High StrangenessS


Woman films vertical UFO over Mexico

Vertical UFO
© YouTube
While driving through the Mexican state of Baja California recently, a woman took out her camera phone and filmed what is being called the first alien UFO sighting of the new year.

The video (watch below) appears to show a vertical object that is taller than it is wide, hovering in the orange sky above the rooftops as the person filming drives down the road.

"You can see that the tubular UFO is flying vertically over the city," said Pedro Martinez, a man Daily Mail describes as an "UFO expert."

"Aliens are aware that we have made a number of space launches recently and have identified that we have been sending up 'war material.' Concerned by our activity, they have been increasingly monitoring our planet. This year will be very important for those of us who follow this phenomenon closely."


Manhattan reported more UFO sightings in last two years than any other borough

UFOs manhatten
© Shutterstock
Houston Street, we have a problem.

Manhattan has gone from Studio 54 to Area 51, leading the five boroughs in sightings of unidentified flying objects over the last two years, data from the National UFO Reporting Center reveals.

Otherworldly tourists have included travelers in a "round orange orb," a crew in a "cigar-shaped" craft and even "an unknown creature" that rudely "teleported" into one New Yorker's back yard, according to reports made to the Washington-based group.

One Manhattan true believer claimed a close encounter - just by looking outside the gym window.

"It was rotating like a drill as it was also moving off axis and in a line towards the east," the person explained. "As it rotated, you would be able to see four lights that would only be on one side and seen after it fully rotated. It has to be hundreds of feet long. Then after it appeared, four other smaller craft appeared that were to me saucer or spherical that blipped in and out."

Comment: Some other NYC sightings over the years:

Grey Alien

'We are property' - 'Zoo Theory' finally explains why aliens haven't contacted us yet

© YouTube
At present, there are two contradictory issues surrounding the existence of aliens that are seemingly increasingly at odds with each other.

On the one hand, our every attempt to survey the stars in the hopes of finding alien life is turning up absolutely nothing.

There doesn't seem to be any organic life on Mars that we haven't accidentally put there ourselves, and we haven't yet got a response from any of our needy broadcasts out into the cosmos in the hopes of finding intelligent beings somewhere beyond our own world.

On the other hand, many people are convinced that UFOs are genuinely the work of advanced alien races that frequently visit the Earth. This belief is so strong among some of the world's most powerful people that the US government has been investigating its own version of The X-Files for several years now.

So if there are intelligent aliens out there, why haven't seen even the slightest evidence of their existence?

The so-called "Zoo Theory" hopes to explain this, and the logic is pretty much what you'd expect from its title.


State of California takes lead with 490 UFO sightings in 2017

green ufo
© Getty Images
UFO sightings are nothing new. The Puritans reported strange sightings and lights in the sky as early as the 1600s. With the advent of movies about outer space and unidentified flying objects came even more sightings. The National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC) has an entire website dedicated to the "collection and dissemination of objective UFO data." The organization curates reports of UFO sightings in the U.S. and Canada via a web form and a phone hotline, which has operated almost continuously since 1974. NUFORC logged a total of 4,655 sightings in 2017, down from the 2016 total of 5,619.

A recent report came from New Mexico on December 14. A woman reported that she and her husband saw a triangular object with bright green lights near Santa Fe. She claims they "saw an object flying across the Interstate in a southeasterly direction. It appeared triangular with bright green lights around its entire periphery."

"From my husband's perspective, it appeared larger than a full moon," she reported. "By the time it crossed my field of vision (I was in the passenger seat), it appeared slightly smaller than a full moon. It was perhaps several hundred feet in front and above us and appeared to be moving at about 100 mph or less. It seemed to be heading down and then it vanished."

NUFORC spoke with the witness via telephone and "found her to be very eloquent, and very sober-minded. We suspect that she is an excellent witness."

Comment: See also:


Extraterrestrial Fascinations: The Pentagon and UFOs

UFO drawing
© tercerojista
Conspiracies in the extraterrestrial department have always constituted the residue of superstition in a secular age. Chase away a Christ figure, or ward off God, and the mind still wanders, hoping to be bewitched. If something cannot be explained, ignorance furnishes an often poor substitute.

The concept of extraterrestrial phenomena straddles scientific probabilities, faith and the sense that governments might not be telling their citizens the whole truth. Rarely, for instance, does speculation on extraterrestrial research feature in the mainstream press, though the New York Times decided to dabble in the business of UFOs this month.

The paper noted, quite rightly, that the US Defense Department, known to most others as the Pentagon, had put aside $22 million of its $600 billion annual budget on the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP). Identifying exactly where it was in the bureaucratic apparatus remained a contrived challenge, and it had its opponents.

Grey Alien

Will the next UFO disclosure be "biological threats from outer space?"

Reagan's Alien Threat
© AZ Quotes
That may sound like a misguided question. But let's look at Tom DeLonge's company, currently acting as a conduit for new UFO revelations.

DeLonge (twitter), a famous musician (Blink-182, Angels and Airwaves) has surrounded himself with high-level spooks from the CIA and the military, in his new venture, To The Stars Academy (twitter).

One of his lead collaborators is Luis Elizondo, who was the Pentagon chief of a secret program (2007-2012) to study and explore UFO activity. Elizondo is now the point man for media, explaining the breaking news about a 2004 US military sighting of a UFO, and subsequent failed attempts to analyze materials from UFOs. He's also hinting that alien UFOs are a potential threat to our safety, a threat we can't ignore.

Every major press outlet in the world, starting with the NY Times, is covering this story.

Who are the players on De Longe's team? Buckle up. The following quotes are from the Academy's site:


Enormous train of mystery flashing lights seen from across the US (VIDEOS) - UPDATE: Related to meteor fireball event?

mystery lights denver
© Eric Hurst 5280Fire / YouTubeWhat the...?
A mysterious pattern of lights, accompanied by a rather ominous hum, was spotted across large swathes of the United States Saturday night. Plane spotters and stargazers alike were baffled and local residents scared from Illinois to as far as Utah.

Local media across the US began receiving reports and video footage of what appeared to be, and sounded like, aircraft flying in formation. However, the sheer size of the visible phenomenon fuelled wild speculation online.

Theories ranged from military planes, presumed to be C-17s or C-130s, flying in formation, to UFOs and even suggestions that Santa's elves were doing some preliminary reconnaissance before the big night on December 24.

Comment: Update 20 Dec 2017

These could have been aircraft of some kind, but they were either - depending on eyewitness reports - completely or unusually silent. Given that there's no official involvement, the plane angle means they must be part of some sort of 'top secret' operations. But then why give away their presence with bright flashy lights and a striking visual formation?

Here's another interesting video captured by a Denver resident who claims the string of lights was preceded by an 'asteroid' (by which he probably means a meteor fireball):

Here's how the video uploader described what he saw (and no, to him also, they weren't planes):
Saw a huge meteor or "shooting star" over Denver, then a few minutes after this happened. Looked like planes or helicopters but no light reflecting off showing an outline. But why so close to each other? At least a dozen light counted. Almost blended with the sky but couldn't make out a shape.
One possible match for this fireball report is logged on the American Meteor Society as having occurred at 03:32 UTC on December 10th, which corresponds to 20:32 local time on December 9th. Here's video footage of that fireball as seen from Broken Arrow, Oklahoma.



Strange lights filmed above Sheffield, UK

An engineer has captured a video of seemingly strange lights above Sheffield
An engineer has captured a video of seemingly strange lights above Sheffield
An engineer has captured a video of seemingly strange lights above Sheffield.

In the footage the strange comet-like trails of light can be seen shooting around high above Sheffield United's football stadium - changing directions very quickly in the early morning sky.

The video was captured by Peter Savage, 35, an electrical engineer at a security firm, on Friday December 15 at about 7am.

Mr Savage was using the footage of the morning sky to calculate the distances between Mars, Venus, Earth and the moon when he noticed the unexplained phenomenon.


Alex Tsakiris interviews Stanton Friedman on Jacques Vallee and UFOs/Consciousness

Stanton Freidman
© SkeptikoStanton Freidman
Now, when we talk about augmented reality, there are three important use cases that we think about...
--Mark Zuckerberg, CEO Facebook
That's Facebook's CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, spreading Facebook's Brave-New-World-Gospel re the merging of consciousness and computing. He's actually taking his foot off the pedal a little bit with this group of developers. If you search for some of his more freewheeling discussions he straight-up talks about mind reading, telepathy and even mind control. It's all part of Facebook's glorious future. And, you know what? He might be right.

Skeptiko has always been about controversial science and spirituality related to consciousness, but if we're going to be honest, we have to accept that technology has a role to play in cutting through some of the philosophical bullshit that sometimes dominates these discussions. I mean, when mind reading is another app you can download on your iPhone 20, some of the "spiritual" questions surrounding consciousness will be answered.

Same goes for UFOs. The main question that's dominated the UFO field for the last 10 years is whether we should remain focused on nuts-and-bolts technology related questions/issues, or shift the focus to experiences and experiencers. Jacques Vallee has been a leading thinker in this area linking modern UFO encounters extended consciousness phenomena. I've covered this topic in my recent interview with him and my interview with Robbie Graham. But since we had not heard from anyone in the nuts-and-bolts camp, I decided to turn to Stanton Friedman for this episode.


Retired Navy pilot David Fravor describes 2004 encounter with UFO off San Diego coast

US F-22 fighter pilot
© US Air Force/Senior Airman Preston Webb
A Navy pilot says he encountered a mysterious aircraft off the coast of San Diego in 2004 and video from the Department of Defense has kicked talk of UFOs and the possibility of alien life into overdrive.

The New York Times shared an interview with now retired Cmdr. David Fravor on Saturday amid news that, for the first time, a spokesperson confirmed that a program to research UFOs existed at the Pentagon. Fravor's encounter was one the Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program was investigating, according to reports by The New York Times and The Washington Post.

This is what Fravor says happened. He and another pilot were with the USS Nimitz training in F/A-18F Super Hornets about 100 miles out in the Pacific Ocean when someone on the Navy cruiser USS Princeton contacted them by radio about mysterious aircraft.

The ship had been tracking objects that were described as being whitish, 40 feet long and shaped like Tic Tacs that would appear suddenly 80,000 feet up, then descend toward the ocean and hover at 20,000 feet before dropping out of radar range or blasting back up.

Comment: There have been major strides in the direction of disclosure lately - but don't expect them to ever release all the information and explain it for us. No doubt that what we get are crumbles compared to what is actually known in the spheres of power.