On any a clear day you can usually spot a white trail from an airplane in the sky. They might be fun to look at, but they could be the reason more solar radiation is reaching our surface. Researchers have found new data that suggests the layer of crystals left from the contrails is causing a more diffuse type of light.
On a clear day you can usually spot a white trail from an airplane in the sky.

They might be fun to look at, but they could also be the reason more solar radiation is reaching our surface, scientists have warned

Researchers have found new data that suggests the layer of crystals left from the contrails is causing a more diffused type of light.

There isn't enough data to support how much of an effect the icy haze left by airplanes has had, but researchers believe it might be altering the climate system.

'This haze is caused by airplanes, and it is gradually whitening blue skies,' said Charles Long of NOAA's Earth System Research Laboratory, at a press conference this week at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting.

'We might be actually conducting some unintentional geoengineering here.'

This theory comes from a previous study of how much sunlight reaches Earth's surface.

From the 1950s to the 1980s, the sun's light seemed to dim then started coming back in full force, proving that energy isn't constant.

When scientists looked for a cause, they tried linking these changes to the sun's variable output, said Martin Wild of the Institute for Atmospheric and Climate Science at ETH Zurich during the press conference.

But they couldn't find any correlations.

'If it's not the sun, it must be the atmosphere' responsible for the change, he said.

Tremendous amounts of aerosols were sent into our atmosphere in the mid-20th century, which ultimately blocked some of the sun's energy.

This was caused by the soaring levels of pollution, but once highly populated countries like the U.S. and Europe decreased their amount of pollution, including the amount of aerosols, and the sun appeared to slightly brighten.

There isn't enough data to support how much of an effect the icy haze left by airplanes has had, but researchers believe it might be altering the climate system. This theory comes from a previous study of how much sunlight reaches Earth's surface.
In addition to these findings, Long and his colleagues found that some of the sun's light travels directly on the Earth's surface, but some of it gets scattered while traveling through the atmosphere.

With less pollution, this diffuse light should have decreased, but instead it appeared to be increasing.

Comment: Chemtrails, Disinformation and the Sixth Extinction
Additionally, jet aircraft pollution undoubtedly has a negative environmental impact, but it is just one more source of environmental pollution joining a long list: atmospheric nuclear testing, the prevalence of depleted uranium munitions in war zones, oil spills, toxic sludge produced by farming the planet's topsoil to death, urban sprawl, etc.

Chemtrailers claim that dangerous chemical compounds, heavy metals and viruses are being released into the atmosphere in copious quantities and are causing toxicological effects - everything from heavy metal poisoning, Morgellons Disease and respiratory illnesses in humans to plant and animal deaths and degradation of the biosphere in general. They argue that the contrails of aircraft should be dissipating and that the long white streaks and increased cloud cover we see are evidence that a worldwide conspiracy is under way to fit commercial and military jets with technology that releases poisonous substances behind the aircraft as they fly through the atmosphere. As noted, this can be true in a limited number of instances. But take note here: anything that precipitates to the ground under the area where it is sprayed must be released in the lower troposphere, not between 20 and 30,000 feet where most commercial jets fly...

Our environment is changing and human intervention has nothing to do with it. Chemtrailers and Warmists share the same problem: an inability to move beyond an anthropocentric worldview where man believes he is in control.

We're not in control; the Cosmos is. And the changes in our climate are evidence that the Cosmos is cleaning house.

'We've got a mystery here,' Long said.

'There must be something in the atmosphere scattering the sun's light.'

'Small ice particles fit the bill.'

He believes air traffic is the reason for all these particles, as exhaust from an airplane engine has aerosols and water vapor.

In addition to these findings, Long and his colleagues found that some of the sun's light travels directly on the Earth's surface, but some of it gets scattered while travelling through the atmosphere. With less pollution, this diffuse light should have decreased, but instead it appeared to be increasing.
It's extremely cold high in the atmosphere and these particles serve as nuclei for ice crystals, which form the bright contrails seen flowing behind a plane.

Some of these contrails have been found to contribute to climate change, according to other scientists.

A contrail may disappear, but it leaves behind a thin, icy haze.

Although the sky looks clear, the particles are still there until they eventually fall out of the atmosphere.

While still in the sky, the particles scatter the sun's light in a similar way as in other geoengineering projects.

'It seems quite possible that [Long is] seeing something that's real,' said Kevin Trenberth of the National Center for Atmospheric Research. But there's a lot more work that needs to be done to verify the find and make a connection to the climate.

Skies aren't clear all the time, and why they are clear one day and not the next could matter.

'The reason for the clear sky is a factor [Long] needs to explore more,' Trenbeth says.

Long has admitted that his study creates far more questions than it does answers.

Currently, he has only gathered serious data from only one spot in Oklahoma and there could be less sky whitening in places that don't get as much air traffic.

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