© Adrees Latif / Reuters John Podesta
John Podesta is one of the creepiest crooks in the DNC. It looks like Podesta is in hot water again as he is right in the middle of the fake Trump dossier.

Podesta has been around for a while and is remembered as the emcee of the Democrats' White House presser held right after Bill Clinton was impeached.

In 2016 John Podesta became famous again when his emails were released by WikiLeaks before the Presidential election. The emails showed the tremendous amount of fraud, collusion the media, lies and criminal acts surrounding the Hillary Clinton campaign. Podesta, the Head of the Clinton Campaign, had emails that showed money going to and from the Clinton Foundation from foreign nationals and more. (See a complete summary of Podesta emails here.)

Now it looks like Podesta is right in the middle of the fake dossier that was reportedly provided to the FISA court to request permission to spy on candidate Trump.

It's unknown if the dossier was used as support for Obama and Hillary spying on candidate Trump or if it was used to obtain permission to spy on the Trump team after the spying was already in place. Both of which would be criminal acts due to the dossier being a fraud and using the government to spy on an opposing candidate being beyond belief and criminal as well.

Joshua Caplan reported at TGP in November that according to Daily Caller -
Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta met with the founder of the opposition research firm behind the Trump dossier just after the dirty document was published earlier this year, according to a new report in The New York Times.

The revelation is significant because Podesta, a longtime Democratic operative, recently told the Senate Intelligence Committee that he did not know who paid the research firm, Fusion GPS, to produce the dossier, which BuzzFeed published on Jan. 10.

An associate of Podesta's told The Times that he met with Glenn Simpson, the founding partner of Fusion GPS, to compare notes about Russia's meddling in the election."
(Fakenews) CNN reported in October that -
Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman John Podesta and former Democratic National Committee chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz both privately denied to congressional Russia investigators that they had any knowledge about an arrangement to pay for opposition research on President Donald Trump, three sources familiar with the matter told CNN."
Another report stated that when Podesta denied knowledge of paying Fusion GPS, his attorney, Marc Elias was sitting next to him. According to this report Elias was the one who paid Fusion per instructions from the Clinton campaign.

It's unknown who CNN's sources were for the report above but Americans may soon know the truth. Congress petitioned for Fusion GPS's bank statements and despite Fusion arguing that these should not be provided, a judge on January 4th dismissed Fusion's argument and the documents were provided to Congress on January 5th.

We should be one step closer to uncovering the criminal acts by corrupt and creepy Podesta, Obama and Hillary when the Fusion bank records are released to Americans. However, we still need an Attorney General who is willing to do his job and prosecute treasonous criminals like these.