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Born contaminated in our toxic world

A study, Pre-Polluted by Canada's Environmental Defence examines the contaminants that are found in the blood of newborns in two of Canada's largest urban centres. Let's first put our chemical world into perspective.

At this point in time, there are 84,000 chemicals in use in North America. Around the globe, an estimated 143,000 chemicals are in use.

In Canada, only 200 of these chemicals have been reviewed for their impact on human health and the United States EPA has reviewed only 200 chemicals since 1976.

Scientists tested the umbilical cord blood from three newborns whose mothers live in the Greater Toronto/Hamilton areas and found a rather surprising cocktail of contaminants.

While the actual sample size is very small, the results mimic those found in larger studies undertaken in various nations.

The chemicals that were screened for in this study include the following groups:


Low levels of air pollution increase lung cancer and heart failure risk

Small increases in air pollution that are well below current safety limits can raise the risk of lung cancer and heart attacks, according to two new studies.

© Getty ImagesExhaust fumes from a car in London
Researchers found that long term exposure to microscopic particles of soot at levels similar to those found in suburban areas of Britain can increase the risk of lung cancer by up to 36 per cent.

The short term impact of the same levels of these sooty particles, which are produced by diesel exhausts, also increased the risk of being admitted to hospital or dying from heart failure by two per cent.

The particles, which are more than 100 times small than a human hair, can become lodged in the lungs and pass through into the blood stream, causing inflammation.

The scientists behind the two studies say that their findings indicate that current safety limits on air pollution are still too high and need to be lowered.

"Everybody is exposed to air pollution and it is difficult to escape," said Dr Anoop Shah. "Our results indicate that the lower the levels, the better it is.


Wonders of the Ketogenic diet: The Andersen and Stefansson 'Eskimo Experiment'

© sheilaz413Stefansson and Andersen make paleo dieters look like vegans.
The men who ate nothing but meat for an entire year

Low-carb diets and paleolithic nutrition are all the rage these days, and for good reason. Compared to the Standard American Diet, both of them are superb.

Few of us would dare to take the two to their extreme, however. Giving up sugar and wheat is one thing, but what about giving up everything except meat? Yes, I'm talking about an ultra low-carb diet with even foods like nuts and berries removed. Unsurprisingly and understandably, studies on the long-term effects of such a diet are severely lacking.

There is at least one study that did just this, however. If the diet brings the Eskimos to mind, it's no coincidence. You may have heard of Dr. Vilhjalmur Stefansson - the Canadian ethnologist who spent more than a decade with the Inuit during his arctic explorations in the beginning of the previous century. For nine of these years, he lived almost exclusively on fish and meat (you can read about his experiences here). At the time, this was considered heresy and life-threatening, just as it is today (note that Stefansson apparently refers to both fish and meat with the word "meat"):
A belief I was destined to find crucial in my Arctic work, making the difference between success and failure, life and death, was the view that man cannot live on meat alone. The few doctors and dietitians who thought you could were considered unorthodox if not charlatans. The arguments ranged from metaphysics to chemistry: Man was not intended to be carnivorous - you knew that from examining his teeth, his stomach, and the account of him in the Bible. As mentioned, he would get scurvy if he had no vegetables in meat. The kidneys would be ruined by overwork. There would be protein poisoning and, in general hell to pay.
To the surprise of many (including Stefansson himself), he suffered no health problems during his decade of pure carnivorism. When he told people of his amazing experiences, he was met with skepticism from medical authorities who asked him to undertake a study that would replicate the results. He and a fellow explorer named Andersen agreed to eat an all-meat diet for an entire year in a closely observed setting.

Composing a diet of nothing but meat and fat


Organic vs. Conventional: Pundits are welcome to their own opinion, but not their own facts

Because Food Safety News holds an important perspective in the industry, I was surprised to see the website publish a commentary by Mr. Mischa Popoff.

Mr. Popoff has spent the last few years promoting his self-published book, Is It Organic. He has made irresponsible and unsupported claims that 80 percent of all organic food in North America is imported and riddled with fraud - a grave disservice to the hard-working organic farmers in this country and their loyal customers.

The subtitle of his book says it all: The Inside Story of Who Destroyed the Organic Industry, Turned It into a Socialist Movement and Made Million$ in the Process, and a Comprehensive History of Farming, Warfare and Western Civilization from 1645 to the Present.

Whoa Nelly! If you connect the dots, by looking at the other issues that Mr. Popoff writes about, and commonly published on ultraconservative websites (challenging climate change, defending genetically engineered food production, challenging the efficacy of hybrid automobiles and even parenting issues) you would have to conclude that organic food is a component of some kind of Bolshevik plot to take over this country.

Comment: Read more about the ongoing debate between organic and conventional food and how the Mainstream media launches another phony war against organic:

Organic Food: Cutting Through The Confusion
Debunked: Ridiculous Study Claims Organic Same as Conventional
Sound Science and Common Sense are On the Side of Organics
State of Science Review 'New Evidence Confirms the Nutritional Superiority of Plant-Based Organic Foods'
New 'Study' Based on Crops No Longer Grown, Twists Its Own Results, and Fails to Analyze Other Key Health Benefits of Organic Food
Whoa, Is Organic Food No Healthier Than Non-Organic? Controversy Erupts Over Study
Stanford Scientists Shockingly Reckless on Health Risk and Organics
Cargill and Others Behind anti-Organic "Stanford Study"
Thinking Outside the Processed Foods Box: Health and Safety Advantages of Organic Food


Why The Atlantic's defense of junk food fails

© Image courtesy of McDonald's. The McDonald's Egg White Delight McMuffin
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 69 percent of US adults are overweight or obese. How did this happen? In a long article in the current Atlantic, David H. Freedman offers a mechanistic explanation: People are ingesting too many calories, particularly "energy-intense" fat, sugar, and "other problem carbs." The simple diagnoses leads to an easy solution: The food industry should apply its flavor-engineering wizardry to churn out lower-cal products that people will still scarf up, preserving its own bottom line while solving the obesity crisis. Indeed, he writes, this remedy is already playing out under our noses:
Popular food producers, fast-food chains among them, are already applying various tricks and technologies to create less caloric and more satiating versions of their junky fare that nonetheless retain much of the appeal of the originals, and could be induced to go much further.
Among the examples Freedman cites are McDonald's Egg White Delight McMuffin, a "lower-calorie, less fatty version of the Egg McMuffin," a "new line of quarter-pound burgers, to be served on buns containing whole grains," and Carl's Jr.'s "Charbroiled Atlantic Cod Fish Sandwich."


Warning over 'epidemic' of skin allergies from chemical in cosmetics and household products

A chemical found in everyday cosmetics and household cleaning products may be responsible for an "epidemic" of painful skin allergies, doctors have warned.

© AlamyMI, which is short for methylisothiazolinone, is a preservative and it is added to products to prevent unwanted growth of bacteria and yeasts
The preservative - known as MI - is used in a wide range of shampoos, moisturisers and shower gels as well as make-up and baby wipes.

But dermatologists warn people are being exposed to much higher doses than before, leading to a steep rise in allergies known as contact dermatitis where the skin becomes red and itchy and can sting and blister.

Experts say the chemical is second only to nickel in causing contact allergies. One in 12 adults and one in five children in the UK now have eczema, of which contact dermatitis is one of the most common types.

MI, which is short for methylisothiazolinone, is a preservative which is also found in paint. It is added to products to prevent unwanted growth of bacteria and yeasts.

Well-known products that contain MI found on sale in shops included Nivea body lotion, Wet Ones and Boots men's face wash.


Sugar makes cancer light-up in MRI scanners

© UCLUCL scientists have developed a new technique for detecting the uptake of sugar in tumors, using magnetic resonance imaging.
A new technique for detecting cancer by imaging the consumption of sugar with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has been unveiled by UCL scientists. The breakthrough could provide a safer and simpler alternative to standard radioactive techniques and enable radiologists to image tumours in greater detail.

The new technique, called 'glucose chemical exchange saturation transfer' (glucoCEST), is based on the fact that tumours consume much more glucose (a type of sugar) than normal, healthy tissues in order to sustain their growth.

Comment: But notice how this important information isn't being utilized by many doctors to prevent or treat cancer. While, the fact is, that ketogenic - no sugar/ low carbohydrates/ high fat - diet is known to help with many diseases. Read the following articles to learn more:

Ketogenic diet, calorie restriction and hyperbaric treatment offer hope for non-toxic cancer treatment and alleviation of multiple health issues
Ketogenic diet: Role in epilepsy and beyond
Is the Ketogenic Diet the cure for multiple diseases?
Ketogenic diet may be key to cancer recovery

The researchers found that sensitising an MRI scanner to glucose uptake caused tumours to appear as bright images on MRI scans of mice.

Lead researcher Dr Simon Walker-Samuel, from the UCL Centre for Advanced Biomedical Imaging (CABI) said: "GlucoCEST uses radio waves to magnetically label glucose in the body. This can then be detected in tumours using conventional MRI techniques. The method uses an injection of normal sugar and could offer a cheap, safe alternative to existing methods for detecting tumours, which require the injection of radioactive material." Professor Mark Lythgoe, Director of CABI and a senior author on the study, said: "We can detect cancer using the same sugar content found in half a standard sized chocolate bar. Our research reveals a useful and cost-effective method for imaging cancers using MRI - a standard imaging technology available in many large hospitals."


Got Proof? Lack of evidence for milk's benefits

There is no biological requirement for cow's milk. It is nature's perfect food but only if you are a calf. The evidence of its benefits is overstated, and the evidence of its harm to human populations is increasing.

The white mustached celebrities paid by the Dairy Council promote the wonders of milk in their "Got Milk" ads. Scientists are increasingly asking, "Got Proof?" Our government still hasn't caught on, in part because of the huge dairy lobby driving nutrition guidelines. When I once lamented to Senator Harkin that all we wanted to do was to make science into policy, he cocked his head and with a wry smile and said, "that would make too much sense."

And the media is also influenced heavily by advertising dollars. Once, when I was on Martha Stewart's television show, the dairy lobby sponsored the episode, and her trainer was forced to mouth the talking points of the Dairy Council touting milk as a fabulous sports drink. Studies may show some benefit, but studies funded by the food industry show positive benefits eight times more than independently funded studies.

In a new editorial by two of the nation's leading nutrition scientists from Harvard, Dr. David Ludwig and Dr. Walter Willett, in JAMA Pediatrics, our old assumptions about milk are being called into question. Perhaps it doesn't help you grow strong bones, and it may increase the risk of cancer and promote weight gain.

Comment: Additional information about the evils of milk:

Why Milk Is So Evil
6 reasons why you should avoid milk at all costs...
Your Milk on Drugs - The Dangers of rBGH in Dairy Products
The Cancer Time Bomb Sitting in Your Refrigerator - Will You Stop Consuming It?
Milk industry desperation setting in as America decides it doesn't really want to drink it


New tick-borne illness could be worse than Lyme disease

A new disease spread by deer ticks has already infected 100,000 New Yorkers since the state first started keeping track.

As CBS 2's Dr. Max Gomez reported, the new deer tick-borne illness resembles Lyme disease, but is a different malady altogether - and it could be even worse.

The common deer tick is capable of spreading dangerous germs into the human bloodstream with its bite. However, Lyme disease is one of many diseases that ticks carry.

The latest disease is related to Lyme, and an infected person will suffer similar symptoms.

"Patients with this illness will develop, perhaps, fever, headache, flu-like symptoms, muscle pains - so they'll have typical Lyme-like flu symptoms in the spring, summer, early fall," said Dr. Brian Fallon of Columbia University. "But most of them will not develop the typical rash that you see with Lyme disease."

Life Preserver

Super-common food that's ruining your skin, joints and blood sugar

Sometimes it's difficult to discern trend diets from the truth about nutrition. It seems that everyone has an agenda, a special diet, a "limited time offer." However, we're here to tell you about one incredibly common food that is absolutely wrecking most people's skin, joints, and blood sugar.The best part? There's no agenda here. The worst part? This food is probably in just about every one of your meals. Curious to know what we're talking about? Wheat.
© GreenMedInfo

Why Wheat Isn't All That Great

Let's start at the beginning. The "wheat" we're referring to is hardly wheat at all. In fact, if you could give someone from the 18th century a baked loaf of bread (even whole wheat), they would hardly even recognize it.

Dr. William Davis, a cardiologist, is one of many scientists and doctors that tries to educate others on the truth about modern wheat. If you want to learn more about the distinctions between modern wheat and the "true" wheat of centuries past, check out this interview he did with CBS News.