When the basic function of life - the ability to take breathe properly - is compromised, it can make you feel quite desperate. Recurrent sinus infections or allergic rhinitis are very common. It is estimated that at least 37 million Americans are affected by this every year.

Sometimes allergic sinusitis can last 3 months or more and keep on coming back. For centuries, people have effectively used herbs and natural remedies to help heal sinus infections.

Along with keeping well rested, here are a few helpful therapies that will boost the immune system and make symptoms of sinusitis more bearable:

  • Vitamin C is an excellent immune booster. Take up to 3000 mg of a non-acidic form of vitamin C in divided doses each day.
  • Trapped or stagnant mucus provides a breeding ground for bacteria so keep it fluid by drinking plenty of liquids, preferably purified water .
  • Some people swear by apple cider vinegar. Mix two teaspoons of organic apple cider vinegar in a glass of water with a spoon of honey to improve the taste. This can be taken 3 times a day.
  • Avoiding environmental allergens may be difficult, but try to keep away from substances you know will trigger an allergic response such as house dust, animals, foods, pollens etc. Stay away from tobacco smoke and chemical irritants as these will cause further swelling of the mucus membranes.
  • Do a nasal wash if you can bear it. Although not pleasant, it's an excellent antiseptic. Mix a cup of warm water, half a teaspoonful of sea salt and a pinch of bicarbonate of soda. Draw the fluid up through your nostrils and spit it out through your mouth.
  • Aromatherapy oils such as eucalyptus, tea tree and rosemary help to clear congestion and ease inflamed nasal passages. To use as an inhalant, drape a towel over your head and lean over a pot of steaming water with a few drops of the oil in. You can also buy vapour rubs made with combinations of oils that will help open up airways and assist breathing especially at night.
  • Use a warm compress to help open the nasal passages.
  • Craniosacral therapy focuses on the cranial bones and has decompression techniques that assist draining of the sinuses.
  • Garlic is well known for its anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. You can take it in a form of a supplement or if you don't mind the smell just eat it raw.
  • Try immune boosting herbal combinations of Echinacea, Golden seal and Cat's claw. These are well known for their anti-viral properties.
  • Consult your homeopath for remedies for sinusitis such as Kali bich, Hepar sulph, Pulsatilla, Merc sol, Nat mur, Silica and Sulphur, among many others. These promote drainage, fight infection and alleviate allergies. Homeopathic treatment should address the body as a whole, bringing the immune system back into balance. Homeopathic treatments can be used safely during pregnancy, for snuffles in newborn babies and for snotty-nosed children.
Your health care practitioner should be consulted if your sinus infection is showing no sign of improvement.


1) What is Sinusitis?
2) Reader's Digest. "The Healing Power Of Vitamins and Herbs." Heritage Publishers (Pty) Limited
3) 10 Tips for Sinusitis