Society's ChildS


Simon Bramwell, nihilist: 'Tear down' civilisation says Extinction Rebellion co-founder

extinction rebellion protest london
© Chris J Ratcliffe/Getty ImagesThree XR members get fake oil poured over them during the demonstration in Trafalgar Square October 12, 2019, which has 'stretched' the Met Police and impacted the force's ability to respond to other crimes
The co-founder of climate alarmist group Extinction Rebellion (XR), called for activists to "take down" civilisation as a remedy for supposedly man-made climate change.

Speaking at a 'By Any Means Necessary?' meeting Simon Bramwell, the co-founder of Extinction Rebellion, advocated for humanity to return to a "wild" and "feral" state, saying that it is the duty of activist groups like XR is to "sabotage" civilisation, in order to bring about his Paleolithic utopian vision.

The group's demands are threefold. First, they call on governments to "tell the truth by declaring a climate and ecological emergency," a similar demand to that made by Swedish teenager Greta Thunberg at the UN Climate Action Summit in New York last month. A seemingly benign demand, but one that paints opponents as 'anti-truth'.

Secondly, they demand that "government must act now to halt biodiversity loss and reduce greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2025." Finally, the group demands that government partner up with activists, and "create and be led by the decisions of a Citizens' Assembly on climate and ecological justice."

Central to all of the group's demands is a radical expansion of state power.
Reducing greenhouse gases to net zero - if a state-led effort - would give government the power to restrict or outright deny its citizens freedom of travel, freedom to choose their own diets, and freedom to build their homes however they want. In the US, draft text of 'Green New Deal' legislation gives a sneak-peek at just how all-encompassing this would be, working wealth redistribution and reparations for "historic oppression" into the mix for good measure.

Arrow Down

Trump expands drilling in Utah two years after POTUS cut the size of Bears Ears National Park

© REUTERS/Andrew CullenHundreds of petroglyphs cover Newspaper Rock, in Bears Ears National Monument, Utah, U.S., October 29, 2017.
The Department of Interior finalized a rule Thursday expanding drilling rights in Utah two years after President Donald Trump reduced the size of a pair of national monuments in the area.

Trump cut the size of the Bears Ears and Grand Staircase-Escalante monuments in 2017, which created a firestorm of criticism from activists who said the president's decision hurt Native American communities.

Bears Ears and the Grand Staircase contain vast amounts of oil, gas and coal, as well as grazing land local ranchers hope to use for cattle.

The areas excluded from monuments are protected by federal environmental laws, acting DOI assistant secretary Casey Hammond said in a statement.

Comment: See also: Native American tribes to sue Trump over 'unlawful' Bears Ears decision


When China's supply chains break, the US economy's delusion of invulnerability will too

shipping containers shanghai china
© Aly Song | ReutersContainers sit at the Yangshan Port in Shanghai, China, Aug. 6, 2019.
Was it ever plausible that China's economy could grind to a halt and there wouldn't be any consequences for the U.S. economy? No.

Many commentators talk about supply chains in China, but how many have actually visited factories in China, other than carefully choreographed PR visits to suitably high-tech facilities? I've visited many factories in China, and not with a staff of minders who swiftly guide the visitors through the happy story of high-tech wonderland.

I've visited some high-tech facilities but also many low-tech factories, where most of the supply chain originates, usually with one or two bored local government functionaries. You get a much less distorted view of the supply chain on the ground, away from the carefully guided tours.

Blue Planet

New bill seeks to commit US to planting 3.3 billion trees every year

At the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland would leaders addressed various ways to combat climate change and help the environment. It was there that U.S. President Donald Trump committed to the Trillion Trees initiative.

A bill is currently being drafted by Rep. Bruce Westerman (R-Arkansas) that would set in stone the commitment to the planting of billions of trees annually. If the legislation passes, the U.S. will plant 3.3 billion trees each year over the next 30 years.

Westerman explained:
The pragmatic, proactive thing to do is to plant forests and manage them so that you're actually pulling carbon out of the atmosphere.
Trump said at Davos:
We're committed to conserving the majesty of God's creation and the natural beauty of our world.


MSNBC panelist comes unhinged when Sanders surrogate calls Bloomberg an 'oligarch'

© AFP/Frederic J. Brown
An outraged MSNBC panelist accused a surrogate for Bernie Sanders of "name-calling" after she dared to label billionaire and fellow presidential candidate Mike Bloomberg an "oligarch" for his ability to buy political influence.

During a discussion on money in politics, national co-chair for the Sanders campaign Nina Turner said Americans should be "ashamed" that "oligarchs" can buy their way into elections. Asked by host Chris Matthews to clarify if she believes Bloomberg is an oligarch, Turner didn't mince words.

"He is. I mean, he skipped Iowa, he's not going to New Hampshire. He's buying his way into this race, period," she said, adding that the Democratic National Committee (DNC) had changed its rules to allow the former mayor of New York City to participate in debates. Pressed by Matthews to say whether she believed Bloomberg bought his way into the debates, too, Turner said he "absolutely" did and that it was a "stain on democracy."

Arrow Down

Elementary school teaching assistant accused of selling fentanyl to teen who died from overdose

Marina Deetz
A Florida elementary school teaching assistant has been busted on heroin charges after she was accused of selling drugs to a teenager who later overdosed and died, according to police.

Marina Deetz, a 20-year-old staffer at Moon Lake Elementary in New Port Richey, was accused by a 17-year-old boy of selling fentanyl to him and his 18-year-old friend, who later died, an arrest affidavit shows.

The teaching assistant was accused of selling the drugs to the teens for $50 — then snorting some with them while also doing cocaine, the Pasco County sheriff's report says.

Heart - Black

'Vile,' 'Disgraceful': Outrage after Grenfell chairman requests cladding firm workers be exempt from criminal prosecutions

The chairman of the Grenfell Tower inquiry is to seek assurances from the government that any evidence provided by employees of the cladding firms won't be used against them in further criminal prosecutions prompting anger online.

Sir Martin Moore-Bick has written to the Geoffrey Cox QC - the attorney general - requesting that any evidence submitted by individuals responsible for the refurbishment of the 24-story block will not be used to incriminate them. 72 residents perished in the Grenfell Tower fire in June 2017.

Moore-Bick warned that if witnesses do not gain immunity then "they will be considerably less candid than would otherwise have been the case as a result of trying to avoid saying anything that might harm their position in the future."

Comment: Previously:

Car Black

Israeli soldiers wounded in Jerusalem car-ramming

suspected car-ramming Jerusalem
© MDAMagen David Adom medics treat the wounded in a suspected car-ramming in Jerusalem on February 6, 2020
At least 12 soldiers were wounded, including one seriously, in a suspected car-ramming terror attack in Jerusalem early Thursday morning, police and medics said.

The incident occurred shortly before 2 a.m. on Jerusalem's David Remez Street near the First Station, a popular entertainment hub. Police said the driver of the vehicle fled the scene and "a large force of officers were carrying out searches."

The car was later found abandoned in the town of Beit Jala outside Bethlehem, but the driver remained at large as of Thursday morning, police said.

Eye 1

Without conscience: Woman arrested after trying to suffocate 68-yr-old mother who she was 'tired of looking after'

Luciana Paula Figueiredo
This is the moment a daughter is filmed putting her hand on her elderly mother's nose and mouth in hospital in an alleged attempt to suffocate her.

Daughter Luciana Paula Figueiredo, 32, has been arrested for allegedly attempting to suffocate her mother Ana Benedita Figueiredo, 68, in her hospital bed in the Dr Carlos Macieira Hospital in the city of Sao Luis in the Brazilian state of Maranhao.

The sickening footage was reportedly recorded by other patients and shows a hand being placed over Ana's nose and mouth.

The hand appears to be pushing some of the bedding towards the woman's mouth and the elderly victim lifts her hand at one point.

Local media report daughter Luciana was arrested at the scene and later charged with attempted homicide while her mother was taken to the intensive care unit.


Italy high-speed train crash: Two people killed and 27 injured 'after 180mph derailment'

Two people died in the pre-dawn crash
Two people died in the pre-dawn crash
Two people have died and 27 are injured after a high-speed passenger train derailed and slammed into the side of a building in northern Italy.

The state-railway Freccia Rossa train came off the rail around 5.30am local time in the countryside outside the northern town of Lodi while travelling from Milan to the southern city of Salerno.

It is believed the state-railway Freccia Rossa train was travelling at about 180mph when the incident took place.

A train engineer and another rail worker died, while a third person, said to be a cleaner on the train, sustained significant but non life-threatening injuries.

A video of the scene showed the front engine and at least one passenger wagon had skipped the tracks, flipping onto its side. Photographs suggested the engine had broken clear of the rest of the train and smashed into an adjacent building.