Trump meeting with NYT
© Hiroko Masuike/NYT
The NYT liberal elite sat down with Trump and his team. The audio tape can be found at the NYT web site here.

One NYT reporter comments on the interview, noting...
It did leave me worrying more about corruption than gross incompetence, and I would prefer corruption to gross incompetence.

Which explains why the liberal left and NYT had absolutely no problem with Hillary Clinton's extensive corruption. Via the NYT:
The interview with Donald J. Trump is on. Then, abruptly, it's off. What's that? Oh, it's back on again.

So here we are, in a boardroom at The New York Times, over a lunch of salmon and steak, sitting around a giant wooden table with the president elect, posing questions to a man who has mocked, maligned and threatened us for the past two years.

What actually happened in that room, when Mr. Trump sat down with the editors, reporters and columnists for The Times on Tuesday? How did it feel? What did we learn about him? And why, after all the taunts and outbursts, was Mr. Trump so civil toward us โ€” nice, even?
In the latest episode of The Run-Up, I reconstruct this extraordinary hourlong session with the president-elect, by using exclusive audio clips from the encounter. And I speak to two of my colleagues who, like me, participated in the interview: Maggie Haberman, a politics reporter, and Ross Douthat, a Times op-ed columnist.
Another notable exchange between the three NYT journalists comes at the 3:00 minute mark...
Trump can be charming.

If there is anything that the Clinton people missed it was that.

Hillary Clinton is many things but she is not that funny.

She can be, just not with reporters and other people.
So there you have it, Hillary is really a funny, likable person...just not in front of reporters and people. Trump on the other hand is, like it or not liberal media, simply "charming."