sessions Trump Nunes
© Washington PressJeff Sessions (L) Donald Trump (C) Devin Nunes (R)
Representative Devin Nunes (R-CA) on Thursday states that the Federal Bureau of Investigation may have violated numerous federal statutes in direct ignorance of the law in order to perpetuate their desires to bring down the President of the United States of America and extend their prowess as an all-powerful intelligence agency.

The FBI and DOJ have trampled on the Constitution

We've watched for months now as the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has been exposed as the behemoth of corruption and criminal wrongdoing in America, misusing the tools available at their discretion to harass American citizens and violate their Constitutional rights.

By using the now-infamous Fusion GPS Dossier, which was funded directly by Hillary Clinton's campaign for President and the Democratic National Committee (DNC) as a grounds to submit a FISA warrant application, the FBI essentially branded itself as an arm of the Democratic Party, and that's outright terrifying.

Despite a Special Agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation has a political preference, there should never be such a bias used as a tool in conducting law enforcement investigations against a candidate of either party, but the FBI clearly was infested with the Obama Regime's Marxist appointees who had one goal in mind: destroying President Trump.

Devin Nunes is one of many elected officials who has led the charge in outing these criminal actions which occurred under now-fired FBI Director James Comey and spread unto the Justice Department under Loretta Lynch.

"Former and current DOJ and FBI leadership have confirmed to the committee that unverified information from the Steele dossier comprised an essential part of the FISA applications related to Carter Page," Nunes wrote in his letter to the Attorney General.

Trust Attorney General Jeff Sessions

FBI Director Christopher Wray and DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz also received a carbon copy of the letter, with much of the public giving all their hope to the office of the OIG Horowitz to bring about full justice in regards to all FISA abuses committed within both three FBI and DOJ.

We know that despite the little being said publicly, the Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Inspector General Horowitz are going by the book to ensure the investigation is handled carefully and meticulously.

Sessions receives a ton of criticism, but people forget this is the largest criminal corruption case in American history, and if so much as a millimeter of inaccuracy is committed then prosecution of these former Presidential appointees and potentially President Obama himself will collapse under the microscope in a court of law.

Had Sessions not recused himself, and been engaged in endless Detective work, we'd not see the revelations and exposures that have been leaked to the public or became headlines surrounding the FBI and Obama Administration. Sessions gets no credit for all of this work, but those following closely understand what's actually happening.

President Trump knows this too, to suggest he's not masterfully playing a game of chess with his public criticism means you're not understanding what President Trump is capable of doing: distracting the left with wordsmithing.

Trump understands that Attorney General Jeff Sessions and the Inspector General Horowitz have spent thousands of hours digging into the facts surrounding the FISA abuses and are fully responsible for discovering the crimes committed by the former Administration.

If you haven't learned by know President Trump is a chessmaster, you haven't been paying attention

Yes, it's highly frustrating when we've not seen prosecution yet, but the key word is "yet," and it's going to happen.

Actual crimes which endangered America's national security committed by Hillary Rodham Clinton and the Obama Administration were covered up without regard for preserving our nation's reputation, and those who are challenging this corruption are being slandered with defamatory lies by the mainstream media.

It's a major part of why the media, acting on behalf of their Democratic and Globalist masters, continued to push a "Russian collusion" lie for ages, to protect the criminals within their party.

As the House Intelligence Committee Chairman, Nunes wrote a letter to Attorney General Jeff Sessions saying that "in this instance, it's clear that basic operating guidance was violated."

Citing the Domestic Investigations and Operations Guide (DOIG), Nunes announced that the Attorney General of the United States of America is well within his rights to investigate, and if deemed necessary, prosecute the crimes committed by the FBI as they directly operated against standard policy and procedure of the DIOG, and unlawfully conducted surveillance of American citizens by basing such surveillance on the illicit Fusion GPS Dossier.

"We believe the Department of Justice must adhere to the high standards in the FISA court," Attorney General Jeff Sessions said on Tuesday. "Yes, it will be investigated. And I think that's just the appropriate thing the inspector general will take that as one of the matters he'll deal with."

The Obama Regime and his Marxist appointees have destroyed all integrity within the DOJ and FBI

This isn't the first time the DOIG has been violated either. In 2010, the Department of Justice Office of Inspector General (OIG) report addresses alleged cheating on the Federal Bureau of Investigation's (FBI) new Domestic Investigations and Operations Guide (DIOG), which you can view by clicking here at the Department of Homeland Security website .

With these problems occurring throughout the tenure of the Obama Regime, it brings about a question as to why the previous Administration was engaged in weaponizing the FBI, to begin with.

It also begs to ask that if the FBI committed such extraordinary violations of the Constitutional rights of high-profile individuals inside the Trump campaign, what lengths did they go to trample upon the freedoms of everyday Americans?

The FBI is dangerous, and their criminal actions under Obama's reign through James Comey must not go unpunished. The people not only demand justice, they deserve justice.

As we know, we have a major problem in America with a lack of justice for the elite class which continues to disregard the nation's laws - as having been displayed in the 2016 Presidential election cycle.

With Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) and Representative Devin Nunes (R-CA) conducting their own respective assessments of the potential crimes committed, and Jeff Sessions himself announcing the Office of the Attorney General will begin to investigate the know FISA abuses, we could see a systematic "domino effect" occur as those involved in the alleged conspiracies to commit sedition against a sitting President flee from the scene of the crime and work cooperatively with federal authorities in order to avoid their own prosecution.

Chuck Grassley and Devin Nunes are patriots

Make no mistake, both Nunes and Grassley are committed to exposing all corruption which has occurred within the federal government.

Nunes and Grassley have sparked much hope for legitimate investigations to take place into what may have been illegally obtained FISA warrants and illegally conducted surveillance of American citizens such as Carter Page, who some suggest may have been an FBI Informant or plant the entire time, although this has yet to be confirmed by the Bureau.

Whether or not Page was or was not an FBI asset is irrelevant in the fact that the FBI has used him as a scapegoat for the alleged illicit surveillance of the Trump campaign, as well as the surveillance of the Trump transition team after winning the Presidency.

I've commonly used this metaphor in describing the illicit surveillance of Americans by the FBI, and I'll use it again: the Statue of Liberty herself shed tears at witnessing the disposable efforts of the Bureau to cover up actual crimes committed by both Hillary Clinton and potentially several members or the Obama Administration.

It's an outright travesty that this was ever allowed to occur, and it's clearly continued after Trump was elected and took office with the politically motivated surveillance and direct assault upon honorable patriots like General Michael Flynn.

Patriots like Michael Flynn have had their reputations destroyed by the vile Democratic Party

With millions of amateur sleuths on the internet having examined all of the evidence surrounding the FISA abuses committed under Obama and Comey, they've all reached the same conclusion: the FBI poses a legitimate threat to the American people, and it has to be stopped.

With even the National Security Agency having investigated these FISA abuses, and a result putting the FISA court on notice, it's miraculous that the media failed to cover any of this during the 2016 elections, knowing that it would further vilify their coronation of Hillary Clinton to ascend unto the Presidency.

Democrats such as the likes of House Intelligence Committee member Representative Adam Schiff (D-CA) have downplayed these revelations in an effort to dilute the importance of the crimes committed by the FBI and their Democratic operatives, knowing that numerous Democrats have engaged in potentially criminal liabilities in their cover-up efforts as a result.

After the release of the Democratic memo from the House Intelligence Committee, it became crystal clear that the Democratic Party has zero integrity or interest in seeking justice for the American people and the victims of these FISA abuses.

The clock keeps ticking away, and the frustration of the American people grows with each passing hour.

The elites are not susceptible to avoiding prosecution, and they must be brought to justice.