© ReutersRep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX)
Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) introduced a House resolution Thursday calling on lawmakers to ban organizations or political groups that have historically supported the Confederacy or slavery in the U.S., a list he said includes the Democratic Party. Gohmert said in a statement:
"A great portion of the history of the Democratic Party is filled with racism and hatred. Since people are demanding we rid ourselves of the entities, symbols, and reminders of the repugnant aspects of our past, then the time has come for Democrats to acknowledge their party's loathsome and bigoted past, and consider changing their party name to something that isn't so blatantly and offensively tied to slavery, Jim Crow, discrimination, and the Ku Klux Klan."
The resolution is co-sponsored by GOP Reps. Andy Biggs (Ariz.), Jody Hice (Ga.), Randy Weber (Texas) and Andy Harris (Md.)

It comes after the House on Wednesday voted to remove from the Capitol statues of people who served in the Confederacy or defended slavery.

The vote followed weeks of nationwide protests against racial inequality and police brutality sparked by the killing of George Floyd. Protests and demonstrations have targeted statues of Confederate leaders, explorer Christopher Columbus, former President Andrew Jackson and others.

Gohmert on Thursday said the legislation
"failed to address the most ever-present historical stigma of the United States Capitol, that is the source that so fervently supported, condoned and fought for slavery that was left untouched, but without whom, the evil of slavery could never have continued as it did to such extremes that it necessary to address here in order for the U.S. House of Representatives to avoid degradation of historical fact and blatant hypocrisy for generations to come."
The Democratic Party supported the institution of slavery during the time of the Civil War, though the modern Democratic and Republican parties bear little resemblance to their 19th century iterations.

Gohmert also cited examples of racist policies within the Democratic Party's history, including former President Woodrow Wilson's endorsement of racial discrimination.

He suggested that the party change its name Thursday, saying that "that is the standard to which they are holding everyone else, so the name change needs to occur."

During a congressional hearing on reparations last year, Gohmert also tried to make the point that Democrats were historically the party that supported slavery, as a protester interrupted by shouting "you lie!"