High StrangenessS


Bizarre glowing light seen over Siberia

Aurora borealis
© AP Photo/M. Scott MoonThe aurora borealis, or northern lights, fill the sky early Sunday, March 17, 2013, above the Holy Assumption of the Virgin Mary Russian Orthodox church in Kenai, Alaska. The bright display at times filled the sky.
People in Siberia were stunned Thursday night by a one-in-a-kind spectacle: a huge glowing ball rising up in the sky. What was it? A UFO? A portal to a different dimension?

"I went out to smoke a cigarette and thought it was the end of the world," said Vasiliy Zubkov, according to the Siberian Times.

The website published spectacular photos by Sergey Anisimov, a photographer from the northernmost city of Salekhard.

"'At first I was taken aback for a few minutes, not understanding what was happening," Anisimov told the Times.

"The glowing ball rose from behind the trees and moved in my direction," he explained. "My first thought was of a very powerful searchlight, but the speed [the spectacle] changed everything around changed [my] idea."


The Ghost Rockets of 1946, with a humanoid encounter?

Saga UFO mag
© Saga
Saga's UFO magazine for Fall 1974, pictured here, has a piece by my former pal Lucius Farish [RIP] and UFO historian Jerome (Jerry) Clark: The Ghost Rockets of 1946.

The seven page article presented, as was Farish's and Clark's wont, more than a representational account of the many cigar (rocket) shaped sightings over Sweden after World War II and other countries too.

And in their article, the usually cautious writers, mention an incident that allegedly took place during the 1946 sightings. However, the supposed event wasn't published until 1971, well after many flying saucer [UFO] reports that contained ingredients that are found in the purported 1946 report.

In May 1946, just outside Angelholm, in southern Sweden, witness Gosta Carlsson, a well-know industrialist, while out walking spotted a disc-shaped object with a cupola that appeared to be a cabin with oval windows.

Above it was a mast, like a submarine periscope. Underneath the disc was "a big oblong fin which stretched from the center to the edge of the underside. There were also two metal landing legs. A small ladder reached to the ground from a door beside the fin. The object was approximately 53 feet in diameter and 13 feet from top to bottom at the middle." The witness said he knew this because he measured the marks on the following day.


What's up with the strange orange lights over Ohio?

Orange light over Ohio
© YouTube/Punky DoodleOrange light filmed over Newark, OH (April 17, 2016)
During a recent trip across southern Ohio my friend and mine's phone batteries and camera died even though we had just fully charged our devices. I didn't think anything was peculiar until later that night as I drove west from the Wayne National Forest toward Dayton.

I parted ways with my friends, who were visiting from Arizona, in the Hocking Hills region, and soon after I saw eight unidentifiable flying objects in the southwest sky.

Now, I'm not a conspiracy theorist, so when I saw the eight objects, I told myself there are several plausible explanations for what I saw.

West of Athens, looking in the southwest sky, I saw an orange light turn on about a quarter of a mile away. Then a second orange light turned on, and then both turned off. The two lights turned on again, then abruptly off, and where the light had been, I could make out two dark elliptical shapes. Then two more orange lights appeared in another location, only to disappear again.

Red Flag

The campaign to discredit Betty and Barney Hill and their UFO abduction experience

betty and barney hill
Betty and Barney Hill are best known as the first alien abductees to garner worldwide attention and media coverage of their 1961 close encounter with a UFO and subsequent abduction by non-human beings.

Betty (1919-2004) was a social worker for the State of New Hampshire and Barney (1922-69) was a civil service worker for the U.S. Post Office. The encounter transpired when the couple were returning to their Portsmouth, New Hampshire home on September 19, 1961 from a short vacation in Niagara Falls and Montreal. Hurricane Esther was whirling up the coast and threatening to strike New Hampshire's Seacoast, so the Hills decided to cut their trip short. This decision would require a nighttime drive with an expected 2:00 a.m. arrival time, but Barney was up for the challenge as he was well rested from the night before and was accustomed to working the night shift.

At the time neither had any particular interest in UFOs. Betty, however, was more open-minded about the possibility that UFOs may exist while Barney was convinced otherwise. The events of that fateful evening forever changed the couple's lives when they experienced an unknown phenomenon superior to anything known on Earth. Both made confidential reports of the event to the appropriate authorities, but were troubled by a two-hour time lapse and physical evidence that they couldn't account for. Hoping to break through the apparent amnesia, a little more than two years after the close encounter, Betty and Barney contacted renowned Boston psychiatrist, Dr. Benjamin Simon. Both recalled the traumatic details of being seized and subjected to physical examinations by non-human beings.

Much to their dismay, a breach of confidentiality led to the public disclosure of the Hills' story in October 1965. The worst thing that could have happened to the Hills was for their story to become public knowledge because they felt they had much to lose and nothing to gain. Soon their tale emerged in popular culture as a fascinating chronicle of alien abduction; the topic of intense scientific interest; and the prime target of debunkers, who continue to attack it today.


Cattle mutilation found in Alberta, Canada

RCMP, Royal Canadian Mountain Police
RCMP in Goodridge, Alta. are investigating after a mutilated cow was found dead on an oil lease site.

The animal was found with three separate openings on its body, none of which were caused by animals, police said in a media release Monday morning.

Internal organs were also removed from the cow, police said.

The cow was found on Oct. 10, although it's not known how long it had been dead before it was discovered.

Goodridge is located approximately 225 kilometres northeast of Edmonton.

Black Cat

Big house cat? Experts divided over 'gigantic cat' sighting in Mississippi

Big cat in MS
© David Sluder
A Mississippi man was left scratching his head when he spotted what appears to be a massive black cat walking through a field and even experts can't agree on what he saw.

The strange encounter took place as David Sluder was pulling into a Wendy's restaurant in the city of Hernando and noticed something amiss in the distance.

After initially thinking that perhaps he was watching a deer or a coyote, he realized that the creature was actually a very large cat.

Having never seen such a thing before, Sluder smartly took out his cellphone and captured some footage of the big cat stalking through some tall grass.

Comment: More from The Clarion-Ledger:
Ricky Flynt, a biologist with the Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks, said the cat is far less sensational than some media outlets have made it out to be.

"Biologists look at it differently," Flynt said. "We look at distinguishing characteristics to identify.

"This is not a panther or cougar or mountain lion. It's a house cat. You can look at the erect ears. The position of the ears gives it away. Pointed tips; that's a house cat every time."

Then there are the black panther sightings. The only problem with those is that the only truly large, wild black cats are leopards and jaguars.

"There are no black panthers," Flynt said. "One has never been documented. Large black cats are not native and they've never been documented in North America."

Richard Rummel, an MDWFP biologist who has experience with panthers, agreed with Flynt after reviewing the video numerous times.

"It may be a pretty big one, but it's a house cat," Rummel said.


Mitchel Air Force Base: 1956 UFO, humanoid being

© Cooper
Saga's 1975 UFO Annual had a piece by Robert D. Barry: The UFO That Landed at Mitchel Air Force Base. Mr. Barry provides an overview of the now decommissioned AF base, highlighting a 1956 UFO appearance and a subsequent related event.

Guy DeLaunay, a native of France, who joined the U.S. Air Force worked with "automatic data processing" at the base. In the winter of 1956, at about 11:30 p.m., after a work shift, DeLaunay and a buddy were heading to a diner just off the base when they spotted, perhaps a dozen small globes, saucer-shaped objects moving in a circular pattern above the field.

They ran to the office building alerting their comrades, and the entire crew of 15 men came out to watch the silent, non-blinking lights.

They called Base Operations Office and found that the objects were being tracked on radar. A pair of interceptors were sent in pursuit but the objects "disappeared in the air" and also from the radar scopes.

Later in the evening, about 12:40 a.m., DeLaunay and a friend decided to drive around the base when they came upon a hangar that housed a fire-drill plane. They saw what appeared to be a military man walking on the field who was approaching the hangar and fire-drill plane.

"Suddenly a glow lit up the area" and they saw a saucer-shaped object, the source of the glow. The object increased in brilliance, "changed different colors" and began to lift "slowly and gracefully. After reaching about 50 feet the object "hovered momentarily. Then it shot skyward and was out of sight in a matter of seconds." Base Operations told the men to keep silent about what they had seen.


Newlyweds flying to the Bahamas disappear in the Bermuda Triangle

Bermuda Triangle
A Texas couple traveling to the Bahamas for their honeymoon may be the latest victims of the infamous Bermuda Triangle.

At the start of what was to be a week-long trip, Forrest and Donna Sacco flew from the city of Fort Worth in their private plane and landed on the island of Eleuthera in the Bahamas on September 25th.

That refueling stop was the last that anyone has seen of the couple as they departed that airport the next day and headed for the nearby island of Rum Cay, but never arrived at their destination.

Unfortunately, their lack of contact with family and friends over the course of the next week did not arouse suspicions since they were ostensibly celebrating their recent nuptials in a proverbial paradise.

Comment: See also: Could mysterious hexagonal clouds in Bermuda Triangle be behind centuries of bizarre disappearances?

Black Cat

'Haunted' bar has seriously spooky things caught on surveillance tapes

Spooky bar
A bar and restaurant in Ventura, CA, may have a ghost on their hands.

Cronies Bar uploaded two videos on Facebook showing furniture in their restaurant moving on its own.

The surveillance tapes show two incidents where a chair moves without anyone touching it - once after hours of a chair toppling over by itself and another during business hours where a different chair tilts up and down. In the second video, a family who spots the moving chair goes over to investigate the strange event.

The Cronies owners say it's not part of any Halloween stunt, and claim to be just as confused as their patrons.

Comment: See also:
Proof of ghosts among us? 1860's spirit photography
Ghosts photographed at the Stanley Hotel that inspired horror novel 'The Shining'


The case of the St. Helens UFO, and what if it comes back?

newspaper article
© Courtesy Photo
In the early hours of a cold, misty morning on March 17, 1981, SHPD Sergeant Russell Yokum reported a close encounter of the first kind. At 4:03 a.m., Yokum was patrolling Highway 30 west of the Columbia River when he spotted a bright light moving in an easterly direction toward the Portland Airport upriver. While aircraft were known to regularly pass over the area on the way to the airport, the light was unusually bright, so much so that it lit up the river like the sun was "just coming up."

"I thought it was an aircraft landing light - but it was brighter than a normal landing light would be," Yokum told The National Enquirer in '81.

Convinced the light was not an aircraft, Yokum radioed headquarters and then headed to the county courthouse to view the unidentified flying object from the banks of the Columbia River. A few local citizens and two Oregon State Police officers, Ricky Cade and Tom McCartney, joined him there and Yokum got in contact with Donald Askins via CB radio. Askins lived in a home across the river in Ridgefield, WA, and went by the handle "Lucky 13." He could not only see the light, but hear it, too. Askins reported an eerie and extremely loud noise that sounded like "a power plant diesel motor and a screeching noise in between."