Dust storm in Syria
© YouTube/Realitynews
A mysterious conglomeration of dust, clouds, and rain briefly settled on the Israeli border with Syria, near Golan Heights, thwarting Daesh militants from entering the region, and many in Israel are certain the storm was a result of divine intervention.

On December 1, at around 8 a.m., an enigmatic weather phenomenon occurred on the other side of Israel's eastern border with Syria, "in the same place where [Daesh] attacked Israel," Israel News Online wrote in a Facebook post. Evidently the meteorological event would not cross the border between the two sides. It just remained in the sky like a gate preventing the two sides from fighting, at least for a short time.

Israel News Online opened up the floor, requesting that any suggestions of what it was, how it happened, or why it happened, be listed in the comments section. Some responded they "absolutely" saw it as the work of God, while other commenters said it was a "fake" news story.

Here is a video captured by an Israeli Defense Force soldier:

To the fake news quip, Israel News Online replied succinctly: "For some just the fact it was there is enough. Belief is powerful. Weather facts are true too. Maybe it's just a coincidence that it sat between ISIS and the IDF [Israeli Defense Force] camp. Who knows and actually who cares. It lifted the spirits of over a million people in this page along for whatever their individual reasons are.

"That's powerful in itself."