© Eduard Plate
A hungry fox pacing next to a chicken coup in the garden of a family home in Zeewolde has attacked the person filming its actions on a mobile phone.

Eduard Plate, who is a Flevoland provincial councillor for the VVD, spotted the fox hanging around his neighbours' chickens on Wednesday afternoon and started filming it. After a few seconds the fox turned and saw Plate. It leapt at him, forcing him to run off and stop filming.

Plate called in pest control experts who caught the fox and took it to Lelystad where it was killed, RTL news reports.

The fox had been spotted in the garden on a previous occasion and was hanging around the built-up area since Monday.

According to RTL news, the animal was 'sick' but did not give further details. A spokesman for Faunabeheer Flevoland said it is extremely unusual for a fox to attack someone and that the animal will have felt threatened.