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Welcome to another exciting episode of Objective:Health's In the News, where we take a look at the latest health headlines bouncing around the collective consciousness and give you the O:H take.

On this week's show we talk about the reactions, and overreactions, to the dropping of mask mandates by a number of travel companies in the US. Most people cheered, but a particular breed is demanding the mandates be brought back.

We also discuss the anti-Covid pill currently being promoted by the Biden administration (don't worry; they say they have enough to go around, so you won't miss out!) We also talk about a proposed bill in Rhode Island that would impose fines on the unvaccinated and charge them double in tax!

Join us for all this and more on our latest episode of Objective:Health.

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Running Time: 00:35:45

Download: MP3 — 32.7 MB