Strange Lights
© First Coast NewsStrange lights seen over First Coast, Michele Casey points out what she saw from Vilano Beach.
Vilano Beach, Florida -- Some strange lights were seen over the First Coast by many of you early this morning.

We had several people call us, and more chime in on our Facebook page about the very bright light that appeared in the sky around 6:15 Monday morning.

Some were worried that it was a plane crashing into the ocean, but the FAA hasn't reported any downed planes, so that's not the issue.

One website, run by the American Meteor Society, said the bright lights were probably a fireball. They define that as an "extra bright meteor."

"At first I thought it was an airplane coming across," said Michele Casey, pointing to the portion of sky where she observed the light.

She was having coffee on her Vilano Beach home's front porch when she saw it.

"But it moved too fast to be a plane, and then it ignited to orange."

She said it moved over the beach and disappeared into the ocean. She said it only lasted a couple seconds, and didn't make a sound.

We heard from folks in Jacksonville, and as far north as Waverly, Georgia with reports of seeing the "fireball."

There was no named, high rate meteor shower last night, but that, of course, doesn't mean that debris from space won't enter our atmosphere.

According to the American Meteor Society, the next best chance to see frequent meteors will be the Delta Aquariids at the end of July.