As the number of children diagnosed with asthma continue to rise, many point to environmental factors like pollen and pollution.

But now new research is saying, for some, the problem may be less about what we breathe and more about what we eat.

According to a new study, gluten sensitivity, also called Celiac Disease, can increase asthma risk by 60 percent.

Gluten is a protein found in lots of things we eat, like cakes, cookies, pasta, spices and even gravy. It comes from the grains used to make some of our favorite foods: wheat, barley, and rye.

Symptoms include abdominal cramping, bloating, diarrhea, and anemia.

The most accurate way to diagnose the problem is with an invasive test called an endoscopy. And that's one reason, some say, 97-percent of the people with the problem have no idea they have it.
