Like the erroneous graph at California Governor Jerry Brown's climate denier slam site, here's another one of those things that I've been sitting on for about a week, waiting for somebody to fix it. Since they haven't, and I've given adequate time, I suppose it is time to bring this latest GISS miss to the global attention of everyone.

Last week during my email group exchanges, somebody (I forget who) pointed out this graph from NASA GISS:

That is part of the GISTEMP graphs page here.

I chuckled then, because obviously it is some sort of data error, and not worth reporting since I figured surely those RealClimateScientists would notice in a day or two and fix it. Nope. But still there a week later? Now it is newsworthy.

That "off the charts" Figure D image has been around on this highly cited NASA GISS page, apparently unnoticed, since August 13th, 2012, here's the proof in the image info:

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