High StrangenessS

Grey Alien

Corrientes humanoid photo determined to be a hoax

Corrientes alien hoax
The image is actually a clip from the horror movie "O.V.N.I."
As could well be expected, the photo of the humanoid entity supposedly photographed by police before it took a plunge into the Paraná River has turned out to be less than meets the eye.

Argentina's Orbita Cero Mendoza reported in its blog that the CIFAD center of the province of Corrientes had "uncovered the fraudulent nature of the video" from which the image was taken.

The image had a viral effect on social media and the Internet at large. It turns out to be a clip from the horror movie "O.V.N.I."

Orbita Cero Mendoza gives us the following information, which is translated below:


Anne Jefferies: An account of a faerie abduction in the 17th century

One of Brian Froud‘s hallucinogenic faerie illustrations from the classic 1978 book Faeries.
"Faerie fair and faerie bright;
Come and be my chosen sprite.
Moon shines bright, waters run clear,
I am here, but where's my faerie dear?"

Attributed to Anne Jefferies in Robert Hunt, Popular Romances of the West of England (1865)
Outside the dramatic inventions of Shakespeare, Drayton, Herrick et al., most accounts of human interaction with the faeries from the Early Modern period are derived from the disparate records of witch trials. These records often chronicle the accused witches' testimony (usually under torture) of consorting with faerie familiars, for the purposes of divination, healing and sometimes flying to Sabbaths. Historians such as Carlo Ginzberg and Emma Wilby have teased out the detail from the trial records to create a convincing argument that they encode genuine evidence of shamanic practice amongst the witches, who were frequently able to interact with the faeries in a disassociated altered state of consciousness. The records supply us with the largest body of documentary evidence for the ontology of the faeries between the 16th and 18th centuries. But there is one unusual case that comes down to us from different sources, and yet contains many of the motifs usually contained in the witch trials. This is the story of Anne Jefferies from St Teath, close to the north coast of Cornwall.

Black Magic

The Nirumbee, Pryor Mountain's little people

© www.strangerealms.netThe Nirumbee, little people of Crow tribe folklore
The Pryor Mountains is a mountain range located on the Crow Reservation and Custer National Forest in the state of Montana, U.S.A. These mountains are also home to a ferocious race of little people, that the Crow Nation call the Nirumbee. The Nirumbee are said to be eighteen inches tall, with large heads, pointed teeth, pot bellies, with strong arms and legs and little, if any neck. Despite their reputation of fiercely protecting their territory, to the death, they have always been friendly to the Crow people.

It is told that the Nirumbee impart spiritual wisdom, teach the ways of medicine and healing to medicine men, and help shape young boys into great chiefs. One such example is Red Plume (to be known later in life as Long Hair), who after fasting for four days at the top of the Big Horn was taken into the mountain by four little people where they told him that wearing his red eagle feather would be his medicine, it would protect him and he would become a great leader of the Crow People.


Strange readings on US submarine sonar points to belief that Navy has secret USO program - UFO researcher

US Navy submarine sonar
The Mutual UFO Network's chief photo expert, Marc D'Antonio, says he was on a US Navy submarine when they tracked a very fast moving object in the ocean. Subsequent responses from Navy personnel lead D'Antonio to believe the Navy has a secret program regarding Unidentified Submerged Objects (USOs).

USOs are the underwater equivalent to UFOs. Although much less popular, there are famous USO cases Ufologists often reference.

One of the most interesting USO stories, for me, is that of my friend D'Antonio's. I have heard it several times in his company, and I believe we talked about it on one of his many appearances on the Open Minds UFO Radio podcast.

Black Cat

Supernatural possession: Demons on trial

deviant being
© wall.alphacoders.com
The Devil made me do it. This has long been the plea of those who have been caught doing something wicked that is uncharacteristic of their usual behavior. Most of the time, we take it only as a figure of speech to brush off an aberrant deviation from the norm. However, sometimes the meaning can become all too literal. In 1981, a brutal murder occurred in a tranquil town on the East Coast of the United States; a vicious crime that the perpetrator claimed was not carried out by his own hand, but rather that of demons that had taken him over. It was a defense that would carry over into an actual court of law to become the nation's first case of a court defense seeking to blame a crime on demonic possession, and would trigger a media blitz of this spectacular tale of menacing supernatural evil on trial.

The whole strange tale begins in the quite, affluent, and peaceful neighborhood of Brookfield, Connecticut, where an unassuming family, the Glatzels, had arrived in order to clean and put in order a rental property they had recently acquired in this scenic town of 13,000. Shortly after they arrived, a series of bizarre events began to unfurl that would mark the beginning of the madness that was about to spiral out of control.

One day, about a month after they had arrived, Mrs. Judy Glatzel reported that her youngest son, 11 year-old David, had suddenly and inexplicably fallen down rather forcefully onto the bed as if he had been shoved. When questioned about the occurrence later, David told his mother that he had in fact been pushed by what he described as an old man with "burnt-looking skin," who had pointed a finger at him and growled the word "Beware" before throwing him onto the bed.

For more of this article, go here.

Comment: Ed and Lorraine Warren were investigators on this case.


Peruvian pilot offers further details on 1980 UFO sighting

Oscar Santa María
Oscar Santa María recalled his experience, which has been officially recorded by NASA.

Commander Santa María of the Peruvian Air Force (FAP) was a guest on the "Tengo Algo Que Decirte" television program and disclosed further details about his UFO experience on 11 April 1980.

The Peruvian pilot disclosed that what he experienced in the skies over the department of Arequipa was incredible, as he pursued a UFO and opened fire against it for twenty-two minutes.

"No, they didn't attack me. They were eluding my fire. They seemed to know the range I was able to fire," said Cmdr. Santa María during the broadcast.

He said that some time later, in 2007, he learned that the case had been officially recorded by NASA.


Alleged UFO spotted over Carlos Paz, Argentina

Possible UFO over Argentina
Following the appearance of a strange object in the skies over Carlos Paz, creating concern among city residents, a reader of El Diario submitted a photograph claiming to have captured the image of a UFO in the vicinity of Cerro de la Cruz.

The image taken by Sergio Soria can be added to the eyewitness testimony provided by Gonzalo Cufré to this media source. He spoke of the presence of an unidentified flying object in the vicinity of the mountain range surrounding the city.

The newsroom received a considerable number of messages discussing the hitherto unexplained phenomenon. "I was standing outside, in my back yard, when I saw a very bright light that wasn't shaped like a kite and fell vertically. I moved over by a few meters and saw it fall behind Cerro de la Cruz. The truth is that I can't imagine what it might have been," Cufré said.


Montana woman has been tracking Bigfoot for 24 years

sasquatch hunter
© Aaric Bryan/Daily Inter LakeMisty Allabaugh uses a flashlight to search for hair on a log while hiking near Columbia Falls recently.
Misty Allabaugh knows exactly what she saw as she rested her head against the back door of her dad's truck that late October day in 1993.

It was just before dusk as her family headed out of the woods west of Kalispell where they'd spent the day hunting.

"My mom gasped," Allabaugh recalled. "And my dad said, 'let it go, Mary.'"

Her father had worked backcountry logging jobs all his life, and had seen some odd occurrences through the years that couldn't easily be explained. He'd been told if you leave "it" alone, it will leave you alone.

Then Allabaugh saw it with her own eyes. It was like nothing she'd ever seen before, but she knew it was Bigfoot. "There's no doubt in my mind," she said. "It was on a short hill. You could see the daylight between his arms, his hair lifting in the breeze."

Her mother turned to her and asked: "Did you see the hairy man cross the road?"

Allabaugh, of Columbia Falls, was 17 when she witnessed the ape-like creature. The sighting left her wanting to know more, and the intrigue never left.


A possible explanation for the Rendlesham UFO incident

Rendlesham capsule
A UFO researcher in the UK has put forward an intriguing theory to explain the infamous incident in Rendlesham Forest which has come to be known as 'Britain's Roswell.'

The now-legendary case, which purportedly spanned three nights in December of 1980, has baffled students of the phenomenon for nearly four decades.

Much like many prominent UFO events, the Rendlesham Forest Incident has spawned numerous books, TV specials, and other features detailing the case as well as a myriad of interpersonal conflicts among researchers and witnesses.

The subject of considerable debate and investigation, the notorious event has remained unexplained to this day, but a UFO researcher in the UK believes he may have solved the mystery.


Nine alien civilizations may be surveilling Earth...

Aliens surveilling Earth
You've put up blackout curtains, duct-taped the doors and plugged the chimney. You've disconnected the cable, gotten rid of all room monitors and spent a fortune on a secure phone. And yet ... you still feel like you're being watched. Perhaps your Peeping Tom is more of a Pepping ET. Scientists imagining what Earth looks like from other stars have identified nine exoplanets with a clear view of our planet as it passes in front of the Sun. That means civilizations on those planets can see the Earth. What else can they see? Do they know what you're wearing ... or not?

How would an alien observer see the solar system?

This is the question that inspired the study by researchers at Queen's University Belfast and the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research in Germany published in the latest edition of the journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. Lead author Robert Wells, a PhD student at Queen's University Belfast, says they started with the list of what is now thousands of planets that can be observed from Earth orbiting other stars. One reason they can be seen is that they make a dark spot when passing in front of their star and do it at intervals suggesting they're planets and not comets, giant space ships or Dyson spheres. It doesn't take a rocket scientist (or a PhD student at Queen's University Belfast) to flip that scenario around and figure out that if we can see them, they can probably see us. And, since we always assume that extraterrestrials are smarter than us, they can probably see more than we do.
However the more important factor is actually how close the planet is to its parent star - since the terrestrial planets are much closer to the sun than the gas giants, they'll be more likely to be seen in transit.
Transiting planets
© R. Wells