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© AFP/Abdullah Doma
August 23, 2020 Tripoli, Libya Protestors took to the streets of Tripoli and surrounding cities to protest the untenable living conditions in the city and in the whole of Libya. The city of Tripoli that has been under the control of the so called Government of National Accord (appointed by and supported by the UN) since 2015. Since that time the GNA has not done one government like activity in Libya. The GNA is made up of radicals, mostly Muslim Brotherhood but some Al Qaeda and LIFG. The Libyan people would have never agreed or voted to put such people in charge of their banks, government ministries or other such institutions. The criminals in the GNA were appointed by someone in a meeting in Tunisia. The elected government of Libya - the HOR (House of Representatives) rejected a group of men appointed in a foreign country to rule in Tripoli so the UN sneaked them in by the dark of night by boat to Tripoli. Once they landed they were under the protection of Belhaj, the terrorist leader of the LIFG in Tripoli. The GNA having put their feet on Libyan soil were immediately recognized as the legitimate government of Libya by the UN. This recognition was to last for 2 years, but since the GNA has not complied with one article of the so called Shkirat agreement, why should they be bound by the 2 year time limit. The corruption of the GNA regime knows no bounds. The first principle of the Shkirat agreement was to "Ensure the democratic rights of the Libyan people". Serraj, the man appointed to head the GNA by God only knows who; was a furniture salesman, I am pretty sure he cannot even spell the word democracy. Serraj is of Turkish decent and a full blown PUPPET of the Turkish madman "Erdogan".

The downhill slide of the living conditions, rights of the people, etc., started immediately after the GNA regime was installed. The situation continues to worsen daily. Billions of dollars of Libyan funds have been "GIFTED" to Turkey without any conditions attached. Billions of Libyan dollars have been paid to terrorist mercenaries brought into Tripoli to secure the criminal activities of the GNA regime and purchase weapons to be used against any Libyan that does not bow down to the Muslim Brotherhood. This is the reason the oil was shut off by the great tribes of Libya. They said we will no longer allow the money from Libya's oil resources to be used by the GNA and Turkey to kill our people.

Yesterday, August 23, 2020; .as the people of Tripoli took to the streets demanding the removal of Serraj and his criminal GNA radical regime because they have suffered too long now with no electricity, no food, no medicine, no water, no gasoline, etc. - 22 YOUNG PEOPLE were shot and killed by the GNA regime using their terrorist mercenaries - paid for with the Libyan people's money. The Libyan people demand the removal of all their so called governments - there is no support for the people from any of them and there is no legitimate government in Libya. They call for a country wide election that was promised to them years ago.


In 2011 the entire country, security and government was DESTROYED by NATO because 2 protestors were shot by Qatari snipers in Benghazi and it was blamed on Ghadafi. Hillary Clinton's legacy continues in Libya. The people suffer every day with a criminal regime that does nothing except support the theft of Libya to a Turkish madman who wants to reinstate one of the most brutal regimes in the history of the world - the "Ottoman Empire". The entire destruction of Libya was based on a lie and the continuation of the oppression of the Libyan people by the UN and its minions is a crime against humanity that the world refuses to recognize.

The UN in its report today about the protests in Tripoli barely covers the reasons and the results of the protests. But, if you remember in 2011, the reports of crimes in Libya were embellished to the point of it being worse than Nazi Germany. A small slap on the hand of the GNA that there will be an investigation into the use of force means absolutely nothing will happen. Why is that? Because the GNA is the creature created by the UN. All that is required to help Libya return to a peaceful country is to remove the virus that is making it sick, that virus is the GNA and Turkey. Link to UN report:

You will not find one legitimate reports about what happened in Tripoli on August 23, 2020. The national media outlets are reporting protests with some blaming problems on Ghadafi supporters. Again they try to turn the world against Libya with lies. It is the terrorist mercenaries that shot the people - some of the protestors attempted to fight back but in the end the mercenaries are better armed and have no oversight so they kill randomly. You will not see a report of 22 killed in any media outlet.

The list of those killed has been made known in Libya and i will post it below this article.

Another effect of these protests has been an increased urgency by Turkey to take over Libya by force. As the Turkish madman, Erdogan sees his puppet in Tripoli failing and possibly soon to be gone, taken out by the Libyan people, he has begun to move his warships towards the Sirte harbor. The Libyan National Army and the Egyptian army are both on high alert as Turkey has been warned to keep their war ships away from Libya.

Make no mistake, there will be no ceasefire in Libya, it is a red herring. The same dirty game played by the UN during the Berlin talks. When the Libyan peoples army agreed to the terms and pulled out of Tripoli, the Turkish supported GNA did not and claimed a victory over the Libyan army. The LNA will not fall for this again, no matter if Serraj or Saleh of the GNA and HOR respectively, state such things. There can be no ceasefire when your country is illegally occupied and being stolen from on a grand scale by terrorists. You cannot negotiate with terrorists.

Things are coming to a head in Libya, the people are standing against the corruption and terrorists that were planted in their country by NATO and Hillary Clinton. They will take back their country or they will die. The US people had better pay attention, the same dirty tricks are being played on the US citizens today and the results will be the same. It is all part of the New World Order Khazarian Zionists agenda.

libya protesters
libya protesters murdered