Ben Shapiro
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Joshua Topolsky, co-founder of Vox Media's The Verge, shared incredibly inflammatory and Holocaust-related tweets on Sunday about conservative personality Ben Shapiro.

Topolsky later deleted the tweets after facing immense backlash on the internet.

What are the details?

According to screenshots courtesy of Parkland, Florida, student Kyle Kashuv and others, Topolsky wrote, "Ben Shapiro is the Jew who helps other Jews onto the train."

Twitter user Namir Yadid responded, "... Ben dreams of the handshake and shiny medal he'll get for being such an obedient boy."

"Either way, Ben ends up on his knees," Topolsky answered.

All of Topolsky's tweets have been deleted, but you can see them below, preserved forever for the internet's viewing.

When asked by myriad social media users asking questions as to how he could, in good conscience, make such comparisons - as well as how he could have the gall to write the tweets only to later delete them - Topolsky responded, "I deleted it because a mob of right-wing babies were flooding my mentions and it was frankly pretty annoying (as were the DM death threats. I didn't apologize lol."

Despite the negative backlash, Topolsky refused to admit that his remarks were entirely inappropriate and inflammatory, and instead went about dismissing his own controversial comments as simple metaphors.

Another user said that Topolsky should "be a man" and tag Shapiro in his commentary about the conservative pundit, and that's when Shapiro himself chimed in.

"He blocked me long ago," Shapiro said of Topolsky.