
Gold Seal

Best of the Web: The flickering flames of freedom - A letter to the future

"The lamps are going out all over Europe, we shall not see them lit again in our life-time."

โ€” WWI conspirator Edward Grey
Letter to the Future
© Corbett Report
I do not write these words for my contemporaries. We are the damned. It is our lot now to watch as the lamp of liberty is extinguished, our burden to bear witness to the final flickering of the flame of freedom.

No, I don't write these words for my peers; I write them for those yet to come. The inhabitants of that future dystopia whose birth pangs we are experiencing. The remnant of once-free humanity who might โ€” through some miracle I can't even imagine โ€” come across this electronic message in a bottle.

I know that it's almost hopeless. That the chance of these words surviving the coming internet purge are slim at best. That even if โ€” against all odds โ€” this message does wash up on your digital shores, that the chance of these words being understood by you is even slimmer. Not because you don't understand English, but because you no longer use these words I'm writing: Freedom. Humanity. Individual.

Still, I am here to record the end of an era. So I will press on in the hope against hope that someone, somewhere in that future Digital Dark Age will have eyes to see and ears to hear.

The darkness is descending.

Let there be no mistake: We all know this.


Coronavirus vaccine delayed until scientist can figure out how to make it cause autism

Lab Technicians
© Babylon Bee
U.S. โ€” Scientists across the nation are racing against time to develop a vaccine against the deadly COVID-19 virus. Despite significant progress, researchers have hit a snag. Sources confirm an effective vaccine is ready to mass produce except for one problem: manufacturers have so far been unable to give it the power to cause autism.

"Like any good vaccine, this one needs to give autism to some kids," said Phil Mipockets, CEO of a major pharmaceutical firm. "I wouldn't be able to sleep at night if we put something on the market that was totally safe and didn't ruin some people's lives."


5G and the COVID connection?

Covid19 and 5G
© ZME Science
โ€” No blanket assertions here. No claims that 5G technology "activates the virus." No across-the-board answers. Instead, several key questions, and a few possible clues.

I have to set the context. As I've been emphasizing, what is being called COVID-19 is not one disease with one cause. It's not one thing.

Instead, people with VARIOUS traditional diseases are being corralled, clustered, and counted by public health officials under ONE fake umbrella term, "COVID-19."

I've also emphasized that in these fake-cluster situations, some people may be suffering from new conditions. For example, the effects of a vaccination campaign โ€” which, by the way, was apparently carried out in a region of northern Italy prior to "the emergence of COVID."

In this article, I have comments on 5G wireless technology โ€” not as an all-inclusive explanation for "COVID" โ€” but as a possible explanation for what several doctors are observing in some patients in New York and Italy.

What are they observing? Extreme shortness of breath, life threatening, but without the usual indicators of respiratory failure or failure of the lungs to operate. The lungs can operate. The patients are apparently suffering from straight oxygen deprivation. Lack of oxygen. As if they were suddenly thrust into high altitude.

Several doctors are saying these patients must be given oxygen through breathing ventilators โ€” but not at high pressure, because that could damage the lungs and even cause death. Instead, the increase in oxygen must be gently accomplished.


Extreme weather & disease: The fight to save Europe's olive trees

© Sjor/Wikimedia commons, licenced under CC BY-SA 4.0The discovery of Xyella fastidiosa in European olive trees in 2013 caught European researchers off-guard.
A plant disease spread by sap-sucking insects has been devastating olive and fruit orchards across southern Europe, but scientists are inching closer to halting its spread with the help of insect repelling clays, vegetative barriers and genetic analysis.

In the late summer harvest of 2013, olive farmers in the Puglia region of southern Italy noticed that the leaves on several of their trees were turning brown and their shoots withering. The problem spread from one orchard to another, as more olive farmers found their trees were drying out and beginning to die.

Genetic testing confirmed them to be infected with Xyella fastidiosa, a bacteria originally found in America. Soon outbreaks appeared throughout the Mediterranean, even briefly as far north as Germany in 2016.

Comment: Erratic seasons and extreme weather are devastating crops all over the planet, and at the same time we're seeing outbreaks of all kinds.

See also:

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'This is payday for big-pharma' - Shiva Ayyadurai calls for firing of U.S. pandemic-control czar Dr. Anthony Fauci

Shiva Ayyadurai
© Wikipedia
Republicans have made tremendous political headway with their base through the term "fake news".

It's undermined confidence in the mainstream media and created an us-and-them perception of the relationship between the White House press corps and U.S. president Donald Trump.

But now, some Republicans are starting to use the term "fake science" to describe what they see as a globalist attempt to shut down the economy and benefit Big Pharma and the government of China.

The most articulate advocate of this point of view is Shiva Ayyadurai, a Mumbai-born and U.S.-raised entrepreneur with a PhD in biological engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

His academic research was focused on modelling whole cells. He was also a Fulbright scholar who studied how to integrate traditional medicine in South India with modern biological systems.

Ayyadurai is seeking the Republican nomination to run for the U.S. Senate in Massachusetts in 2020.

In a video posted on Twitter this weekend, he claimed that the United States has been "at war, politically" as a result of the novel coronavirus.

"As an MIT PhD in biological engineering, it's my view that the fear-mongering is really being used to suppress dissent, it's being used to support mandated medicine, and it's being really used to support crashing this economy," Ayyadurai alleged.

He's launched a campaign to persuade U.S. president Donald Trump to fire Dr. Anthony Fauci, an immunologist and director of the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.

Gold Seal

Best of the Web: Coronavirus 'Plandemic' - This IS the global reset

"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way . . ." - Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities
Global Reset
© Corbett Report
Every now and then, the world resets.

Sometimes it's a cataclysm or natural disaster that pushes the reset button. Sometimes it's a political revolution. Sometimes it's a war. Sometimes it's a technological innovation.

Dickens' immortal "best of times / worst of times" formulation comes from his novel about one such reset: the French Revolution. Dickens' words capture the dual natures of these fracture points in history. Like the old (and spurious) trope about the Chinese word for "crisis," a reset presents both a danger and an opportunity.

It is now apparent to all that we have arrived at another world reset. This time we are being asked to believe that it is a viral pandemic that has pushed the reset button. Others would contest that it is in fact the panic over the (presumed) pandemic that is responsible for this crisis. Yet others insist that the p(l)andemic is nothing more than a distraction from the global financial reset which was going to happen regardless.

Whatever the case, the fact remains that the reset button has been pushed. No one knows for certain what lies on the other side of this chasm, but โ€” as we've been endlessly told in recent weeks โ€” life will never be the same.

So, following Dickens, let's explore the dual nature of this global reset and outline the dangers and the opportunities that this crisis presents.


Jon Rappoport - The creation of a false epidemic

A stepโ€op is one in which the bad guys keep going, one intrusion after another. It isn't just West Nile, it's West Nile, then SARS, then Bird Flu, then Swine Flu. It"s all one package, with the idea, in this case, that they'll slowly wear down the resistance and people will buy in, will buy the story, the lie. They want people to OBEY. That's the whole essence of this op. OBEY. It isn't only about fake epidemics and getting vaccines. It's about operant training in OBEYING. Get it? In general. Obey us. We command, you go along. ~ Ellis Medavoy in interview with Jon Rappoport, from The Matrix Revealed
Creation of Fake Epidemic
© The Solari Report
By Catherine Austin Fitts

Jon Rappoport has been covering the allegations and events regarding the coronavirus and Covid-19 since they first hit the headlines. Check out his columns at his website

Jon just recorded three episodes that he wanted to make available to the public. Here they are!


Coronavirus crisis - Sick west goes viral

Victoria underground station
© REUTERS /TOBY MELVILLEA man in a protective face mask walks past a British government public health campaign advertisement at Victoria underground station.
The world is in a sick place. We're not just talking about the escalating coronavirus pandemic, serious though that is with global deaths doubling over the past week. What is also sick is the way gestures of solidarity are being cynically twisted.

Take the arrival of Russian medical aid to the US this week. That was promptly arranged after US President Donald Trump asked his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin in a phone call for help in coping with the coronavirus crisis. Even before the Antonov-124 cargo plane touched down at JFK airport certain US media outlets were labelling the gesture of solidarity as a "propaganda gimmick" by the Kremlin.

It was surmised that the Russian response to the US request for aid was "to push efforts for relief from sanctions" imposed by Washington. The cynical inference is that supposed Russian conniving and deceit knows no bounds in the black art of manipulation.

How about just simply acknowledging the evident fact that Russia is sending vital medical help to the US at a time of need motivating by no other sentiment than basic humanitarian compassion? The fact that Russia has been slapped with numerous US sanctions over recent years since the Ukraine crisis as well as stemming from bizarre claims of Moscow meddling in the 2016 US presidential election - only goes to show Russia's capacity for magnanimity. Simple as that folks.

The same pathetic distortion was earlier voiced regarding Russian and Chinese aid to Italy and other European countries stricken with the deadly virus.


Thailand hit by African Horse Sickness, killing over 100 horses

African Horse Sickness
Diseased horse
More than 100 horses have died from African Horse Sickness (AHS) in Thailand, government data showed, in the Southeast Asian country's first instance of the illness that only affects animals.

"This disease has just occurred in Thailand. We've never had it in the past," director-general of the Department of Livestock Development, Sorawit Thanito, said on Thursday.

The government has quarantined sick horses to limit the spread of the disease, Sorawit said.

At least 131 horses have died across four provinces, latest government data showed.

Comment: This comes alongside the African Swine Fever outbreaks and rising bird flu cases, as well as numerous strange outbreaks of various kinds amongst humans.


SOTT Focus: Coronavirus - Things You CANNOT Say About It

© Corbett Report
Pssst. You.

Yeah, you.

Are you interested in talking about . . . things? You know, the kind of things that we're not allowed to talk about anymore? You know, since the . . . uhhh . . . "The Event"?

You are? Great. I mean, you might have noticed things are getting a bit hairy out there. As in, you're likely to get your head bitten off for daring to suggest that things may not be totally ok with the "new normal."

It seems all these new social norms and cultural taboos that have arisen in the past few weeks have also created a raft of new thoughtcrimes: Things that must not be spoken for fear of being expelled from polite society . . . or worse.

That's why it's so vitally important for us to speak out about our concerns before these socially-policed thoughtcrimes become literal crimes. As I'm sure you know, if these new social norms are not confronted, voicing dissent will soon become impossible.

So, allow me to voice some thoughtcrimes of my own. But be forewarned: I assure you that you will find at least some of my ideas to be offensive. You will disagree with them strongly. You will become irate.

The real question is: What are you going to do to those voicing opinions you disagree with? Engage in dialogue with them? Or demand that agents of the state scrub their speech from the internet and lock them in a cage for their thoughtcrime?

Well, either way, I've already committed thoughtcrime numerous times in recent weeks, I might as well share them with you. Are you ready? Let's go.