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Best of the Web: Engineering Contagion: Amerithrax, Coronavirus and the Rise of the Biotech-Industrial Complex - Pt. 2 Cornering the Covid-19 Vaccine Market

Corner the Covid-19 Cure Market

Comment: An almost invaluable article in helping to see the intersection between Big Pharma, the Deep State and the US military. It seems that the implications of what's written could not be more relevant to what we see concerning the big push towards vaccinating (and ultimately digitally ID'ing) everyone and their mother. Part 1 here.

One of the most politically-connected yet scandal ridden vaccine companies in the United States, with troubling ties to the 2001 anthrax attacks and opioid crisis, is set to profit handsomely from the current Coronavirus crisis.

In August 2001, biopharmaceutical company BioPort faced imminent disaster. A series of company scandals, controversial federal bail-outs and severe, adverse health reactions among U.S. troops were causing both Congress and the Pentagon to reconsider its multi-million dollar contract to provide the military with an anthrax vaccine.

Formed for the sole purpose of acquiring a publicly-owned company in Michigan that held the exclusive license to manufacture the only FDA-approved anthrax vaccine in the United States, BioPort sought to quickly expand the size and scope of its contracts with the U.S. military. This strategy was made possible thanks to the former head of the Joints Chiefs of Staff, Adm. William Crowe, who would prove highly instrumental in the rise of BioPort's vaccine monopoly and its subsequent, aggressive hiring of former government officials as lobbyists.

Yet, soon after scoring these multi-million dollar contracts and securing a monopoly on anthrax vaccines, BioPort would claim that they were flailing financially and would subsequently be bailed out to the tune of $24 million at the Pentagon's request, which cited "national security concerns" as justification.

However, Pentagon auditors had found that much of the money awarded to BioPort was unaccounted for and the money they were able to trace had failed to go towards renovating their vaccine production facility, which had lost its license until numerous sanitary problems (sanitary and otherwise) were fixed. Meanwhile, scores of soldiers who had suffered ill health effects from BioPort's anthrax vaccine, some disabled for life, began speaking out, bringing BioPort's most critical product and chief source of income under unwanted scrutiny.

Comment: See the third part in this series: Meet the companies poised to build the Kushner-backed "coronavirus surveillance system"


Best of the Web: German lawyer arrested and sent to PSYCH WARD after calling for resistance to 'unconstitutional' Covid-19 lockdown

Comment: Holy Geebus. The globalists and their authoritarian followers aren't kidding around. They really mean to LOCK IT ALL DOWN...

Beate Bahner psychiatric ward coronavirus protest germany
Beate Bahner
A German medical law specialist who launched a rigorous fight against government-mandated coronavirus lockdown rules was taken to a mental health facility after expressing fears she was being targeted by 'killers.'

Beate Bahner had repeatedly claimed that measures taken by Berlin to stem the spread of Covid-19 threaten nothing less than the nation's constitutional order itself. The lawyer, from the German city of Heidelberg, was forced to spend a couple of days in a local psychiatric ward after her encounter with police went terribly wrong.

She had already been under police investigation over "calls for an illegal action" after urging Germans to go on a nationwide demonstration against the lockdown last Sunday - in open defiance of the ban on public gatherings.

Comment: The UK Column has a more in-depth account of Ms. Bahner's anti-lockdown activities, and her version of her incarceration:
Beate Bahner, in the southern German state of Baden-Württemberg, has a 25-year career and has won three cases before the Federal Constitutional Court (German Supreme Court) in the domain of unlawful infringements of the right to practise one's profession. She has written five books on medical law, most recently an analysis of the 2016 federal act to tackle corruption in the healthcare system.

On Friday 3 April 2020, Ms Bahner issued a press release decrying the German government's Coronavirus measures as "flagrantly unconstitutional, infringing to an unprecedented extent many of the fundamental rights of German citizens". The statement argued that the small minority of the public that was at risk of serious harm in the event of contracting Covid-19 could be far more suitably protected by means of targeted measures based on the principle of adult responsibility for safeguarding one's own health.


Violent committal to psychiatric clinic

On Easter Monday, a recording was uploaded of a calm 12½-minute voicemail left by Ms Bahner for her sister, describing a massively brutal swoop on her home on Easter Sunday evening (12 April). The voice in the recording matches a previous video recording of Ms Bahner (ironically, one in which she describes nursing liability law). In the voicemail, Ms Bahner recounts:
I went into the garage and found a car following me suspiciously. After standing in front of my car for ten minutes, I sensed something was not right and ran back out of the garage. Stupidly, I didn't run into the house, because my secretary had gone to get her car on Voss-strasse and she just didn't show up again ... I asked a passing car to call the police for me. They simply kept refusing to [respond] for five minutes, and then I realised it had been a huge mistake to call the police, because at the moment I'm Number One Enemy of the State.

When the police did arrive, I told them I felt threatened. They brought the handcuffs out and pushed me to the ground with massive force. They kept me sitting in their car for ten minutes with my hands cuffed behind my back, then they drove me around the corner to the psychiatric clinic. There were four police officers there, three nurses, and a doctor, though she only arrived ten minutes later.

I asked to be allowed to sit down and was shown to a bench. Then I asked to have the handcuffs taken off, since it was actually I who had requested police protection. But instead, I was thrown to the floor again, having my head hurled onto the stone floor from a metre (3 ft) height, which nobody reacted to. Then they asked me whether I wanted a face mask, which of course I declined.

Because I refused to move, they physically carried me to the doctor, who asked me "why I felt threatened", even though they all know perfectly well who I am. I was told I would not be given a lawyer.
She goes on to describe in the voicemail her unfamiliarity with the psychiatric facility to which she was taken, even though she is a local lawyer who apparently had to visit clients in that clinic in the past:
Then I was forced to spend the night lying on the floor in some high-security Guantanamo psychiatric clinic, which I didn't recognise; it's been renovated. There was no toilet, no sink, though they did allow me water, and there was a bell I could ring, though they ignored it after the third time I pressed it.
After a further ten minutes of description of how Ms Bahner was "upgraded" from the floor of an isolation cell to a proper furnished room with good nurses, she ends the voicemail to her sister with the observation:
I have been held here for 20 hours now. If people don't finally wake up, this is going to turn into the worst régime of terror ever ... We are being tyrannised by evil, evil, evil forces. Last night, I was petrified of being killed, of being forceably injected. I am fearful of being disappeared ... Because I had been without a mobile phone at the time I was arrested, I had no way of contacting anyone ... I have a summons for Wednesday [15 April] because I allegedly breached Article 111 of the Penal Code, "Incitement to Criminal Acts". I called upon people to demonstrate! Freedom of speech was the most fundamental constitutional right in Germany, and in the space of three months it has become a criminal act.
Ms Bahner's presence at the Klinik für Allgemeine Psychiatrie on Voss-strasse in Heidelberg, a university clinic, was confirmed on Tuesday 14 April in a telephone call by journalist Hagen Grell. The clinic told him that it had put out a public statement on the case and refused to allow him to speak to Ms Bahner, but suggested that if he were able to obtain her mobile telephone number, he would be able to call her directly.

The detention has also been reported by local Heidelberg media, regional media and a national news source. Ms Bahner's interview for "incitement to commit criminal acts" is reportedly scheduled for 1 pm on Wednesday 15 April at the K6 Heidelberg Criminal Police Department on Römerstrasse.

On Tuesday 14 April, Attorney W. Schmitz wrote to the German Federal Bar Association that it should take up Ms Bahner's case, if only because the Psychiatric Treatment Act did not in his understanding justify the committal of a person to an institution on the "alleged perception of a police officer" that she appeared confused. He added:
I should not have to add that Ms Bahner's claims of very grave abuse have very untoward connotations of the darkest chapters of German history. The mere fact that she claimed to have been so badly abused was what prompted me to write to you.

Ms Bahner is in the company of over 50 well-known experts in criticising the nationwide lockdown; I would be glad to furnish you with a list of their names.

If it really is the case that lawyers critical of government measures can now be intimidated using the state legal apparatus or psychiatry, and can be professionally and socially destroyed, then it is five minutes to midnight in this country.
Confinement of whistleblowers in psychiatric institutions, an old Soviet technique, has previously been reported by UK Column from Lancashire (in our most viewed ever video, an interview with social worker Carol Woods, who we understand has recently been released but remains at threat from persecutors); from North Yorkshire (in the Hofschröer case, extending to Germany and Austria); from Nottinghamshire (the case of Melanie Shaw, who is now being well looked after in another institution); and from Cornwall (the case of Emma, a mother who had reported apparent sexual grooming going on at her child's primary school).

UPDATE: A statement on Ms Bahner's website of Wednesday 15 April indicates that she was released from psychiatric committal the previous evening. In the early afternoon of 15 April, dozens of protestors rallied in front of the Heidelberg Criminal Police building where Ms Bahner had just been interviewed for alleged incitement to commit criminal offences. Ms Bahner told the assembled crowd that she had been given a date, apparently for a further interview.

Ms Bahner's statement ends:
Beate Bahner requires no legal representation, since practically the whole legal profession and the whole judicial system has utterly failed in the past two weeks, thereby contributing to the abolition of the rule of law and the lightning-quick setting-up of the most monstrous and appalling régime of injustice that the world has ever seen.
A statement of 14 April by the Heidelberg Public Prosecutor, the body's second press statement on Ms Bahner, announces that her prosecution by criminal police and the State Security Department is continuing and insists that the criminal proceedings against her have nothing to with "either the psychiatric committal of the accused or any other use of force by law enforcement".


Best of the Web: Stanford U. epidemiologist John Ioannidis lambasts the media for panicking the public over Covid-19

Dr. John Ionnadis
© Stanford UniversityEpidemiologist and professor of medicine John Ionnadis relies on data to challenge misconceptions about the novel coronavirus.
John Ioannidis, a professor of medicine, epidemiology, and population health at Stanford University, says he's "perfectly happy" to be under virtual lockdown in California due to the COVID-19 pandemic. And he readily acknowledges the importance of sensitizing the public to following instructions to shelter in place to curb the spread of the novel coronavirus. In addition, Ioannidis recognizes that a large number of people may die from COVID-19.

But in a video posted on YouTube, the codirector of the Meta-Research Innovation Center at Stanford said he worries that media outlets are "falling into a trap of sensationalism". And he suggested that this is making the situation worse for people.

"We don't want to get them into panic," Ioannidis said. "This doesn't really help."

As of today, there are more than 100,000 deaths that have been attributed to the novel coronavirus. Leading the list is Italy at 18,849, followed by the United States at 18,016.

Light Sabers

Best of the Web: Global battle erupts as Trump pulls WHO funding over coronavirus response

Comment: Kudos to Trump. Let this be the beginning of some serious PUSHBACK...

World Health Organization
© Reuters / Denis Balibouse
President Trump's decision to suspend funding to the World Health Organization amid the coronavirus crisis touched off an international war of words overnight as Democratic lawmakers in Washington as well as international bodies like the European Union condemned the move.

The president announced Tuesday that the United States would immediately halt funding for the health organization, saying it had put "political correctness over lifesaving measures," noting that the U.S. would undertake a 60-to-90 day investigation into why the "China-centric" WHO had caused "so much death" by "severely mismanaging and covering up" the coronavirus spread.

Republicans on Capitol Hill, many of whom have been sharply critical of the World Health Organization and calling for weeks to get tough on the organization for allegedly helping China suppress information about the outbreak in the early stages, cheered the president's decision.

Comment: When this is said and done, the WHO brass needs to be interrogated and charged with crimes against humanity.

Yellow Vest

Best of the Web: Anti-Lockdown Resistance: Protesters gather at Michigan's state capital in 'Operation Gridlock'

Comment: This will grow and spread (please God).

recall whitmer protest
Hundreds of cars, trucks and SUVs descended on Michigan's state capital Wednesday afternoon as part of a noisy protest against Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer's social-distancing restrictions that critics say have gone too far.

Dubbed "Operation Gridlock" and organized by the Michigan Conservative Coalition, the protest did just that - creating bumper-to-bumper traffic throughout downtown Lansing as demonstrators blasted their horns, waved Americans flags and hoisted placards deriding Whitmer's orders and demanding that she reopen the state's economy.

The lockdown measures are meant to curb the spread of the coronavirus outbreak, but Whitmer has gone further than some other governors -- and the backlash in Michigan is among the most heated in the country.


Best of the Web: Reactions to the corona virus hint of a wider agenda

The western world has gone into a phase of unprecedented lockdown. Major airlines have ceased international operations. It is an open question is to whether or not they will be able to resume operations when and if the current draconian restrictions are lifted. In Australia, the Federal government has ceased to sit and the government has announced that this parliamentary closure will extend until at least August.

Quite why such a lockdown is necessary is unclear. No convincing explanation has been offered by the government and it is an extreme step that comparable nations in North America, the United Kingdom and all of Europe have found unnecessary. One of the most alarming consequences of this fundamental attack on the notion of Parliamentary accountability is that the decision was met with acceptance by the official Opposition and muted negative comment, if at all, by the major mainstream media.

Media coverage of the pandemic has been extraordinary. At least half of the nightly main television news bulletins have been devoted to coverage of the pandemic, although whether it actually adds to our degree of knowledge is at best debatable.


Best of the Web: Where is the vigorous debate about our response to Covid-19?

schematic diagram coronavirus
© Wrapp et al. / UT-Austin / NIH via Science / AAASA schematic diagrams of the 'spike' used by the novel coronavirus to force its way into cells.
After a career as a scientist and clinical academic, I have been struck by how often they (we!) have very complicated and exceedingly well-reasoned ways of getting things quite wrong. That's why I have always thought it best for the recommendations of experts to have 'advisory' status only. Experts' roles are to examine the minutiae of a small subject area - with a view to gaining or advancing understanding. It is the job of our politicians and civil servants to develop appropriate policies.

Experts can be guilty of being monomaniacs, interested only in the thing they are studying. That's understandable, of course, because many of these things are hard to comprehend. And having put so much effort into their work, it's also not unexpected, and very human, that most experts put a lot of weight on their conclusions and are convinced of their importance.

That's exactly why, when scientists call for their findings to be implemented by government, we need politicians and civil servants to moderate their enthusiasm, examine contrary views and express appropriate scepticism. And, in short, judiciously weigh all the other factors that come to bear on any given set of conclusions. The Covid-19 crisis took the world by surprise, and the world (Sweden excepted) has reacted in roughly the same way: with lockdowns. In the rush, the usual checks and balances have not been applied.

Comment: It seems Dr. Lee is one of the few rational heads speaking out in the mainstream media. More from Dr. John Lee:


Best of the Web: The elites are already prepared and have a plan for the coming collapse of the dollar bubble

Banking elites
Today, stock market investors are hoping desperately for Weimar-style hyperinflation to boost equities prices to dizzying heights in what some call a "crack-up boom". In terms of money creation, we are not there yet, but such levels of fiat printing could happen within the next year. Unfortunately for investors, this "boom" in stocks may not happen again. In fact, it already happened over the course of the past several years, and now the party is over. In the past few months, the U.S. dollar has entered a massive liquidity crisis, and despite all expectations, the Fed's attempts to compensate with stimulus measures have done little to boost markets back to their previous glory.

In Weimar Germany, stocks did get an epic rally, until it all came crashing down in 1924 and then again in 1927. The notion of the endless fiat-driven bull market is a lie perpetuated by central bankers and their cheerleaders.

As I warned in past articles, when the Fed finally decided to step in to "stall the crash", it was after it was far too late. The Fed has no intention of stopping the crash, they WANT a crash; they created all the conditions necessary for the collapse of the Everything Bubble to happen. Their goal now is only to make it appear as though they "did everything they could" to save the economy while staging the collapse of the final bubble: the U.S. dollar and its global reserve currency status.


Best of the Web: Engineering Contagion: Amerithrax, Coronavirus and the Rise of the Biotech-Industrial Complex - Pt. 1 Dark Winter

Dark Winter
The leaders of two controversial pandemic simulations that took place just months before the Coronavirus crisis - Event 201 and Crimson Contagion - share a common history, the 2001 biowarfare simulation Dark Winter. Dark Winter not only predicted the 2001 anthrax attacks, but some of its participants had clear foreknowledge of those attacks.

During the presidency of George H.W. Bush in the early 1990s, something disturbing unfolded at the U.S.' top biological warfare research facility at Fort Detrick, Maryland. Specimens of highly contagious and deadly pathogens - anthrax and ebola among them - had disappeared from the lab, at a time when lab workers and rival scientists had been accused of targeted sexual and ethnic harassment and several disgruntled researchers had left as a result.

In addition to missing samples of anthrax, ebola, hanta virus and a variant of AIDS, two of the missing specimens had been labeled "unknown" - "an Army euphemism for classified research whose subject was secret," according to reports. The vast majority of the specimens lost were never found and an Army spokesperson would later claim that it was "likely some were simply thrown out with the trash."

An internal Army inquiry in 1992 would reveal that one employee, Lt. Col. Philip Zack, had been caught on camera secretly entering the lab to conduct "unauthorized research, apparently involving anthrax," the Hartford Courant would later report. Despite this, Zack would continue to do infectious disease research for pharmaceutical giant Eli Lilly and would collaborate with the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID) throughout the 1990s.

Comment: The same governmental organization that Bill Gates-lackey Dr. Anthony Fauci now heads, incidentally.


Flashback Best of the Web: October-December 2019: Strange new 'influenza' kills 56 people in Iran

iran flu hospital
© PressTV File PhotoIran's Health Ministry has said that an ongoing swine flu epidemic in the country has claimed the lives of 56 people.
Iran's Health Ministry has said that an ongoing swine flu epidemic in the country has claimed the lives of 56 people since its outbreak more than two months ago.

Comment: I.e., October 2019, the same time period as Italy first began noticing 'strange flu/pneumonia cases'.

"Due to influenza, 273 individuals have been hospitalized and 19 have lost their lives" in the past week alone, said Alireza Raisi, the Health Deputy of the Iranian Health Ministry.

The health deputy added that all of the disease's victims have so far been among aged individuals or people which had been suffering from underlying disorders.

Comment: Sound familiar?

"As the Health Ministry had previously announced, not all individuals need to be vaccinated for the disease and only people with underlying disorders such as diabetes, lung disease and pregnant women are advised to do so," Raisi said.

"This wave will continue for another two weeks during which it may even become more widespread, but it will diminish afterwards," he added.