable levels for PAH contaminants in Gulf seafood, researchers at the Natural Resources Defense Council, which performed the study -- published in the leading peer-reviewed environmental health journal Environmental Health Perspectives -- also scoured documents wrested from the FDA under the Freedom of Information Act.


Strict diet could save brain from aging: study

© Unknown
Eating less may keep the mind young, according to Italian scientists who reported Monday they have discovered the molecular process by which a strict diet may save the brain from the ravages of age.

The research, published in the US journal the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, is based on a study of mice that were fed a diet of about 70 percent of the food they normally consumed.

Scientists found that the calorie-restricted diet triggered a protein molecule, CREB1, that activates a host of genes linked to longevity and good brain function.

"Our hope is to find a way to activate CREB1, for example through new drugs, so to keep the brain young without the need of a strict diet," said lead author Giovambattista Pani, researcher at the Institute of General Pathology, Faculty of Medicine at the Catholic University of Sacred Heart in Rome.


Top 10 Most Important Health Freedom Stories of 2011

2011 was an amazing year for the health freedom movement, with monumental victories against Monsanto, Merck and money-hungry pharmaceutical corporations as a whole.

As the year comes to a close, it is important to look back on some of the most important stories that helped to propel the natural health movement into the mainstream spotlight.

More than just listing the articles, you will receive an inside look into each story - from the true importance and depth of the story to the reciprocation and possible spin by the mainstream media.