© Twitter Courtesy Of Toni Beckman
It's beginning to look at a lot like Christmas! ๐ŸŽถ

Hey everybody, it's officially winter in Alberta. You heard it here first.

People across the province woke up to some serious snow this morning and naturally, the internet is now filled with photos and videos of the way-too-familiar sight.

As of now, there aren't any weather alerts posted on the Environment Canada website for the area, so we can just enjoy the pretty (but chilly) scenes.

Calgary is currently sitting at -1 C and more snow is expected today as well as on Saturday and Sunday, according to The Weather Network.

As for Edmonton, they're looking at 0 C temperatures as of now and more snow overnight. They'll also be seeing snow on Friday and Sunday, says The Weather Network.

While Albertans are used to snow basically at any and all times of the year, this one hits different.

We had a truly wonderful fall and it's now time for us to buckle up and plunge into winter.

Drive safe, everyone.