Occurred: 8/5/2009 14:05 (Entered as : 08-05-2009 14:05)
Reported: 8/5/2009 2:52:32 PM 14:52
Posted: 8/27/2009
Location: Yelm, WA
Shape: Triangle
Duration: 35 sec

Silver triangle shape sighting in Yelm WA

The craft was triangle and silver in color and was the size of dime in the sky at first. Then it proceeded to get larger and larger until it was the size of maybe an orange relative to the sun. It made no noise. It did not spin around it just stayed in its original shape and came perpendicular to the earths surface very fast. It took off straight up just as it had come down. It was gone from eye sight within about a second. I was able to see it for maybe 35 sec. from the start to finish of the sighting. The sighting took place in Yelm, WA Thurston county. Looking toward the northeast sky. I have never seen anything like it, it was very interesting but at the same time scary.

((NUFORC Note: Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact information. PD))