May snow in UK 2020

Parts of Scotland woke to May snowfall this morning (Monday, May 11) as a mass of brutal Arctic air rides anomalously-far south on the back of a meridional (wavy) jet stream flow.

Looking at the forecasts, the Highlands can expect even heavier flurries through Tuesday and Wednesday with temperatures dipping below 0C (32F). While southern England will see lows of around 2C (35.6F) overnight Monday, with the windchill making it feel 0C (32F) โ€” protect those young shoots.

Monday's polar blast has arrived with the news that six global organisations, including king warm-mongers themselves the Met Office, have combined to create a weather model for June through August, 2020 (well they've gotta spend all that funding on something, right, and the world is just screaming-out for MORE MODELS).

The six forecasters' combined map shows a 1500 mile-wide "cool blob" covering the Atlantic and much of Europe. They've predicted an overall UK summer temperature of 14.7C, which would be the coldest summer since 2015's 13.9C. However, that prediction -as with most-other things coming out of the UK Met Office- is likely on the warm side and something far-closer to 2015's reading is probably on the cards โ€” time will of course tell.

Furthermore, the UK experienced a relatively mild month of April this year, and usually after a warm April -such as in 2011 and 2007- the subsequent summer goes on to suffer very low maximum temperatures.

But what if it isn't the Sun, the jet streams, and the clouds that are the drivers of Earth's climate, what if it was those pesky CO2 emissions all-along... ha:

The "cool blob" is returning, the lower latitudes are refreezing, in line with historically low solar activity, cloud-nucleating Cosmic Rays, and a meridional jet stream flow.

NASA has said this upcoming solar cycle (25) will be "the weakest of the past 200 years," and the agency has correlated previous solar shutdowns to prolonged periods of global cooling here.

NASA solar cycle 25 prediction
400 years sunspot observations
Don't fall for bogus warm-mongering political agendas โ€” our future is one of ever-descending COLD & CROP LOSS.

Prepare accordingly โ€” learn the facts, relocate if need be, and GROW YOUR OWN.
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