Health & WellnessS


Heart function disrupted under influence of energy drinks: Study

Energy Drinks
© Thinkstock
Some people trying to perk up in the morning have turned to energy drinks as an alternative to coffee, but a new study has found that these drinks can have a disruptive effect on heart function.

According to the study, which was presented on Monday at the annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA), drinks with high amounts of caffeine and taurine caused significant increases in heart strain one hour after consumption.

"Until now, we haven't known exactly what effect these energy drinks have on the function of the heart," said study researcher Dr. Jonas Dรถrner, of the cardiovascular imaging section at the University of Bonn in Germany.

"There are concerns about the products' potential adverse side effects on heart function, especially in adolescents and young adults, but there is little or no regulation of energy drink sales."

The new study comes after a report published earlier this year by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) found that the number of emergency department visits related to energy drinks in the US essentially doubled, from 10,000 to almost 21,000, between 2007 and 2011.

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China to US: 'Take your 60,000 tons of GMO-Contaminated corn and shove It'

© A new report reveals that the formerly pro-GMO Chinese government, one of the largest consumers of GMO food crops in the world, is beginning to crack down on GM corn shipments from the US that have not followed appropriate biosafety regulations.
China recently rejected 60,000 tons of corn being imported into the country from the United States when it was found to be contaminated with Syngenta's MIR162, an insect-resistant strain of transgenic corn.

It seems MIR162 is not authorized in China, and the batch was returned according to regulations regarding genetically modified imports into the country.

This strain of Bacillus thuringiensis (or Bt) corn is only approved for food and/or feed in 11 countries throughout the world; the first country it was approved for human consumption in was the U.S., back in 2008.


SOTT Focus: Scientific junk! Study claims high fat diet contributes to breast cancer

pink ribbon soup
© unknownWhile nutrition-loaded animal fats have been deemed carcinogenic by the nutritional science mafia, soup complete with MSG, gluten, oxidized cholesterol, rancid vegetable oils and synthetic vitamins is "fighting for the cure".
In recent years, as the Paleo diet has gained more and more traction, with Sweden ditching it's primitive dietary recommendations in favour of dietary advice that reflects what truly makes humans thrive (high-fat, low-carb), the Diet Dictocrats have stepped up their game, trying desperately to keep the dietary lie alive. After all, we can't have people discovering the truth about diet - that animal fat is healthy, natural and nourishing for human beings - because, God Forbid that people's brains and bodies should function properly... that might lead to them beginning to actually think for themselves!

When a society is so steeped in corruption, so in-over-its-head in lies that serve only to fatten the pockets of the elite while the masses suffer, rather than representing an honest search for objective truth, 'science' becomes yet another tool for inflicting the dominant ideology on the ignorant plebes. The real problem, however, is that more often than not, the plebes believe it.

A new 'study' coming from the Breast Cancer and the Environment Research Program at Michigan State University, published in the current online issue of Breast Cancer Research is a case in point. As Science Daily reports:
"New findings show that eating a high-fat diet beginning at puberty speeds up the development of breast cancer and may actually increase the risk of cancer similar to a type often found in younger adult women. "

Comment: End your ignorance here.See also:

Everything you've been told about how to eat is wrong

Wrongly Convicted? The Case for Saturated Fat

Eating fat is good for you: Doctors change their minds after 40 years

Saturated fat heart disease 'myth': UK cardiologist calls for change in public health advice on saturated fat

Higher saturated fat intakes found to be associated with a reduced risk of dying from cardiovascular disease

Probably More Than You Ever Wanted to Know About Fat and Thought You Already Knew, But Didn't

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Medicaid growth could aggravate doctor shortage

Dr. Mazer
© Emily Berl for The New York TimesDr. Ted Mazer, an ear, nose and throat specialist in San Diego who treats people on Medicaid, with Oresta Johnson.
Dr. Ted Mazer is one of the few ear, nose and throat specialists in this region who treat low-income people on Medicaid, so many of his patients travel long distances to see him.

But now, as California's Medicaid program is preparing for a major expansion under President Obama's health care law, Dr. Mazer says he cannot accept additional patients under the government insurance program for a simple reason: It does not pay enough.

"It's a bad situation that is likely to be made worse," he said.

His view is shared by many doctors around the country. Medicaid for years has struggled with a shortage of doctors willing to accept its low reimbursement rates and red tape, forcing many patients to wait for care, particularly from specialists like Dr. Mazer.


They hate us for our freedoms: Boston to ban smoking in public parks

© Unknown
Lighting up a cigarette in any Boston park, including the iconic Boston Common and Public Garden, may soon draw a $250 fine, which doesn't sit well with smokers who over the years have seen the places they are allowed to enjoy a cigarette shrink.

The City Council last week approved a ban on smoking cigarettes, marijuana and other ''lighted or vaporized'' substances at all 251 of the parks, cemeteries and other spaces run by the Boston Parks and Recreation Department. Mayor Tom Menino is expected to sign the measure soon, and then it needs final clearance by the city parks commission, which is expected to approve it next month.

City officials say the ordinance will reduce the harmful effects of second-hand smoke, curb litter and help pressure smokers to kick the habit. ''We've been trying to curb the amount of smoking in our parks, which has spiked since colleges, hospitals and many private buildings and other institutions have banned it on their property,'' Antonia Pollak, commissioner of the Parks and Recreation Department, told The Boston Globe. Her staff has seen an increase of cigarette butts discarded in parks. ''It's the unintended consequences that smokers are migrating to the parks,'' she said.

Councilor Matt O'Malley said the number of city residents who identify themselves as smokers has fallen from about 25 percent in 2000 to about 16 percent in 2013.

Comment: At this rate, we really are gonna have nothing but gormless zombies roaming the streets as all the creative people meet up in private.

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Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Multiple Sclerosis, depression and bipolar disorder all linked to metal toxicants such as lead and mercury

Metal Toxicants
© Prevent Disease
Metal toxicants entering the part of the brain that deals with stress and panic have been linked to disorders dealing with the central nervous system. Increasing evidence indicates that damage to the locus ceruleus (LC), is present in a wide range of neurodegenerative diseases including demyelinating and psychiatric disorders.

There are a growing number of Clinicians and Scientists who are convinced that excitotoxins and heavy metals play a critical role in the development of several neurological disorders, including migraines, seizures, infections, abnormal neural development, certain endocrine disorders, specific types of obesity, and especially the neurodegenerative diseases; a group of diseases which includes: ALS, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, Huntington's disease, and olivopontocerebellar degeneration.

The locus ceruleus (LC) is a nucleus in the pons (part of the brainstem) involved with physiological responses to stress and panic. It is the principal site for brain synthesis of the hormone and neurotransmitter norepinephrine (noradrenaline).

It has been known for many years that toxicants (i.e., poisons that are put into the environment or human body by human activity) that block the uptake of noradrenaline can damage the LC of experimental animals.

The recent finding that a metal toxicant, inorganic mercury, selectively enters the cytoplasm of human LC neuron has prompted researchers to investigate how these toxicants cause many of these CNS disorders.


Charges Filed: Panel of experts conclude Gardasil injection caused multiple sclerosis and immune mediated disease in 15-year old

© Prevent Disease
Mr. Jean-Christophe Coubris, defence lawyer for Marie-Oceane, a vaccine injured teen, has filed charges with the French public prosecutor in Bobigny, in the outskirts of Paris, against both Laboratoire Sanofi Pasteur MSD and the French authority Agence Nationale du Medicament (ANSM), the French National Medicines Agency, for breach of their manifest duty to ensure safety and for disregard of the precautionary and prevention principles.

Just a few months ago, hundreds of adverse reactions from the cervical cancer vaccine in Japan caused vaccine injuries and disability in many teenagers courtesy of Cervarix and Gardasil HPV injections.

In July, 2013, the Japanese health ministry issued a nationwide notice that cervical cancer vaccinations should no longer be recommended in Japan. Japanese teens who received the vaccines are now in wheelchairs with damage to their brains and spinal cord.

The HPV vaccine is possibly the biggest vaccine hoax in the last century. HPV vaccines are nothing more than a worldwide exercise in profiteering at the expense of children's health. Due to the overwhelming amount of side effects associated with the vaccine, health agencies are now encouraging health professionals not to report adverse reactions, a clear indication that something is very wrong.

Bad Guys

Monsanto, the Trans-Pacific Partnership, & Global Food Dominance


"Control oil and you control nations," said US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger in the 1970s. "Control food and you control the people."

Global food control has nearly been achieved, by reducing seed diversity with GMO (genetically modified) seeds that are distributed by only a few transnational corporations. But this agenda has been implemented at grave cost to our health; and if the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) passes, control over not just our food but our health, our environment and our financial system will be in the hands of transnational corporations.

Profits Before Populations

According to an Acres USA interview of plant pathologist Don Huber, Professor Emeritus at Purdue University, two modified traits account for practically all of the genetically modified crops grown in the world today. One involves insect resistance. The other, more disturbing modification involves insensitivity to glyphosate-based herbicides (plant-killing chemicals). Often known as Roundup after the best-selling Monsanto product of that name, glyphosate poisons everything in its path except plants genetically modified to resist it.

Comment: The Trans-Pacific Partnership, a trade agreement that would strip governments of the power to regulate transnational corporate activities, is another dirty corporate tactic to dominate the worlds food system and continue to use the world's population as GMO guinea pigs:

Under Cover of Darkness, an International Corporate Coup Is Underway
With the direct participation of 600 corporations and shocking levels of secrecy, the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) is rushing to complete the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). Branded as a trade agreement (yawn) by its corporate proponents, TPP largely has evaded public and congressional scrutiny since negotiations were launched in 2008 by the George W. Bush administration.

But trade is the least of it. Only two of TPP's 26 chapters actually have to do with trade. The rest is about new enforceable corporate rights and privileges and constraints on government regulation. This includes new extensions of price-raising drug patent monopolies, corporate rights to attack government drug formulary pricing plans, safeguards to facilitate job offshoring and new corporate controls over natural resources.

Also included are severe limits on government regulation of financial services, zoning and land use, product and food safety, energy and other essential services, tobacco, and more. The copyright chapter poses many of the threats to Internet freedom of the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA), which was stalled in Congress under intense public pressure.

The proposed pact is so invasive of domestic policy space that it would even limit how governments can spend tax dollars. Buy America and other Buy Local procurement preferences used to reinvest our tax dollars in the American economy would be banned and sweat-free, human rights or environmental conditions on government contracts would be subject to challenge in closed-door foreign tribunals.


Research Reveals: Turmeric is a wellness promoting tonic in low doses

Over the years, there has been plenty of research performed on the value of natural substances in treating human diseases, but very little has been conducted on the effects of commonly used supplements and/or food components such as spices in already healthy people to improve their well-being.

All the more reason why a study published in 2012 in the Nutrition Journal titled, "Diverse effects of a low dose supplement of lapidated curcumin in healthy middle aged people,' holds great interest among those on the fence about using dietary supplements to improve the quality and perhaps length of their lives, but for which clinical proof is lacking.

Comment: Learn more about Tumeric Health Benefits:

Turmeric, Curcumin Naturally Block Cancer Cells
'Holy Powder' Makes Your Cell Membranes Behave for Better Health
Turmeric is the Anti-Aging, Anti-Oxidant, Anti-Inflammatory Super Spice
Turmeric's Powerful Life-Promoting Properties Put Pharmaceuticals to Shame
Groundbreaking study finds turmeric extract superior to prozac for depression
Curcumin and Black Pepper Combine to Stop Breast Cancer Tumor Cells
New biological role identified for curry spice compound used in ancient medicine
Turmeric's cardiovascular benefits found to be as powerful as exercise


We are heading for the greatest doctor shortage in American history

The United States already has an emerging shortage of doctors, and thanks to Obamacare that shortage is about to become much, much worse. Right now, the U.S. has close to a million doctors, and about half of them are over the age of 50. Many of them are beginning to wonder if practicing medicine is worth it anymore. In some specialties, treating Medicaid and Medicare patients pays so little that many doctors are now turning them away. Other doctors are charging their regular patients enormous amounts in order to make up for the money that they are losing on Medicaid and Medicare patients. And of course the paperwork and the red tape imposed on doctors by the health insurance companies and the federal government gets worse with each passing year. Some doctors actually spend more time filling out paperwork and dealing with red tape than they do seeing patients. On top of everything else, there is the constant and never-ending threat of being sued by predatory lawyers and losing everything. The giant malpractice insurance premiums that many doctors have to pay are an extreme financial burden on many practices. When you add it all together, it really is not surprising to learn that large numbers of doctors all over the nation are being driven into bankruptcy. Unfortunately, Obamacare is going to make all of the problems that I have just discussed even worse. This is going to result in much longer waits to see a doctor, and the level of health care in this country is going to go down substantially.