Two feet that washed ashore on two separate B.C. islands in 2008 belonged to a 21-year-old Surrey resident who went missing four years earlier, according to the provincial Coroners Service.

DNA testing has confirmed the feet that were found on Feb. 8 on Valdes Island and June 16 on Westham Island belonged to the missing man, the Coroners Service said in a statement issued Tuesday. The feet were found inside matching Nike running shoes.

The coroner determined the feet were not cut from the body, but separated through natural decomposition. Foul play has been ruled out in the incident, but the person's name was not released.

Seven feet belonging to five individuals were discovered between August 2007 and October 2009 along the South Coast of B.C., leading to speculation of foul play. So far, authorities have positively identified four as belonging to three individuals.

"With the assistance of law enforcement partners, the [Coroners] service continues to work toward identifying the remaining three, which originate from one male and one female. To date, no evidence indicates any of the deaths are suspicious," the statement said.