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SOTT Focus: NewsReal: Crossing the Rubicon

graham putin assassination NewsReal
Carthago Delenda Est - 'Carthage must be destroyed' - was how Cato the Elder signed off senatorial speeches during his push for war between Rome and Carthage. In our time, American senators are demanding similarly 'total solutions' for Russia as a country in response to Vladimir Putin 'crossing the Rubicon' and invading Ukraine.

Effectively 'de-platformed' from the entire communications network of the West, Russia - and Russians - are being subject to a form of collective punishment that its architects pray will result in Putin's assassination. In the meantime, the Russian government says that its military intervention in Ukraine is going as planned, and will be completed.

What happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object? We're going to find out soon enough! In this NewsReal, Joe and Niall disperse the fog of disinformation cloaked around Russia's war in Ukraine, explain why Rome-Caesar comparisons are more apt than people realize, demonstrate conclusively that Ukrainian state civilian and military institutions have been taken over by actual Nazis, and forecast the potential non-linear effects on global trends.

Correction: Since airing, it has come to our attention that the video of Red Cross crates full of US$ (01:43:45) allegedly 'found by Chechen forces in Ukraine' are in fact crates of US$ smuggled into Libya in 2011.
Running Time: 01:55:02

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SOTT Focus: MindMatters: The New Unclean: How Our Psychology Was Hijacked to Make Us See Each Other as the Enemy

needle points
Are the vaccine hesitant really deserving of being called irresponsible conspiracy-minded nationalists who are ignorant of science - or other denigrating and pejorative mainstream media characterizations? Is it possible that many who are wary of, or outright resistant to, getting the jab - actually have some very legitimate reasons for thinking and feeling in the ways that they do? Is there, in fact, a whole set of values and 'moral tastebuds' that a rather large part of the left-leaning population and political class are being dismissive of out of hand, and out of all proportion? And what facets of human psychology are at hand when others are seen as potential vectors of disease? In short, why are some vaccine hesitant, and why are others so keen to demonize them?

This week on MindMatters we look at an in-depth examination of these issues as they're explored in Norman Doidge's seminal essay "Needle Points". No stranger to the study of how people think, and why, Doidge, a psychiatrist, psychoanalyst and author of The Brain That Changes Itself and The Brain's Way of Healing, examines the foundations of vaccine-hesitancy, and why, far from being "fringe" or "paranoid", they have a legitimacy that simply cannot, and shouldn't be, ignored by anyone taking a position on this highly contentious subject matter. He also discusses the "behavioral immune system" and what it can teach us about what is going on. Doidge so successfully outlines his needle points in his work that colleague Jordan Peterson encouraged him to produce a video narrating the text which may be watched here.

A PDF of the essay may be obtained here.

Running Time: 01:39:43

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SOTT Focus: Objective:Health - New Excuses for Heart Attacks Defy Logic

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The corporate media has been awash in article after article highlighting a previously unknown reason for why people may suddenly drop dead of a heart attack. For some strange reason, none of these outlandlish causes were ever previously known and are only being brought to light now. What a strange coincidence!

Everything from cold weather or shoveling your driveway to post-pandemic stress disorder and climate change (you read that right) are now big risks for cardiovascular problems. Even going to bed too late is apparently going to make your heart crap out. And it's not just adults - now kids and teens are at risk of heart problems even though this was never an issue before.

Join us on the latest episode of Objective:Health as we do the selfless service of going through all the perfectly normal behaviors that now pose a serious heart risk so that when your friends and neighbors who seemed perfectly young and healthy start dropping off, you know that they were probably staying up too late and having too much sex. We try to work through this enigmatic puzzle of why everyone's hearts are now apparently so weak. What could it possibly be?

For a recap, checkout:

And check us out on Brighteon!

For other health-related news and more, you can find us on:


And you can check out all of our previous shows (pre YouTube) here:

Running Time: 00:44:45

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SOTT Focus: NewsReal: The Truth About The Russia-Ukraine War

ukraine war russia newsreal
Has he gone mad? Is he indeed 'literally Hitler'? Is the Russian military 'losing bigly' in Ukraine? Is he trying to conquer and assimilate all Ukraine?

Relying on provably false information, not least 'war fakes' being churned out by the minute by psy-ops brigades in Ukraine and elsewhere in 'NATOstan', and two decades of gross misrepresentation of Putin and Russia's actions on the world stage, the Western world is almost universally answering these questions in the affirmative.

On this NewsReal, Joe and Niall break through the wall-to-wall disinformation to bring you a realistic picture of what is happening in Ukraine, and why it is indeed a moment in time with truly historic consequences for the whole world.

Running Time: 01:43:49

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SOTT Focus: NewsReal: Why The West is OBSESSED With Provoking Russia, And Why Russia Bites Back

russia invasion ukraine newsreal
Recorded the day before the Russian government's formal recognition of the breakaway republics of Donetsk and Luhansk, this NewsReal covers last week's 'false-flag' dramas in the Western media, and explains why the West, particularly the US and UK regimes, are obsessed with Russia, why this obsession has been growing for decades, and why the Putin government has little choice but to ignore Western threats and do what it feels it has to do in or near Ukraine.

This 'moment' when Russia says ENOUGH to Western bullying and 'containment' has been a long time coming. For Ukraine, it stems from the coup d'etat in Kiev - fomented by the West - exactly 8 years ago. For Russia, as Joe and Niall argue, it stems from one of two things (and those may not be mutually exclusive): Putin's ascent to power in 2000, and the Russian people's hard-earned lessons from their bloody 20th century experiences of civil war and tyranny.

Running Time: 01:33:16

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SOTT Focus: Objective:Health - Trucker Protest Shut Down: Fascism Wins?

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On Sunday the Ottawa police chief declared the 'occupation over' in reference to the Freedom Convoy trucker protest that had been in place for 3 weeks. In a show of force unbecoming for a 'free country,' police cracked down on the remaining protesters, smashing truck windows to drag occupants out of their vehicles, trampling a disabled woman with a horse and using "non-lethal weapons" on the protesters.

But the overt show of force isn't over. With the declaration of the Emergencies Act, the ability for Canadian citizens to voice their discontent with the mandates has been quashed, as the penalty for supporting a protest goes well beyond the usual fine and a night in jail. Freezing bank accounts and insurance cancelation of anyone who contributed to the convoy protest, either in person or through funding, including crypto transactions has now been given the go-ahead. Anyone who supported the protest in any form is now essentially de-personed from Canadian society.

Join us on this episode of Objective:Health as we discuss Canada's quick turn to overt fascism in the face of resistance to the vax-mandates. Australia has nothing on this.

And check us out on Brighteon!

For other health-related news and more, you can find us on:


And you can check out all of our previous shows (pre YouTube) here:

Running Time: 00:35:44

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SOTT Focus: MindMatters: Schizo-autistic Philosophy, Ponerology and the Deranged View of Humanity

Many of our most basic assumptions about life, values and reality itself come to us from the thinking and writing of some of our best known philosophers. But what if some of those leading figures were only ever capable of understanding reality with what Andrew M. Lobaczewski called a schizoidally impoverished worldview, or what Ian McGilchirst calls a left-hemisphere-dominant mode of cognition? How would we even know? What may be some of the signs to look for? And what are the implications for a largely unsuspecting society that eats, breathes and lives in such a psychological environment?

Today on MindMatters we discus the "schizo-autistic" worldview - hyper-rational, cynical, detached, technocratic - its flaws, and how it has dominated the intellectual life of humanity for at least the past 200 years. From Descartes and Kant to Freud, Marx and Ryle, this style of thinking has its uses, but can never provide an adequate picture of reality and how to act within it. If that isn't enough to burst your bubble of illusions, we also discuss Machiavelli and what he may actually have achieved in bringing to light the true intentions, workings and dynamics of the political class.

Running Time: 01:22:39

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SOTT Focus: Objective:Health - The Covid-19 Exploitation of Africa

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It's not controversial to say that Africa has always been the continent of exploitation for the west. The crimes governments of the west and western NGOs have committed against the people of Africa could fill volumes, even just in the category of medical exploitation.

So it's not really surprising to see that, despite having very low levels of Covid (probably due to the fact that they didn't have a widespread vaccination campaign and the population was left alone to develop natural immunity), the west is pushing the Covid vaccine agenda on all of Africa. It's a currently little tapped market; millions of arms just waiting for their shots. While its spun as "helping disadvantaged countries," the push for wide-scale mRNA shots is just an extension of the way the west has always treated the continent.

As the Ghanaian historian of medicine Samuel Adu-Gyamfi wrote in December: "It should be up to African countries to determine their own public health goals, and Covid-19 is far from being the most serious public health concern in Africa today."

Join us for this episode of Objective:Health as we look at the attempted importation of the hysterical Covid 'pandemic' into Africa. They don't need our stinking vaccines.

Show links:

The disease of modern medicine

The Left-wing case against vaccine mandates

Rwanda forcibly vaccinating people against COVID, victims say

Medical Colonialism: Pandemic Impacts and Vaccine Delivery

COVID cases 'drop significantly' in Africa: WHO

South Africa's 'SAGE' Tells Government: End Contact Tracing and Self-Isolation for Covid Because It's Not Worth It

South Africa's hospitalization rate plunges amid Omicron wave

Monsanto and Gates Foundation Push Genetically Engineered Crops on Africa

For other health-related news and more, you can find us on:


And you can check out all of our previous shows (pre YouTube) here:

Running Time: 00:32:12

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SOTT Focus: NewsReal: As Freedom Convoy Goes Global, Empire Contrives War With Russia

donbass russia ukraine newsreal
The 'Freedom Convoy' multi-city protest is into its 4th week in Canada, where the Canadian prime minister has come out of hiding to direct security forces to make arrests of, and issue fines to, anyone participating in, or supporting, the truckers and other workers demanding an end to 'vaccine apartheid'. Canadians' courage to stand up to tyrannical government is apparently contagious - it has sparked similar movements in Australia and New Zealand. Meanwhile, governments in Europe are not taking any chances, banning mere expressions of protest such as the displaying of national flags in vehicles.

This week's NewsReal covers the latest developments in global resistance to tyranny, and the apparent response to this by the 'deep state' in the form of war hysteria over the Russian military build-up near Ukraine. In just 4 days, British media claims, the world will end in nuclear conflagration! This is of course pure fear-mongering, in part to 'get the plebs back into line', but is there any substantive possibility of 'imminent' Russian military action in Ukraine? Joe and Niall suggest a scenario that involves a reckoning for the US client regime in Kiev, but not the subsequent reckoning for Russia that Washington and London are hoping for...

Running Time: 01:45:35

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SOTT Focus: MindMatters: R.G. Collingwood - The Forgotten Philosopher

Primarily known for his philosophy of history, British philosopher R.G. Collingwood's life was cut short in 1943 at the age of 53. As Ray Monk puts it, his replacement by Gilbert Ryle "changed the course of philosophy forever," and not in a good way. Collingwood's clear, expansive, and incisive style was replaced by the ratiocentric style of the analytic philosophers. But despite his lack of popularity today, Collingwood's works remain a source of profound insight and clear thought. From history and aesthetics, to metaphysics, religion, and political theory, Collingwood was one of the twentieth century's great thinkers, and today, to discuss his life and work (including his classic Autobiography), we are joined by the newest member of the MindMatters team, L.P. Koch.

Running Time: 01:24:22

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