Best of the Web:


Best of the Web: The Maxwell Family Business: Espionage

Ghislaine Maxwell
© Colin Macfarlane/Daily MailGhislaine Maxwell
Many were surprised to learn earlier this month that the key co-conspirator in Jeffrey Epstein's intelligence-linked sexual blackmail operation, Ghislaine Maxwell, had been in hiding in New England since Epstein's arrest and subsequent "suicide" last summer. Her recent arrest, of course, has returned attention to the Epstein scandal and to Ghislaine's ties to the entire operation, in which she played a central and crucial role, arguably more so than Epstein himself.

Ghislaine was first reported to be living in New England at the mansion of her alleged boyfriend Scott Borgeson on August 14th of last year. Though Maxwell is believed to have stayed there until purchasing the nearby New Hampshire home where she was arrested, attention from her presence on the East Coast was immediately and sensationally re-directed to the West Coast when, a day later on August 15th, the New York Post published a picture allegedly depicting Maxwell reading a book on "CIA operatives" at an In-N-Out Burger in Los Angeles, California. The photo was later revealed to have been photoshopped and a fake, but ultimately served its purpose in distracting from her actual location in New England.

Bad Guys

Best of the Web: Making face masks mandatory is inconsistent, illogical, illiberal & divisive

uk mask
© Getty Images / bennymarty
The UK government's U-turn in mandating the wearing of face masks - which provide moderate protection at best - in shops and on public transport is another epic fail in Boris Johnson's handling of the Covid-19 crisis.

Boris Johnson's government in Westminster has performed a sharp U-turn and announced that wearing face masks will now be compulsory in shops in England from July 27. While there is some evidence of a moderate protective effect from wearing masks, the whole affair says more about the chaos inside the cabinet than it does about the merits of face masks. Worse, the leap from mild advice to legal compulsion shows how little regard the UK government now has for freedom.

Back in the early days of the pandemic, the UK governments - both in Westminster and the devolved governments in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland - took their lead from the World Health Organisation when it came to face masks. Reviews of randomised controlled trials on the use of face masks - the "gold standard" of medical evidence - seemed to indicate little benefit. In short, we were told, they were pretty much useless. Other things, like isolating if we had possible symptoms, washing our hands and making sure we sneezed into tissues or our elbows were far more important, we were told.

Comment: See also:


Best of the Web: Language as Weapon: The woke mob tries to redefine racism to hide its own bigotry

White privilege protests
© Getty Images / Anadolu Agency
In their quest to change Western culture, Black Lives Matter and 'Woke Twitter' are redefining racism to weaponize the charge against anyone they choose. It's a dishonest tactic that lets them get away with their own bigotry.

Racism is an evil thing. People who are branded with that title are given a massive scarlet letter, and are generally cast out of civil society. Rightfully so, as no one wants to interact with someone who is so malicious towards someone else's skin color. Individuals like Jared Taylor or Richard Spencer are not tolerated (unless they're commentating for CNN I suppose).

One of the above words needs to be stressed: it's 'malicious'. As it has been understood for as far as I can remember, racism requires malice. This is why the term 'hate group' was first coined. Groups such as the Ku Klux Klan, the Aryan Brotherhood, or other white nationalists or white supremacists are considered 'hateful' because that is their modus operandi. They outright despise anyone who isn't like they are.

Eye 2

Best of the Web: How the Gates Foundation subverts India's public health policy

Kapil Bajaj journalist
© Kapil Bajaj/TwitterInvestigative journalist Kapil Bajaj
Some might ask why India is in complete lockstep with global lockdown despite the very low COVID19-related mortality figures for 1.3 billion people.

Yohan Tengra conducted a two-hour interview with investigative journalist Kapil Bajaj. It focuses on the Public Health Foundation of India and how the Gates Foundation-pharma cabal bought influence, embedded itself within government machinery and is determining India's lockdown and public health policy. According to Bajaj, it has effectively privatised and taken over the state's public health agenda.

In India, tens of millions are in danger of acute hunger and starvation. Lockdown has caused massive population displacement, probably the biggest since independence as millions of migrant workers returned to their villages, and has devastated livelihoods, especially among the poorest sections of society.

Even with the inflated COVID-related global death figures we see, those figures could be massively outstripped by the impacts of lockdown.


Best of the Web: Why are COVID-19 cases spiking, but fatality rates dropping?

will witt Dr. Jeffrey Barke coronavirus covid
© PragerU/Youtube
PragerU's Will Witt interviews Dr. Jeffrey Barke on why Covid-19 cases are rising, but the fatality rate is dropping. The average age of new cases is 31 โ€” fatality is so low for that age group that it's hard to even calculate. Dr. Barke also discusses the faulty reasoning of the 'flatten the curve' strategies and the reality of herd immunity.


Best of the Web: The Russiagate Spectacle: Season 2?

The new cold war
If it's an election year, there must be a Russiagate story. The Clintons and their neoliberal progeny, including the current standard bearer for corporate liberalism, have turned the Democratic Party into a branch office of the Deep State Inc., whose propaganda drones, the New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, and MSNBC act like hired guns for the Office of War Information.

There's nothing new about the mainstream media (MSM) being teammates with the State Department and the CIA. Carl Bernstein published a major investigative report back in 1977 that revealed that the Times and their fellow travelers had been functioning as the overseas eyes and ears of the Agency, what was called "Operation Mockingbird," since 1948. The MSM were practically owned by the CIA.

The Times still goes to "The Company" before reporting events abroad. Given that the largest section of Americans still depends on television for news, and TV in turn relies heavily on the New York Times for the international news agenda, the CIA is able to feed its propaganda to the public through establishment media, even though this violates its charter. The CIA also influences public opinion through its entertainment industry liaison program, established in the mid-1990s, that in effect co-directs many American film and television productions.

The warmongers in the liberal media are more gung-ho than even the president. Interviewing Mike Pence last year after Trump threatened to obliterate Iran, CNN's Jake Tapper expressed the concern that "Iran would get the wrong message from the president's restraint." The cowboy pundit asked Pence, "Is he willing to pull the trigger," salivating at the prospect of war.

Comment: In what was otherwise a fairly accurate article, the author just had to throw "racism" into the mix. Oh well.


Best of the Web: Rob Slane: We are psychologically locked down, and there's no easy way out

covid-1984 orwell
On the first day of "lockdown", I wrote this:
"So that seems to be that. The end of Britain as we knew it. ... I must say I am astonished and saddened that this has happened to the country I love, because of an illness which will likely turn out to kill no more than might die during a very bad flu season*. Astonished and saddened by the fact that we are risking economic meltdown and the untold misery this could bring to the lives of millions in lost jobs, decimated businesses and a plunging into poverty. Astonished and saddened that a once free people are being caged like prisoners, at a huge risk to their mental health, general wellbeing and future liberties. Astonished and saddened that so many freeborn people seem to be welcoming all this."
*[Covid-19 has killed around 550,000 in more than 6 months worldwide, and the W.H.O. estimates that flu kills between 290,000 and 650,000 in a season]

Months later, and after having done all I could think of to warn people and plead with them about what is happening to them and what is being done to them, both on this blog, on Twitter, and elsewhere, through analysis of data, by pointing to true experts who are ignored by the media, and by careful argumentation, the astonishment I once had for these things has morphed into something like a shrug of resignation. Months into the most dangerous social experiment ever conducted; with no political or media opposition to be seen; with a tsunami of unemployment coming our way; with social and public life frozen due to the ongoing restrictions; with millions still petrified and panicked by a virus that has indeed turned out to be roughly as deadly as a severe flu season; with local "lockdowns" now being implemented for no rational reason whatever; and with Schedule 21 โ€” perhaps the most sinister legislation this country has seen for centuries โ€” being passed without a peep of controversy, and apparently millions still cannot see what is happening to them and what is being done to their lives and their country. What can one do except shrug?


Best of the Web: Wearing masks - A sledgehammer to health

coughing mask
They did it this time. A group of men and women executed a well thought out plan to drive the health of the human race into the toilet. Attacking the very basics of life, they have deprived people, en mass, of the life/health-giving rays of the sun (depressing vitamin D levels) with their lock-downs. And through wearing masks, public health officials are forcing the public into hypoxic breathing conditions. Wearing a mask reduces the oxygen we breathe in and increases the CO2 intake.

There was a video showing people testing masks for the quality of air in terms of oxygen and CO2. The video has been removed (no surprise there) because it showed that wearing a mask is a health hazard. See details below. And here is a video of Dr. Rashid Buttar giving a passionate presentation of the dangers of wearing masks. His words are perhaps crude, but he hits the right points.

Of course, health officials are all for masks, and you better get used to them. One health expert is predicting that masks will remain a facet of American life for years to come. Eric Toner, a senior scholar at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, said, "I think that mask-wearing and some degree of social distancing, we will be living with โ€” hopefully living with happily โ€” for several years."

Comment: See also:

Cardboard Box

Best of the Web: Pandora's box? US Supreme Court rules half of Oklahoma is 'Indian country'. Manhattan next?

Indian looking at teepees
© Reuters/Stephanie Keith
While critics of US President Donald Trump gloated over the Supreme Court ruling in the matter of his taxes, another verdict returning much of Oklahoma to the Creek Nation has far bigger implications for the country down the line.

"On the far end of the Trail of Tears was a promise," Justice Neil Gorsuch - a Trump appointee presumed to be a conservative textualist - declared at the start of the majority opinion in McGirt v Oklahoma, referring to the removal of Native Americans that began in 1831.

Gorsuch sided with the four liberal justices in ruling that a large portion of Oklahoma was in fact "Indian country" for the purpose of criminal law. The 1866 treaty made with the Creek - now Muscogee - still applied, even if the state has exercised jurisdiction there for over a century, they said.

"Because Congress has not said otherwise, we hold the government to its word," Gorsuch wrote.

Comment: So... a 'conservative' Supreme Court just ruled that half of the state of Oklahoma is no longer Oklahoma... so that a convicted pedophile can get a re-trial?

What a plant Gorsuch turned out to be.


Best of the Web: Mask-erade: COVID-1984 and evidence-free compulsory masking

biden mask
W.H. Kellogg, M.D., infectious diseases expert and then-executive officer of the California State Board of Health, made this rueful, brutally honest 1920 observation on the failure of masking to contain rampant influenza spread during the devastating 1918 influenza pandemic:
The masks, contrary to expectation, were worn cheerfully and universally, and also, contrary to expectation of what should follow under such circumstances, no effect on the epidemic curve was to be seen. Something was plainly wrong with our hypotheses.
A century later, plus รงa change, plus c'est la mรชme chose - the more things change, the more they stay the same.

Comment: See also: