big nose
© Barbara KelleyLies politicians tell us
Did you happen to see, by any chance, the interview Bret Baier did on Fox News with a soy-eater named T.J. Ducklo, who serves as the national press spokesman for the Joe Biden campaign?

If you didn't, you really missed out, because it was pretty destructive. And with that, we'll launch into our Five Quick Things, which all fall under the category of evidence that the Biden campaign is the most shameless pack of liars ever unleashed on the American people.

This is by no means whatsoever an exhaustive list. It's simply the first five things that came to mind. We could easily come up with 25 more.

1. Joe Biden never opposed the China travel ban.

Seriously. That's Ducklo's statement in the Baier interview on Wednesday. He actually said that Biden never opposed it.

Biden said Trump's ban on travel from China, which was more or less the first thing the president did when the full scope of COVID-19 began to unfold in late January, was racist.

"This is no time for Donald Trump's record of hysteria and xenophobia, hysterical xenophobia, and fearmongering to lead the way instead of science," he said on the very day Trump announced the ban.

Two months later, when it was obvious the travel ban was the right call and the American people fully recognized just how awful the Chinese communists were in spreading COVID-19 around the globe, Biden quietly jumped on board with the travel ban. Now Ducklo is trying to gaslight Bret Baier into the idea Biden was with Trump on the ban all along, while at the same time now spreading the calumny that Trump's COVID-19 response killed close to 200,000 Americans.

It's laughable, but it isn't the most laughable thing Biden has going.

2. Biden wouldn't really end fracking. Honest!

There's a reason why Biden's poll numbers, the ones that aren't the product of grossly fraudulent polls oversampling Democrats like this was the 1964 election cycle, have him getting slaughtered in Pennsylvania.

That being the fact, Pennsylvanians have grown pretty fond of fracking and the jobs and economic activity that shale gas has produced in the western part of the state, where dying factory towns have sprung back to life over the past decade.

And the tax revenues fracking has generated for the state government have been remarkable.

So much so that State Rep. Rob Matzie, a Democrat, was quoted not long ago as saying, "A candidate who wants to ban hydraulic fracturing cannot win the state."

But Joe Biden needed to fleece as many left-wing Dem voters as he could in order to win the nomination over the other loons in the Democrats' clown car, so he jumped on board the anti-fracking train. There's a video out there that Americans for Tax Reform put together convincingly proving that Biden did everything he could to promise the Hard Left he would eliminate hydraulic fracturing. There are about a dozen different video examples of him saying it.

So he starts polling like poison in Pennsylvania, and the first place he goes when he leaves his basement after the Democrats' convention is Pittsburgh. And he immediately gets asked about fracking, and just as fervently as he said he would eliminate it if he becomes president he's now swearing he won't.

Yes, Joe, you're a liar. Either you lied to your own voters by promising them you'd end fracking, or you're lying to us now trying to make us believe you won't. Either way, no credibility.

This is a quite common theme with Biden's campaign, you know.

3. It's really Trump who's pushing those riots in Democrat-run cities, folks.

This one is the biggest whopper of the bunch, and it's likely the one by which Biden ultimately cuts his own throat.

Not only did Biden and his campaign not act to discourage the riots in Portland, Seattle, Minneapolis, New York, Chicago, and elsewhere, they actively pushed them. It was before she was tapped as the vice-presidential nominee, but Kamala Harris did an interview with Steven Colbert in which she said they would continue and that they should continue.

That obviously didn't discourage Biden from nominating Harris.

Meanwhile, Biden's campaign staffers were donating to a fundraising campaign that raised bail for rioters in those cities.

At the time the public had some sympathy for the Black Lives Matter movement in the wake of George Floyd's death, mostly because people are tired of being dragged through this wringer and they're willing to support just about anything that will make these race riots go away. But when Black Lives Matter does nothing constructive and continuously teams up with Antifa to burn down blue cities with the active support of the political class that runs them, it's bound to violate Alinsky's Rule No. 7: "A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag."

And the polls began showing exactly that. Plus, Trump's campaign smartly adopted a law-and-order message, collecting endorsements from police unions, sheriffs, and other law-enforcement officers around the country.

And now Biden and his team are hilariously trying to claim it's Trump supporters who are turning peaceful protests into riots.

Well, if that's true, if it's a bunch of white dudes in MAGA hats and Hawaiian boogaloo shirts with long guns who are looting and burning commercial establishments and cracking skulls of cops, then why in the hell haven't Lori Lightfoot, Muriel Bowser, Ted Wheeler, and the rest of America's Useful Idiot mayors not called in the SWAT teams to put them down?

Amusingly, over the weekend the legislative director for the Speaker of the House in Oregon was arrested in Portland for ... rioting. Neither the Speaker nor his legislative director are registered Republicans, so you'll know. Nor are they independents.

Absolutely nobody believes Biden's line on the urban violence, which is why you will search far and wide on CNN in a vain attempt to find any mention of riots anymore. Not even when Antifa arsonists are busy trying to burn down the whole west coast Australia-style.

But this is Trump's doing. They've gone from saying Trump is responsible because his leadership made leftists mad enough to riot to saying it's a bunch of Trumpers out there looting Target.

The contempt for the voters is impressive, is it not?

4. Mask mandate? Who said anything about a mask mandate?

For sheer humor, there is this bit of crawfishing from Biden โ€” he actually had a TV ad running pushing the mask mandate he called for while he was on TV denying that he was pushing a mask mandate.

Most of Biden's about-faces have at least kicked in after his previous lies expired. In this case, Team Biden was saying two precisely opposite things at the same time.

Remember how this got started. This was Biden in August:
"Every single American should be wearing a mask when they're outside for the next three months at a minimum โ€” every governor should mandate mandatory mask wearing. The estimates by the experts are that it will save over 40,000 lives in the next three months. Forty thousand lives, if people act responsibly.

"Let's institute a mask mandate nationwide starting immediately, and we will save lives."
And he doubled down on it:
"It's not about your rights. It's about your responsibilities as an American. Wearing the mask is less about you contracting the virus. It's about preventing other people from getting sick. [...] This is America. Be a patriot. Protect your fellow citizens. Step up, do the right thing."
Harris gushed, "This is what real leadership looks like." Yeah, whatever, baby.

Then, Saturday, when his ad was still running, he went on TV in Arizona and said this:
"Here's the deal, the federal government ... there's a constitutional issue whether the federal government could issue such a mandate, I don't think constitutionally they could, so I wouldn't issue a mandate."
So, Kamala, what kind of leadership is this, again?

And lastly, but certainly not finally:

5. Whaddya mean, defunding the police? Trump is the one who wants to do that!

Here's one where Team Biden has at least attempted to present an argument that they haven't lied. It isn't a good argument, mind you, but we are talking about Team Biden here.

In the Democrats' platform, you'll find an entry calling for the defunding of the police. It's there. It doesn't specifically say that they want to defund the police. What it says is they want to redirect money from policing to, essentially, social work.

Which means defunding the police.

It certainly means that to the police, which is why all the cop unions have all lined up behind Trump. That and the riots, which Biden says are Trump's fault, as you know.

Biden and his crew have been running around since polling data came out indicating that defunding the police might be the turdiest turd ever turded as a campaign promise, denying that what is in their platform is in their platform. But there's a problem.

Which is that we have places around America where they've actually defunded the police this year. And none of them are Republican places. They're Democrat cities like Minneapolis, New York, Seattle, Portland, and so forth.

Has Biden denounced his fellow Democrats for defunding the police? Not so much. Instead he denounced ... Trump.

"The only guy that actually put in a bill to actually defund the police is Donald Trump," Biden said in an interview with ABC's Robin Roberts, after she asked him about his support for the Clinton crime bill back in 1994, which was responsible for locking up such a vast number of black men in America. Biden was talking about a proposed $500 million cut in a Trump budget proposal to a fund that pays to put more cops on the street.

Here's the problem, Joe. The cops themselves, the ones who follow this most, have adopted the old Ron Burgundy saying.

"I don't believe you."

Of course they don't. It's impossible to believe this guy, because if you believe him about anything he says, he'll turn around and say the exact opposite before your very eyes.

That's what you get when you've lied all your life even before you lost your mind. He's a liar run by liars, and the only thing you can trust about Biden is that he'll say absolutely anything in an effort to swindle the country into giving him and his handlers power over our lives.

Let's call that a bad idea and lay the biggest electoral smackdown on Biden any modern major-party candidate has ever suffered.
About the Author:
Scott McKay is publisher of the Hayride, which offers news and commentary on Louisiana and national politics. He's also a novelist โ€” check out his first book Animus: A Tale of Ardenia, available in Kindle and paperback.