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© Fox News/Tampa Free PressTrump on Fox News Town Hall in South Carolina
The election is still six months away, and Big Tech is already seeking to help President Biden, who is failing and flailing, stay in office.

Google pulled an ad over the weekend that supported former President Donald Trump.

The ad featured a Biden campaign worker calling a black male voter. The voter admits to voting for Biden in 2020, which thrills the campaign worker.

Then, the voter responds, saying, "Everything costs more" since Biden took office. That includes rent, to which the Biden backer responds by noting Biden is helping pay rent for "newcomers."

"You mean illegal immigrants?" the voter shoots back. "I'm struggling to pay my bills, but Biden's paying rent for illegals? They get handouts, and I'm paying for it."

"Things were better before Biden," the voter adds. "I'm voting for Trump."

According to reports, the ad was funded by Make America Great Again Inc., Trump's super PAC, and targeted black voters in the region around Macon, Georgia.

However, a few hours after it first aired, Google yanked the ad, citing a "privacy violation."

Google did not make clear what the violation was or how it occurred.

Yet Google relented after outraged Trump supporters complained and circulated the ad.

One of them was Donald Trump Jr., who posted on social media that "Google is censoring this pro-Trump ad to protect Biden." "Let's make it go viral," he added.

Users responded, and apparently, so did Google.

"A day after the ad was initially removed, Make America Great Again Inc. re-uploaded it to Google," Trending Politics reported.

"The tech giant appears to have reversed course after the backlash, as [NBC News reporter Andrew] Arenge noted that all ads are running without restrictions.

"All four of the ads highlighted below were flagged in my tweet from yesterday, and it appears they've all been turned back on," Arenge posted on X.

Via the Tampa Free Press