
Microscope 2

Chimp deaths at Sierra Leone sanctuary linked to a bacterium

© CC0 Public Domain
An international team of researchers has found what they believe to be the pathogen that has been killing chimpanzees at a Sierra Leone sanctuary for approximately 15 years. In their paper published in the journal Nature Communications, the group describes their study of multiple samples of chimp tissue retrieved from some of the dead chimps and what they have found thus far.

Approximately 15 years ago, workers at Sierra Leone's Tacugama Chimpanzee Sanctuary began to see chimps in their sanctuary become ill from a new and mysterious ailment — alarmingly, every chimp that became ill died. In the beginning, the team thought that they had more than one pathogen on their hands because, for some chimps, the main symptoms were gastrointestinal stress while, for others, symptoms were clearly neurological. Over time, the team became convinced it was a single pathogen as they saw increasing numbers of chimps with both types of symptoms.

Comment: See also:


Redefining death and the big lie

The Big Lie
© EricPetersAuto

The biggest lies go down easiest - because most psychologically normal people have trouble believing
anyone could lie on a scale like that. This is why psychopaths get away with lying on an epic scale. It is literally unbelievable.

It is why people working 60 hours a week for $15 an hour believe in TV evangelists who live in multimillion dollar homes and travel in private jets.

And it is why people believe that "400,000" have died Because Corona. They hear the sermons - which like those of the TV evangelist are full of fire and brimstone, death - and promises of salvation. Now send in $100.

Or wear "your" mask.

Accept a life of perpetual diminishment, personal and economic. Subservience eternal - as the price of your salvation.

But maybe hold off on sending in that $100 and consider some simple division.

We're told that - as of the end of 2020 - about 315,00 people died Because Corona. The problem is, almost no one died of anything else.

The CDC said - in late December - that the total number of deaths from all causes in the U.S. over 2020 was about 2.9 million. If you subtract the number of asserted deaths Because Corona, you end up with fewer total deaths than in any years since 2014.

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Oh sh*t. 'Anal swabs for COVID more accurate,' sez Chinese expert

COVID Testing
© Stringer, Reuters/filePeople line up for nucleic acid testing at a makeshift testing site in a park following the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak, on a polluted day in Daxing district of Beijing, China January 26, 2021.
More than a million Beijing residents undergoing coronavirus testing amid a fresh outbreak have been administered anal swabs, which are considered more accurate and raise the chances of detecting COVID-19, said a Chinese disease specialist.

The key districts of Daxing and Dongcheng began a mass testing drive on Friday after a nine-year-old boy tested positive for the more virulent strain of the virus, first discovered in London and the southeast of England last month.

Health authorities in the Chinese capital said they were aiming to screen more than two million people in 48 hours. Among them, around 1.6 million inhabitants in Daxing were to be given antibody tests, as well as throat, nasal and rectal nucleic acid swabs.

Anal swabs have been in use since last year, including in the major port city of Shanghai, but the method is so far reserved for individuals in potential COVID-19 hotspots, according to an infectious disease expert quoted by China's state broadcaster CCTV on Saturday.

"Since the start of the coronavirus outbreak, we've tested for the virus using mainly throat swabs. Its characteristics are convenience and speed, so it's suitable for large-scale testing," said Beijing You'an Hospital's Li Tongzeng. "Nasal swabs are more accurate than throat swabs, but nasal swabs can be uncomfortable.

"He added: "In some asymptomatic cases or in individuals with mild symptoms, they tend to recover from the illness very quickly. It's possible that there will be no trace of the virus in their throat after three to five days.

"What we've found is that in some infected patients, the coronavirus survives for a longer period of time in their digestive tract or excrement than in their respiratory tract."


SOTT Focus: The Inanity of RNA Vaccines For COVID-19

Quote from Denis Rancourt, IUHM
© UnknownQuote from Denis Rancourt, IUHM
The present article is a follow-up of Compelling Evidence That SARS-CoV-2 Was Man-Made published in June 2020, which I encourage people to read first. In it, I concluded as follows:
It's probable that by the end of 2020, like every year, a flu epidemic will emerge. This virus will, conveniently, be deemed a close relative to SARS-CoV-2, maybe with 'extra terrifying features'.

But there will be no need to despair because, by this time, the authorities will have prepared a vaccine. That's one of the reasons why hydroxycholoroquine was lambasted and banned. If a safe and effective treatment already exists, who is going to accept a rushed and unknown vaccine? A vaccine that will allegedly protect people against COVID-20, but will in reality be designed to 'cancel' the beneficial changes induced by the mutated strain of SARS-CoV-2. [...]

It's probable that the vaccination won't be mandatory. Remember that the authorities are now "kinder and gentler". Instead of brute force, the authorities are more likely to use moral blackmail - "Get vaccinated to protect others!" - combined with social blackmail - "No vaccine = no job, no shopping, no travel, no socializing!" Basically, you're free to choose between the vaccine passport or a life sentence in an isolated cell.
Here we are 7 months later. As suspected, new variants have appeared, manufactured COVID-19 deaths are 'piling up', the vaccine passport has already been adopted by several countries and vaccination campaigns have been launched around the world.

In theory, medicines, vaccines included, are approved and used because their benefits far exceed their risks. In this sense, the ideal medicine would display zero risks and total effectiveness against an uncured and deadly disease. We'll see in the present article that the COVID-19 vaccines, particularly the Pfizer vaccine, is pretty much the opposite of the ideal drug. It is dangerous, ineffective and targets a benign disease that already has known effective and safe treatments.


Jabs for cash suggest US politician

Jabs for Cash
© Medscape
A Republican - of course - has floated the idea of paying people to receive the Holy Jab. Or rather, to not pay those who don't receive it.

Ohio Rep. Steve Stivers announced the other day that he wants Uncle Joe to dole out $1,400 in "stimulus" payments to Americans - but only on condition that they receive the Holy Anointing, the shot with more risk of "adverse impacts" to healthy people than the virus that doesn't kill 99.8-something percent of them.

This will, of course, scale.

Many people - leery of the Holy Needling or simply uninterested in receiving it because they do not need it - will likely decline the $1,400 if it comes at the price of having to extend their arms and let who-knows-what be injected into their bodies, with the consequences of that being entirely their problem as the vaccine-pushers have been immunized from liability for the harm they cause by the government they have turned into their bought-and-paid-for poodle.

$1,400 is not worth your life, after all. It is hardly worth one month's rent.

But what happens when the government decrees that government benefits such as Social Security and Medicare - or even the tax refund the government owes you - are henceforth contingent upon being Needled?

What if you cannot get or renew a driver's license - or a business license - without first getting Jabbed?


New form of African swine fever identified in Chinese pig farms, likely caused by illegal vaccines

A new form of African swine fever has been identified in Chinese pig farms. According to Reuters, industry insiders say that the disease was most likely caused by illegal vaccines, and serves as a fresh blow to the nation where the COVID-19 coronavirus was first identified. China is the world's largest producer of pork.

Reuters reports that two new strains of African swine fever have infected over 1,000 sows on several farms run by New Hope Liuhe, which is China's fourth-largest pork producer. Yan Zhichun, the company's chief science officer, said that pigs fed by the company by contract farmers have also been infected.

Unlike the previously discovered African swine fever virus, the new strains are missing one or two genes, and do not kill the pigs. Instead, the disease causes a chronic condition that reduces the number of healthy piglets born. The company has performed a culling to prevent the spread of the disease.

Comment: It's possible that we'll see similar fall out with the experimental coronavirus vaccines: COVID Mass Vaccination Experiment: Prepare For The Worst With This Health Protocol

See also:


America's demise is near at hand - R.I.P

America RIP
© Ignited
For years I have been cataloging America's decline into collapse, not merely economic collapse from economic concentration and the offshoring of jobs and investment, but also the collapse of the belief system that created some unity among a diverse population. Today not only is the economy done for, but so is the belief system that sustained social and political stability.

America no longer exists. A geographical entity exists of diverse peoples and interests, but not a country, much less a nation. The United States itself has degenerated into an empire. It is no longer simply a country with an empire. The 50 states are themselves the Establishment's empire, and it can only be held together by force.

Earlier in my life free speech was used by liberals to legalize pornography, homosexual marriage, and abortion, all of which were opposed by the majority of the population. This did not stop liberals from imposing their agendas on the people.

Today free speech is impermissible, because it can be used to protest what half of the population sincerely believes was a stolen presidential election. Even attorneys and legal firms that brought legitimate cases of electoral fraud for clients are being punished for doing the ordinary work of attorneys. The same is happening to university professors and to average Americans who exercised their Constitutionally protected right of free speech and association and attended the Trump rally. See for example: Americans No Longer Live In A Free Society


The Year Ahead - Biosecurity

© Corbett Report
I don't need to tell you that we are living through world-historical times right now. The frequency of world-changing events is accelerating even as the impact of these events on our day-to-day lives is increasing.

As Lenin rightly observed: "There are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen." Perhaps there are years in which centuries happen.

With that in mind, I am taking my annual look at the year ahead and splitting it into three parts.

Last week, I looked at the tectonic shifts that are taking place in the global monetary space and consider what these changes portend for the future of the world economy.

This week, I will examine the ongoing (generated) COVID crisis and what we can expect as the Era of Biosecurity continues to unfold.

Finally, next week I will turn my attention to world geopolitics, analyzing the types of conflicts that we can expect to see over the course of this year and explaining how these conflicts will set the stage for even more dramatic events over the course of the decade.


Religious Freedom . . .

Guardians of Time
© Eric Peters Auto
The First Amendment articulates the freedom of religion. Which implies the freedom to be free of religion; to not be compelled to join any faith movement or be compelled to obey the tenets of any faith.

This includes faith in the Holy Rag and the tenets of the Sickness Cult, which is a religion by any rational definition.

It requires belief that anything - literally, anything - that covers the face is effective as a barrier against sickness, which is the same as believing that a cracker and some grape juice becomes "the body of Christ" - literally - when a priest performs the necessary unctions.

It requires belief in the assertion that a person who isn't sick can get people sick - which amounts to the same as belief in the assertion of demonic possession and propagation.

No offense meant. A point is being made, that's all.


Understandable derangement

Illusion of Power
© Eric Peters Auto
Today - Monday - may be the day the Orange Man is dragged feet first out of the White House. Even if not, the day is coming when his die-hard supporters will have to deal with the hangover of the delusion that by some deux ex machina - or "kraken" - the Orange Man's fortunes are going to be reversed at the very last minute, just wait and see. Generals with no commands are saying so!

Cling tight to the fantasy because the actuality is just too much to bear.

Here is the bitter pill that must be swallowed:

Facts are irrelevant now. It does not matter that the election probably was stolen any more than it matters that a "mask" isn't stopping the spread of anything (except sanity). A medieval mentality is rising from the shattered remains of the Enlightenment. A new Dark Age is descending, defined by irrationality rabidized, as it was 500 years ago. If you listen, you can already hear the cry . . .

Burn the witch!

Just sub in "Trumper" - or conservative or for that matter anyone who questions anything the new priest class says the faith requires. People worry about the Second Amendment when the First is already on the rack, its tendons snapping, bones dislocating. How will the Second fare when its turn comes?

Yet many people on the Trump (or other-than-Biden) side still do not fully appreciate what they face. They retain their own anachronistic faith that facts matter; that if only the people knew the truth about the election! About Biden! About this virus that doesn't kill 99.8-something percent of the healthy population!

The truth does not matter.

It is no defense, either.