© Don Mason/CorbisMore than 20 per cent of children who are repeatedly bullied as children and teenagers end up in prison as adults, according to new research
Children who are bullied are more likely to end up in jail, according to a new study.

Researchers from the University of Carolina have found that being bullied throughout childhood and teenage years may lead to more arrests, convictions and prison time.

They also discovered that people who were repeatedly bullied throughout childhood and adolescence were significantly more likely to go to prison than those who did not suffer repeated bullying.

Almost 14 per cent of those who reported being constantly bullied from childhood through their teens ended up in prison as adults.

This is compared to six per cent of people who weren't bullied, nine per cent of people who were only bullied as children, and seven per cent of teen-only victims.

When comparing rates of convictions, more than 20 per cent of those who endured 'chronic bullying' were convicted of crimes. Almost double those who weren't bullied.

The study also found that while childhood victims faced 'significantly greater odds of going to prison' than non-white victims.

Doctor Michael Turner, of the Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology at the University of North Carolina in the United States, said: 'Previous research has examined bullying during specific time periods, whereas this study is the first to look at individuals' reports of bullying that lasted throughout their childhood and teen years, and the legal consequences they faced in late adolescence and as adults.'

The results also revealed that women who were bullied from childhood through adolescence faced significantly greater odds of using alcohol or drugs.

They were also more likely to be arrested and convicted than men who had grown up experiencing the same level of bullying.

Dr Turner analysed figures from the 1997 National Longitudinal Survey of Youth, conducted by the U.S. Department of Labour and the Bureau of Justice Statistics.

The survey involved 7,335 people between the ages of 12 and 16 as of December 31st, 1996 and the sample is said to have reflected the demographics of the United States as a whole.
© Mika/CorbisThe results from the University of Carolina also revealed that women who were bullied from childhood through adolescence faced significantly greater odds of using alcohol or drugs. They were also more likely to be arrested and convicted than men who had grown up experiencing the same level of bullying
The analysis identified four groups: non-victims (74 per cent); those bullied repeatedly before the age of 12 (15 per cent); those bullied repeatedly after the age of 12 (six per cent); and those repeatedly victimised before and after the age of 12 (five per cent).

Accounts of repeated bullying were collected over several periods and the legal outcomes were assessed when the participants were in their late teens or adults.

These relationships were also examined across gender and race.

The study followed youths over a 14-year period from early adolescence into adulthood.

Dr Turner added: 'This study highlights the important role that health care professionals can play early in a child's life when bullying is not adequately addressed by teachers, parents or guardians.

"With appropriate questions during routine medical check-ups, they can be critical first points of contact for childhood victims.

'Programmes that help children deal with the adverse impacts of repeated bullying could make the difference in whether they end up in the adult legal system.'

The findings were presented at the American Psychological Association's Annual Convention.