Although the 2015-16 snow season atop Mount Washington ends June 30, Mother Nature dropped 3.7 inches of the stuff on Sunday which allowed staff at the Mount Washington Observatory make this pair of snowmen
Although the 2015-16 snow season atop Mount Washington ends June 30, Mother Nature dropped 3.7 inches of the stuff on Sunday which allowed staff at the Mount Washington Observatory make this pair of snowmen
"It is June not January...right?" Mount Washington Observatory officials asked from on their Twitter account.

The comment may seem out of place with summer weather in the forecast for Massachusetts this week, but on Mount Washington, the seasons are easily confused.

According to The Boston Globe, the mountain, which stands at 6,288 feet, received 5.5 inches so far this June—with almost two of those inches falling Sunday night.

With the additional snowfall, the summit is on track to have one of its top five snowiest Junes since 1932, the observatory said.

Chris Legrow, a meteorologist at the National Weather Service, told the Globe that Mount Washington typically gets about an inch of snow during June due to its high altitude.

The mountain's record for June is 8.1 inches of snow in 1959, the Globe reported.