photo was used for illustrative purposes only.
Photo used for illustrative purposes only.
On September 14, Environment Canada issued frost advisories for certain southern parts of the province, predicted for the following days. But frost seems like a blessing when you find out that some of Northern Quebec got snow dropped on it this Saturday.

Yes, snow... in September. Which means it may just be time to pull out your hats, scarves and mittens.

A meteorologist for MétéoMedia, Sophie Colombani, tweeted "Snow this morning on the side of the Réserve faunique des Laurentides" on Saturday, September 19. She also noted that Montreal's temperature dropped to 2 C the previous night.

The video above gives you a little taste of what that snow looked like: white and fluffy.

The Weather Network's fall 2020 predictions expect "lots of sunshine and above-average temperatures" for October and November though, so there may still be hope for a more-than-one-week-long fall season in Quebec.