© Sรธren Bidstrup/ScanpixWednesday offered "blink and you'll miss it" snow, but the real winter wallop may be coming as early as this weekend.
Storm-strength winds are once again hammering parts of Denmark on Thursday and winter is set to truly make its presence felt next week.

After a beautiful blanket of snow hit parts of Denmark on Wednesday and then disappeared again in about an hour, many were left wondering if and when true winter conditions will set in.

Meteorology institute DMI predicts that winter will truly make its presence felt as early as this weekend, with temperatures falling below the freezing point Saturday night and then remaining there for much of the next week.

The national forecast calls for rain to turn to snow on Sunday, with small amounts predicted through the middle of next week. By late next week, DMI's forecast is short and to the point: "Cold, windy and snow showers."

But those who might welcome some snow and cold should perhaps be careful what they wish for.

DMI warns that cold biting temps might stick around all the way until April due to conditions in the stratosphere that a senior researcher says could bring lingering "Siberian temperatures" to Denmark.

"What's happening in the stratosphere right now is a strong indicator that in the coming period we will primarily experience winds from the east bring low, Siberian temperatures,"
Bo Christensen told Jyllands-Posten.

So yes, it seems that winter is coming to Denmark after all.