Chirs Nwadike
© YouTube Screen CaptureChirs Nwadike
"It's not him," a third San Bernardino shooting witness proclaimed about Sayd Farook and his wife.

The so-called "terror couple" have been accused of masterminding an ISIS terror attack on a Christmas office party where Sayd worked.

Earlier this month, the attorneys for the Farook family maintained that they do not believe the suspects are the ones who carried out the attacks in question.

Several eyewitnesses and family of witnesses and victims initially said that three athletic Caucasian men had been responsible for carrying out the attacks. Police immediately banned them from speaking with the media.

Just days ago, another eye-witness in the office came forward and said that in spite of what the law enforcement and mainstream media narrative is saying, the people who carried out the attack where very athletic, large, Caucasian men, who were three - not two - in number. Farook's wife, it should be remembered weighed approximately 90lbs.

Now, a third prominent eye-witness, Chirs Nwadike, has stepped up to challenge the mainstream narrative. He recently told reporters he received a phone call from an unknown person around 7 p.m., on the evening of the shooting, who told him that he must say that Sayd Farook was the shooter.

Comment: That is not what Nwadike says in the video. While his English is slightly broken, it sounds like he is simply relating how he got a phone call saying that the shooter was Syed, and that he didn't believe it. The reporter asks his response when he found out Syed was the shooter. He says, "I shouted, I couldn't believe it. I knew that, around 7 p.m here - I'd been home by then. [...] Somebody called-- I don't know what-- they told me it was Syed, I said, "No, it's not him!" I told them about it. He's quiet, he doesn't make any trouble." Nothing about the caller telling him he "must say" that Syed was the shooter.

You read that right, he says that he was called and told to change his story and say that Farook carried out the attacks with his wife, even though that is very different than what he witnessed.

Nwadike told reporters:

"No it's not him [Sayd]. I told them about it. He's quiet. He doesn't make any trouble."

"He was just spraying bullets everywhere," Nwadike said. But the gunman was not Sayd, or his wife.

Comment: Nwadike didn't mention the wife in the clips available below. From these short clips it's hard to say whether Nwadike thinks it wasn't Farook because of what he observed (e.g., perhaps skin tone, body size, etc.), or simply because he didn't think Farook could have done such a thing, based on what he knew about his personality. In other words, this man's testimony is not as damning to the official story as the other witnesses, who specifically make mention of three well-built, white men.

Listen to what he has to say and help SPREAD THE WORD!